Mr. Dawson is an old man with bad temper (脾气). And everyone in town knew it. Kids were afraid to go into his yard to pick apples.

One day, 12-year-old Janet and her friend Amy had to walk past Mr. Dawson's house. When Janet saw him outside, she suggested they crossed the street to the other side. But Amy said they didn't need to.

When Mr. Dawson saw Amy, he smiled and said: "Hello, Amy! I see you have a new friend with you today." Amy smiled back and told him that Janet would stay with her that night. Mr. Dawson looked friendly and gave them each a fresh apple. The girls were glad to get them.

Later, Janet asked Amy: "Everyone says he is the most unwelcome person in town. Why was he kind to us?" Amy explained that when she first walked past his house, she was also afraid of him. But she preteneded there was an invisible (看不见的) smile on his face and then started talking to him.

"An invisible smile?" Janet was puzzled "Yes," answered Amy, "My grandma told me to think so. She says smiles can run around. If we keep smiling at someone, sooner or later he will really smile back."

Try to remember this, and you will find that most people can't refuse your smile.

1.Why were kids afraid to go into Mr. Dawson's yard to pick apples?


2.What did Janet think of Mr. Dawson after getting an apple from him?


3.Was Amy afraid of Mr. Dawson when she first walked past his house?


4.Who did Amy learn "an invisible smile" from?


5.What does the writer advise us to do?


Dear daddy! How’s everything going? It’s been so many days since you went to Wuhan. Do you still remember the day before you left? I remember I saw the luggage (行李) in your bedroom. I asked you, “Are you going to leave on business?” You smiled and put your hand on my head, saying, “I’m just tidying up some clothes.”

Later that night, I learned that you and mom had asked to be sent to Wuhan and were waiting for a phone call. (A) At that moment, I hoped neither of you would get the call. However, your phone still rang. I almost cried out in fear as if I were going to Wuhan myself.

The next morning, I got up early. During breakfast, (B) you smiled and asked me if I would miss you. I pretended (假装) it was no big deal and said, “I can text you whenever I miss you.”

When you were leaving, I waved (挥手) to you until I couldn’t see you anymore. Tears flowed down my face. I later realized it was Lantern Festival. I wrote down “Bon voyage” and “Waiting for you to come back” in my notebook. I knew the people of Wuhan needed you more than I did. At night, mom sent me some photos of you and the rest of the medical team. I immediately found you in the photos. I pointed you out and yelled, “Hey, this is my daddy!” I was so proud of you!

After you left, I paid more attention to the battle against the novel coronavirus. (C)I wondered whether you would take good care of yourself. Daddy, remember to exercise and get enough rest.

We all miss you every day. I love you, my superhero, forever and ever.

1.把文中 (A) 处画线句子翻译成汉语


2.把文中 (C) 处画线句子翻译成汉语。


3.写出 (B) 处画线单词指代的内容。






It was last June. I entered a supermarket to pick some vegetables, when a young man asked me, “Can you tell me where the _______ counter is?”

“Well, the milk is in the lower right corner,” I replied.

Picking up my things, I finally came to the milk counter where I met the same man _______ almost 10 bottles of milk.

I asked, “Do you need a basket or a trolley (手推车)?”

“Sure, thank you,” he answered.

I was _______ he was still picking more bottles and after a few minutes his trolley had 24 bottles of milk.

I laughed and asked, “Why so many bottles?”

He smiled and said, “These are for my street _______. Today, I want to be a Santa for them.”

I said, “Well, it’s too _______ for you to be a Santa. It is still June and Christmas comes in December.”

He turned at me and walked a few steps, as if he wanted to say something but he left the counter without saying anything.

Luckily, we met again at the bread counter.

“So these bread and cakes are also for the street dogs, Mr. Santa.”

He smiled and said, “Yes. These are also for the dogs and I love to be Mr. Santa in the month of June. Santa is a representation (象征) of surprises and _______. Santa comes in December as we _______ him around Christmas. But in real life there is a Santa in each one of us that shines through our personality at some point time, no matter which month it is. Maybe when you offered help to me by getting me a trolley, there was a _______ Santa in you. When we offer food to a poor man or a(n) _______ to someone who is caught in the rain, we are being Santa there. So when you offer help to others or get help from others, just think that Santa has come all the way for you.”

He left and I was happy that I had met him. It was right to understand that Santa can come before Christmas. We just need to realize that he is ________ us by spreading happiness and unconditional love.

1.A.vegetable B.milk C.bread

2.A.bringing B.choosing C.holding

3.A.surprised B.excited C.angry

4.A.cats B.dogs C.children

5.A.important B.easy C.early B.friendship C.success B.expect C.invite

8.A.lost B.forgotten C.hidden

9.A.umbrella C.scarf front of B.behind C.around

Take a look around your school and you’ll find all kinds of great inventions developed by some really amazing minds. Here are just a few of the people who have helped make schools great.

James Pillans

The blackboard and colored chalks (粉笔)

This headmaster in Edinburgh, Scotland, was the first to use a blackboard and colored chalks in the 1800s. He used them to teach geography.

Anna Breadin

The school desk

This designer designed the first school desk. Her design included storage (储存)space under the table area for books and a folding seat.

John Lee Love

The pencil sharpener (卷笔刀)

The American inventor, John Lee Love, invented a simple portable (便于携带的)pencil sharpener which was known as the “Love Sharpener”.

Edwin Binney and C. Harold Smith


Crayons were invented by cousins, Edwin Binney and C, Harold Smith. At first, they only had eight colors-black, brown, blue, red, purple, orange, yellow and green. Today, they come in hundreds of colors.

Douglas Engelbart

The computer mouse

This American inventor from Oregon invented the computer mouse. The name "mouse" came from the little tail that came out of the end of it.


1.What subject did James Pillans teach?

A.History. B.English. C.Geography. D.Physics.

2.Who was the first school desk invented by?

A.Anna Breadin. B.James Pillans. C.C. Harold Smith. D.Douglas Engelbart.

3.What can we learn from the passage?

A.Edwin Binney and John Lee Love were cousins.

B.John Lee Love invented a simple pencil sharpener.

C.The “Love Sharpener” was invented by a German.

D.The first school desk didn’t have a folding seat.

4.Which color crayons didn’t they have at first?

A.Red. B.Green. C.Black. D.White.

5.The computer mouse was invented by a(n) _______.

A.Australian B.American C.British D.French

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