



1.a, have, friend, I, Chinese


2.ping-pong, likes, he, playing


3.us, it’s, play, sports, good, to, for


4.green, favorite, his, color, is


5.my, this, good, is, friend



The Other Side of the Wall

There was a young woman who took great pride in her flower garden. She was raised by her grandmother who taught her to love and _______for flowers. So her flower garden was the best.

One day, while she was looking through a flower list she often order from, a picture of a plant _______ her eyes. She had never _______ blooms on flower like that before. "I have to have it,"she said to herself, and she_______ ordered it.

When it arrived, she already had a _______to plant it. She planted it at the back of her yard.It grew very well, with beautiful green leaves all over it, _______there were no blooms. Day after day she_______ to water it and feed it, and she even talked to it trying to make it bloom.However, It was _______

One morning weeks later, when standing before the vine, she felt very _______ that her plant had not bloomed. She was considering ________it down and planting something else in its place.

It was at this moment that her neighbor, whose yard joined hers, said to her, "Thank you so much! You can't imagine how much I have ________ the blooms of that vine you planted. "The young woman walked________ the gate into her neighbor's yard, and sure enough, she saw that on the other side of the wall the vine was ________of blooms.

They were indeed the most beautiful blooms she has ________ seen. The vine had grown through the crevices and it had not flowered on ________ side of the wall, but it had flowered on the other side.

Sometimes one may not see the good result of his effort, but that doesn't mean it isn't successful.

Word bank

bloom开花 vine 藤本植物Crevice缝隙

1.A.look B.care C.search D.pay

2.A.kept. B.borrowed. C.caught D.learnt

3.A.seen B.smelt C.sold. D.picked

4.A.finally. B.carefully. C.suddenly. D.quickly

5.A.place B.box C.cup D.room

6.A.and B.so C.or D.but

7.A.prepared B.continued C.refused D.preferred

8.A.endless B.useless C.successful D.hopeful

9.A.excited B.nervous C.sad D.frightened

10.A.putting B.taking C.turning D.cutting

11.A.enjoyed B.dreamed C.expected D.hated

12.A.through B.across C.above D.below

13.A.satisfied B.worth C.full D.pleased

14.A.never B.ever C.seldom D.usually

15.A.its B.his C.her D.their

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