

  Tom lived in a city, and his hair was always cut by the same old man. He always cut Tom’s hair as Tom liked it. and while he was doing it, the two men talked about football. One day, when Tom was sitting in his chair, and his hair was being cut as usual, the old man said to him, “Tom, I’m going to be sixty-five years old next month, and I feel tired. so I am going to sell my shop to a young man. He likes to cut hair for people.”Tom was very sad to hear this, because he enjoyed talking to the old man, and he was also worried that his hair would not be cut as well by the new young man as it had been for so many years by his old friend. He went to the shop again the next month, and the new young man was there. He cut Tom’s hair, but he did it badly. The next month. Tom went into the shop again. The young man asked him how he would like his hair cut.and Tom answered, “Please cut it very short on the right side. but leave it as it is on the left. It must cover my ear. On top, cut all the hair away in the middle, but leave a piece at the front. ”The young man was very surprised when he heard this, “But sir.”he said,“I can’t cut your hair like that.”“Why not?”Tom asked. “That’s how you cut it last time.”

1.Who always cut hair for Tom?

[  ]

A.His new friend.
B.A young man.
C.An old man.
D.His old friend.

2.Why was Tom sad to hear what the old man said? Because he was afraid nobody ________.

[  ]

A.would talk about football with him

B.could cut his hair as he wanted it

C.liked to cut his hair

D.would become his friend

3.Which hairstyle(发型)did the young man cut for Tom last time?

[  ]

A.just as the old man did.

B.the kind Tom liked.

C.left short, right long.

D.left long, right short.

4.From the passage we know ________.

[  ]

A.Tom liked his hairstyle cut by the young man last time

B.the young man could cut hair in all different styles

C.Tom wanted the young man to know how badly he did last time

D.the young man was an old hand at cutting hair



    Do you need money? Write a 1etter to Mr.Percy Ross. he will give you some money.

Mr.Ross is a   2  man,and he likes to give people money.   3   does he give people money? People write letters to Mr. Ross. In their letters, they tell him why they need money. Mr. Ross gets 12,000 letters a week. He and his 12 assistants  4   all of the letters.Then Mr.Ross sends money to  5  of the people., Who can get money from Mr.Ross sends usually money to old people.sick people and poor children.A mother wrote  Mr.Ross,“I have two daughters,ages one  6  eight.I give the baby one bottle of milk every day.I want to give her two bottle  milk every day.  7  I don,t have enough money.I also want to give my  8  daughter ice cream sometimes.Can you help me?”Mr.Ross sent thea check.“This check will buy much more than milk and ice cream。”he wrote.

Who  10  get money from Mr.Ross? Mr.Ross usually doesn’t send money to  young,healthy people.A 16一year—old boy wrote,“I need$900 to buy a good used  car.I really need it because I 1ike a girl.She doesn't like me 11  I don,t have a car.”Mr.Ross wrote the boy,“You don't 12  a car.You need a different girlfriend.’’   13  does Percy Ross give people money?  When Mr.ROSS was a boy。he was  very  14  .He worked hard,and now he is a successful businessman.He wants to  15  poor people.And Mr.Ross is getting older.He wants to give all of his money  away before he dies.He says。“Who will get my money? I want to decide.”

1.A.And       B.Maybe     C.For sure        D.So

2.A.rich       B.poor       C.young          D.hardworking

3.A.When     B.Why       C.Where          D.How

4.A.read       B.write      C.return           D.1ooked at

5.A.all        B.none       C.some           D.one

6.A.and       B.or         C.to              D.in

7.A.because    B.but        C.so             D.since

8.A.younger    B.youngest   C.oldest          D.older

9.A.man       B.woman    C.daughter        D.baby

10.A.will      B.mustn't    C.can't           D.so

11.A.because   B.before    C.unless          D.so

12.A.have     B.buy      C.afford           D.need

13.A.Why     B.When    C.How            D.Where

14.A.small    B.rich      C.poor            D.strong

15.A.save     B.raise     C.become         D.help

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