

The world celebrates Earth Day every year in April. 1.. Today let's celebrate Mother Earth by learning about some expressions that are related to the word “earth”.

2.We use “on earth” to make strong feelings like surprise, shock and anger even stronger. And we use it a lot. For example, "What on earth are you cooking? It smells awful! "

When you say you will go to the ends of the earth for someone, it means you will do as much as possible to help him. For example, when the wife became sick, the husband went to the ends of the earth to find the best doctor to help her.

We could call a place that is a beautiful and peaceful heaven on earth. "Heaven on earth" could also describe any place that can make a person happy. 3.A library with lots of books would most likely be your heaven on earth. 4. “hell on earth” is a place or situation where things are so bad that you feel as if you are in hell. A war zone or a place destroyed by a natural disaster can become a "hell on earth".

We use “earth” in many expressions that describe not only places, but people. Down-to-earth people are reasonable and dependable. 5.. The expression “salt of the earth” describes a very good person. For example, my neighbors are always helping people in need. I can call them salt of the earth type people. How do you use “earth” in your language?

A.There is also a hell on earth.

B.Know how to use the earth in your expressions.

C.Suppose you love books and reading above all

D.Let's start with the simple and common expression "on earth".

E.It's a day to think seriously about how our lifestyles affect the earth.

F.There is a heaven on earth.

G.They are the right ones to be friends with.



Rebecca is a wildlife camera woman from the United Kingdom. She was filming a documentary for the BBC in the Pacific Ocean________she saw something that made her cry: hundreds of dead birds. They died because they________ate some of the plastic that is thrown into the sea each year. The________on the Pacific islands should have been some of the most beautiful places in the world. But they were________with plastic toys, bottles, pens, cigarette lighters—every plastic thing you can think of.

Rebecca________she had to do something. In her hometown of Modbury in southwest England, she asked local shopkeepers________they could do something to help. She asked________to stop using plastic bags in their shops.

Plastic bags are used________in Britain. The numbers are________. Britain uses nearly 17 billion plastic bags each year. And the bags can________hundreds of years to break down(分解)because they are made of chemicals. Each year, the sea and the environment become more and more polluted.

To Rebecca's________, the shopkeepers agreed and Modbury became the first plastic bag-free town in Britain. Instead, shops________reusable cotton bags or biodegradable(可生物降解的)bags. Other towns________Modbury's example and more towns around Britain and around the world are becoming plastic bag-free.

Now the "bag for life" is part of the national culture, and the________of reducing the use of plastic bags has become law: since October 2015, all shops in the UK must pay five pence for each plastic bag used by each shopper, no matter how generous(大量的)their spending is! It's not enough, but it's a________.

1.A.what B.when C.where D.how

2.A.accidentally B.successfully C.comfortably D.politely

3.A.gardens B.fields C.beaches D.blocks

4.A.covered B.invented C.discovered D.recycled

5.A.chosen B.decided C.completed D.divided

6.A.although B.as C.so D.if

7.A.her B.them C.him D.it

8.A.everywhere B.anywhere C.somewhere D.nowhere

9.A.relaxing B.disappointing C.amazing D.moving

10.A.spend B.cost C.take D.pay

11.A.success B.surprise C.result D.wonder

12.A.give B.find C.hold D.offer

13.A.made B.set C.advised D.followed

14.A.task B.promise C.habit D.subject

15.A.begin B.end C.drop D.start


There are many times that you don’t know what to do when you get bored. Boredom is an emotional state that can affect a person’s attitude. Luckily, there are many fun activities you can do to kill boredom.


Are you paying for a membership at a gym? This is the perfect moment for you to go to the gym and work out for a little bit. There you can relax your mind and get your body in a good shape. Or you can simply go jogging for an hour or so down on the street. Click here to check out some good exercises to burn calories fast.

Clean your house

Why not do some cleaning around the house? Sometimes you don’t have the time to organize your house or take away the things you don’t need. You are embarrassed when you have a guest because your shoes and clothes are everywhere. Take this time to pick up the mess in your room.

Play games in your iPhone

Having an iPhone is like having a boredom killer. There are many things you can do with your iPhone. You can have such a good time playing these games in your iPhone. You might not consider it beneficial to play games in your phone, but this is a way you can release your stress. Click here and find out which games are good for your iPhone.

Take your dog out for a walk

Go out and take some fresh air. Take your dog out to the park or maybe around the block. You can play with your dog and teach it how to do cool stuff. Maybe making your dog to do a cool trick can surprise your friends. If your friends aren’t able to talk to you, to spend time with your dog can be the solution. This may be what you really need to lift up your mood.

1.What is boredom?


2.What can you do at a gym?


3.Why are you embarrassed when you have a guest?


4.What can you do with the dog?


5.What is the passage mainly about?


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