Many teenagers have hobbies. But sometimes these can get in the way of their schoolwork, and parents might worry ________ their success at school. Teenagers often think they ________ be allowed to practice their hobbies as much as they want. Do you agree?

Carla, a fifteen-year-old girl, is talented in singing, ________ is a singing star at school. She dreams to be a professional singer. However, her parents don’t allow her to practice so much because ________ think their daughter should study hard to get good ________ and enter a good university. “We ________ every one of her competitions. We have nothing against singing. But she needs ________ more time on her schoolwork because it’s difficult to become a professional singing star.” says her father. But Carla really disagrees. “I know my parents care about me, And they hope I will have ________ better life in the future. But I take singing _________. I want to make my own decision. Only then will I have a chance to achieve my dream.” says Carla.

Parents have to own the correct attitude (态度) towards the children’s development. ________ it’s normal to want successful children, it’s even more important to have healthy and happy children!

1.A.about C.for D.with

2.A.could B.would C.must D.should

3.A.but B.and C.or

4.A.their B.they C.theirs D.them

5.A.grade B.thank C.grades D.thanks B.supported C.will support D.have supported spend B.spend take D.take

8.A.a C.the D./

9.A.serious B.seriously C.seriousness D.more seriously

10.A.Until B.Since C.Although D.When

I had spent an hour in the bank with my dad to transfer(转账)some money. I asked him, "Dad, why not use online banking?"

"________ would I do that?" He replied.

"Well, then you won't have to spend an hour here transfering your money. You can do your shopping online. Everything will be _____!”I was excited to try to persuade(说服)my father. He asked, "If I do that, I won't ______ to step out of the house?" "Yes! " I said. I told him how Amazon(亚马逊)delivers(递送)everything and how even small things can be delivered to our doors.

However, his answer made me _____ . He said, "Since I walked into this bank today, I have met four of my old friends and I have chatted a while with the staff(员工). I have much free time, so I like to come to the bank and ______ different people. Two years ago, when I was seriously injured, the store owner from whom I buy fruit came to see me and prayed by my bed. ____ , when your mom fell down a few days ago, the bank manager saw her and helped her get to the hospital.”

He continued, "Why would I want to look at my computer all the time? I like to know the person around me. Does Amazon deliver bonds(情感纽带)and _____ as well?"

I was silent after hearing his words. My dad was right, of course. We shouldn't ________ technology so much. It's better to spend time with real people.

1.A.Why B.How C.Where

2.A.happier B.easier C.cheaper

3.A.need B.prefer C.encourage

4.A.upset B.surprised C.relaxed

5.A.hate C.avoid

6.A.Also B.Instead C.However

7.A.values B.thoughts C.relationships

8.A.give up B.depend on C.cut out

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