
【题目】Mark is telling his parents _____ he saw on the way home just now.

A. which B. where C. what D. Why



试题分析:句意:马克正在告诉他的父母在他回家的路上他看到了什么?which 哪一个;B. where 在哪 C. what 什么;D. Why为什么这里缺少saw的宾语,结合句意,故选C


【题目】Evolution (进化) has changed our bodies and faces over thousands of years, and it’s still happening. Here’s how experts predict (预测) what people will be like in 1,000 years.

We’ll be about 1.83~2.13 metres tall because of improved nutrition (营养) and medical science. Our arms and fingers will get longer to reduce the need to reach too far.

We’ll have smaller brains, maybe because computers will help us memorize and think most of the things.

There will be larger eyes and smaller mouths. And there may be fewer teeth as softer food needs less chewing and biting. We could even get our nutrition from liquids or pills in the future.

We can expect other great changes too. Everyone will have the same shape of noses. That’s because climate will have less influence on noses with the help of air conditioning and central heating. Besides, we will have more wrinkles (皱纹) as a result of looking at our electronic devices.

We also may end up with saggy (松弛的) necks because extra sun will cause loose skin. And there will be darker skin as people move around the planet and races (种族) mix.


【1】 Why will people become taller in 1,000 years?

A. Because there will be the newest technology.

B. Because there will be improved nutrition and medical science.

C. Because there will be special medicine for increasing height.

D. Because there will be more and more people doing exercises.

【2】 How will we usually memorize and think?

A. By robots.

B. By larger brains.

C. By computers.

D. By smarter brains.

【3】What kind of food will we probably eat in 1,000 years?

A. Much sweeter food.

B. More delicious food.

C. Fresher food.

D. Softer food.

【4】 What will cause more wrinkles on our faces?

A. Looking at electronic devices.

B. Wearing warm clothes.

C. Using central heating.

D. Getting extra sun.

【5】 Where can you probably read the passage?

A. In a storybook.

B. In a science magazine.

C. In a travel book.

D. In a fashion magazine.

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