Read the three postcards and answer the following questions.

1.Only one writer really is having a great time -which one?Write 1, 2 or 3.________
2.Whom did P.send the postcard to?________
3.Where does Sam come from?________
4.What does Sam do every morning?________
5.Of the three who needed money most?________
1.2.三张明信片的第一句话分别是:(1)This is not my dream holiday.(2)Hi!This is great.(3)Summer camp is going badly.后面的内容也分别以此主题句而展开.所以,过得很愉快的作者就是第二个人. 2.Mr.and Mrs.Davies.(His/Her parents.)写第一张明信片的人就是P.明信片右边是收信人的姓名和地址,由左边称呼语可知是P.的父母亲. 3.England(London, England).Sam是写第二张明信片的人,只能由左边的地址这一线索推知他是哪里人. 4.He has skiing lessons.由“I have skiing lessons every morning and then I practice on the slopes every afternoon.”一句可知. 5.Terry.纵观三张明信片的内容:P.虽很想回家,但并未提到缺钱;Sam过得很愉快;只有Terry提到“Please send me some money immediately.” 所以,答案是Terry. 这三张明信片所涉及的文字内容比较简单,只要注意从称呼语和落款处找到寄卡人和收卡人,答案则很容易找到. |
