
Have you ever eaten at a restaurant that serves Western food? If so, do you remember what the menu looked like? Western restaurant menus are quite different from Chinese restaurant menus. But1. are they different?

Most Western restaurant menus do not have as many2.as Chinese ones do. In some expensive Western restaurants, the menus might not have any pictures at all.

But most Western menus show a list of ingredients (原料)for each dish. If you order a hamburger, the menu might tell you that the hamburger has cheese, mustard (芥末) and so on. The menu can also tell you how the food is 3.for example, whether it is fried(油炸的) or steamed(蒸).

Western restaurants use many different methods to design their menus and make them attract more people. In fact, there is a whole industry called menu engineering, according to the BBC. Menu engineers are experts (专家) at designing menus. Their menus can increase sales and4. customers’ thoughts (想法).

A well-designed menu can encourage customers to eat certain dishes. It can5.make them believe that your restaurant's food is of higher quality (质量), even if they haven't eaten the food yet.

For example, using descriptive (描述性的) words like "juicy"" cheesy" can help dishes sell better. Instead of just writing “steak(牛排)” in their menu, a restaurant might write “sizzling(滋滋作响的) steak”. This makes the steak seem more6..

As you can see, menus are not just simple lists of food.

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