Good evening, parents, grandparents, aunts, uncles and friends!

Thank you all for coming on this very special day for every student on this stage. I know how proud you must be. As we have grown over the years, there are many steps and stages we all have gone through. From learning our shapes and colors, to getting our first kiss in middle school, or how we explained to our parents why we skipped school (逃课) because the headmaster called home. As we remember these days, things that we’ve done will be with us forever. But this is only the start of our journey. To graduate is one more step we’ve taken in our lives.

Now I would like to thank everyone who has helped me get this far. First of all, thank you to all the teachers. None of us would be here without you always pushing our studying abilities to the fullest. My elder brother Johnson always said, “If anyone is mean to you, I’ll take care of it.” My mom, thank you for always believing in me and putting up with me. And last but not least, my dad, for proving to me that I always need to take responsibility (责任) for my actions and deal with the results. Thank you all! I love you. And I will never fail to be thankful to the people around me.

Lastly, I want to give some advice to all my classmates! The end of junior high school is the beginning of a new life. Many of us may think, “This is as good as it gets!” but the future holds a bigger plan for all of us. We will make mistakes along the way, but the key is to learn from our mistakes and never give up. So good luck and congratulations to the class of 2016. We did it!

1.The passage is most probably ________.

A.a suggestion letter B.a greeting card

C.a graduation speech D.a letter of congratulations

2.What the writer learns from his dad is that _______.

A.knowledge is power should answer for what he does

C.where there is a will, there is a way D.a good beginning is half done

3.According to the writer, many students ________.

A.hardly study at school B.hate to follow others’ advice

C.should pay more attention to the future D.are afraid of dealing with difficulties

4.The writer told his classmates that the key to dealing with mistakes is _______. learn from the mistakes and never give up give up the study

C.not to follow others’ advice D.not to pay attention to the mistakes

5.We can infer from the passage that the writer of the passage is _______.

A.a parent B.a headmaster C.a teacher D.a student

Strange things were happening in the countryside of northeast Hebei. For three days the water in the village wells(井)rose and fell, rose and fell. In the farm yards, the chickens and even the pigs were too nervous to eat. Mice ran out of the fields looking for places to hide. Fish jumped out of their pools. At about 3: 00 a m, on July 28, 1976, some people saw bright lights in the sky. The sound of planes could be heard outside the city of Tangshan even when no planes were in the sky. But the one million people of the city, who thought little of these events, were asleep as usual that night.

At 3: 42 a.m. everything began to shake. It seemed as if the world was at an end! One of the greatest earthquakes of the 20th century had begun. It was felt in Beijing, which is more than two hundred kilometers away. One-third of the nation felt it. Thousands of families in Tangshan were killed and many children were left without parents. The number of people who died or got hurt reached more than 400,000.

All hope was not lost. Soon after the earthquake, hundreds of thousands of people were helped. The army organized people to dig out those who were buried (埋葬), Workers built camps for survivors. Fresh water was taken by volunteers to the city. Slowly, the city began to breathe.

1.Before the earthquake, was everything as usual?


2.How many people died or got hurt in the earthquake?


3.In order to help people in the earthquake area, what did people do?


4.Imagine your home begins to shake and you must leave at once, what will you take Why?


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