

Last Friday, all three of China's telecommunications(电信运营商) operators announced plans to raise Internet speeds and lower costs for consumers. This came about a month after China’s premier(总理) Li Keqiang said the country needed to do more to provide better Internet services.

China has more Internet users than any other country , but nowadays, average(平均) Internet speeds in China

are only3.4 megabits per second(Mbps,兆位/秒). In the US,however, average Internet speeds can reach l1.1Mbps.

According to China's Ministry of Industry and Informahon Technology(工信部), by the end of this year, the average Intemet speed for users in major cities and towns wi1 be increased to 20 Mbps. Other area in cities wi11 be improved to 10 Mbps. Besides, more than13 million 4G base stations will be built. They wi11 a1low mobile Intemet users to enjoy improved experiences.

And faster speeds wi11 come with lower costs. Average costs for mobile phone Intemet and fixed Internet wi11 be lowered by at least 30 percent next year. China Telecom(中国电信), for example, now gets 3,000 yuan a year for its 100-Mbps Internet service. Last week, the company said it would lower the price by 30 percent or more.

【1】What does the underlined word “consumers” in the passage probably mean in Chinese?

A.费用 B.用户 C.速度

【2】What's the average Internet speed in China now?

A.3.4Mbps. B. 10Mbps. C. 11.1Mbps.

【3】Premier Li Keqiang said China needed to .

A. do more to provide better Internet services

B.bui1d more bus stations in the countryside

C. cal1 on people to use better mobile phones

【4】 We can leam from the passage that .

A. China's telecommunications operators refuse to lower costs

B. Internet speeds in China are faster than in the US nowadays

C. China has the largest number of Internet users in the world

【5】What would be the best title for the passage?

A. More Stations and Fewer Users

B Better Sevices and Higher Price

C. Faster Speeds and Lower Costs









【1】B 词义猜测题。题意;短文中有下划线的“consumers” 的可能的汉语意思是什么? A.费用; B.用户;C.速度。原句说:为consumers减少支出,可以推测出其意思是用户,故选B。

【2】A 细节理解题。题意:中国现在的平均网速是多少?A.3.4Mbps;B. 10Mbps;C. 11.1Mbps。由第二段第一句中的:average(平均) Internet speeds in China are only3.4 megabits per second(Mbps,兆位/秒).可知本题选A。

【3】A 细节理解题。题意:李克强总理说中国需要什么?A. do more to provide better Internet services采取更多措施以提高更好的网络服务;B.bui1d more bus stations in the countryside在农村修更多的公交站;C. cal1 on people to use better mobile phones号召人们用更好的手机。根据第一段第二句:This came about a month after China’s premier(总理) Li Keqiang said the country needed to do more to provide better Internet services.可知本题选A。

【4】C 推理判断题。题意:从文中我们可以了解到什么?A. China's telecommunications operators refuse to lower costs中国电信运营商拒绝降低网费,根据第一段,错;B. Internet speeds in China are faster than in the US nowadays现在中国的网速比美国要快,根据第二段,错;C. China has the largest number of Internet users in the world中国在世界上拥有最多的网络用户,根据第二段:China has more Internet users than any other country(中国比其它任何国家有更多的网络用户。)可知,正确。故选C。

【5】C 题目推断题。题意:短文最好的标题是什么?A. More Stations and Fewer Users更多的机站,更少的用户;B Better Services and Higher Price 更好的服务,更高的价格;C. Faster Speeds and Lower Costs更快的速度,更低的费用。短文主要围绕着中国三大通讯运营商承诺的:提网速,降网费进行的报道。故选C。


【题目】I Don’t Have to Be Like Them(保持真我)

All students have to face their own problems when they are growing up. You may not think that having a good family is a problem. But for me, it was. I had to face the problem of being the youngest of the Smith girls.

We live in a small town in Pennsylvania, US. There are three girls in the Smith family, Amanda, Theresa and me . People often say things to me , like Oh, the three of you, you’re such nice girls. Your sisters are so pretty and so thin! You’re really nothing like them. That made me sad.

At school, all of my teachers had taught my sisters. On the first day of school, they said , “Oh , the youngest of the three! I hope you’re just like your sisters. They’re such wonderful students.”

People always compared(比较) me with my sisters. So I couldn’t help comparing myself with them, too. Theresa was smarter(更聪明的, Amanda was prettier. I began to work hard to be more like them. What my sisters did, I did, too. At last, I became drum major(主鼓手)of our school ’s marching band. Both Amanda and Theresa had been drum majors. I became editor of the school’s newspaper. Theresa had been the editor two years before.

But last year, Amanda went to college(大学), and Theresa went to high school . Now I’m by myself at junior high. Everyone knows me, because I’m the drum major and the newspaper’s editor.

Now I don’t feel like a Smith girl any more, I feel like myself. I’m proud of doing all of the same great things that my sisters did. But the best thing I did was to learn to stop comparing myself with them.

【1】When people compare the author(作者) with her sisters , she feels________

A. happy B. nervous

C. sad D. comfortable

【2】The author _________

A. had the same teachers with her sisters

B. had different teachers from her sisters

C. was taught by some of her sisters’ teachers

D. was taught by herself

【3】Why did the author become drum major of her school’s marching band ?

A. Because she liked that.

B. Because her parents asked her to .

C. Because her sisters did that before.

D. Because her teacher asked her to .

【4】To the author , now the best thing is that ______________.

A. she becomes much better than her sisters

B. she stops comparing herself with her sisters

C. no one compares herself with her sisters

D. she has graduated from the junior school

【5】From the passage, what does the author probably tell us?

A. To be yourself. B. Stop working hard.

C. Learn from the older. D. Do what others say.

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