In his lowest days when few people bought his records, Taiwan singer Steve Chou lived alone in Canada and did little. One day, he passed by a local CD store and heard a song that greatly attracted him.

"My heart tells me that music is the thing I truly want to do, not for fame (名誉) or money," Chou said. That's how we luckily have such a music genius, who has since then composed (作曲) lots of hits for the pop music charts (排行榜).

"Sometimes we need to get close to nature to look deeply into our souls and see what we really want to follow," he said.

Recently he has made public his latest work Lovers Genesis. In this album he explores human relationships In the Internet age. ''Technology itself is a good thing, but it depends on how you're going to use it," is Chou's advice to teenagers.

Chou often gets his music ideas from trips. He has traveled to many places around the world and believes that learning a country's language is the fastest way of experiencing the culture behind it.

Chou has worked hard on learning English to push forward his music career. He has flown to the UK to attend months-long English training schools three times. There he lives with local families and practices daily conversations.

"So I could easily read the English instructions on recording machines and communicate with the local music producers," said Chou, "The music reviews of the US or British singers that I appreciate could help me learn and grow with them."

1.Which of the following about Steve Chou is the correct order?

a. He made public his work Lovers Genesis.

b. He passed by a local CD store and heard a song that greatly attracted him.

c. He composed lots of hits for the pop music charts.

d. Few people bought his records.

A.abcd B.dbca C.acbd D.dacb

2.Why has Chou flown to the UK to learn English?

A.Because he wants to live in the UK.

B.Because his record company asks him to.

C.Because he wants to sell his album in the UK.

D.Because he thinks it will be helpful for his music career.

3.Steve Chou may agree with the following EXCEPT that .

A.taking trips gives him some ideas of music

B.what we really want to follow is the most important is a thing that can bring him fame and money Internet age, technology itself is not a bad thing

4.What is Steve Chou like according to the passage?

A.Kind and helpful. B.Proud and confident

C.Active and hard-working. D.Calm and disappointed.

阅读短文, 根据短文内容回答问题。

France is well known for its fine art, tasty food and romantic scenery(风景). About 75 million visitors come here every year.

France is the largest country in Western Europe. It has a population of over 66 million. The country is home to many famous places of interest, like the River Seine as well as the Eiffel Tower.

Many visitors also come for the country’s art. Sculptor(雕刻家)Auguste Rodin and painter Claude Monet once created their great works here. If you visit France today, it is not a surprise to meet street artists in the city or come across a singer in the subway.

No visit to Paris is complete without a trip to Louvre, one of the largest and most famous museums in the world. Inside, there are 35,000 works of art, such as the painting Mona Lisa by Da Vinci and the statue(雕塑)David by Michelangelo. It would take nine months to enjoy all the pieces.

Besides, French food is world famous. Bread is very important in France. The best known French bread is called a baguette(法棍面包). They are long, delicious and taste salty. Snails (蜗牛)are also a must-have here. French people eat 40,000 tons of snails every year!

But France is not always good. Paris, the city of light, may also show its dark side to visitors. Chinese visitors feel sorry about the crowded subway in Paris.

1.How many visitors come to France every year?

2.If you visit France today, what do you often meet in the street or in the subway?

3.How long does it take you to enjoy all the works of art in Louvre?

4.Besides bread, what food is also a must-have for French people?

5.Why do Chinese visitors feel sorry about the subway in Paris?


The seasons in Australia are not like ours.When it is winter in China,it is summer there.Australia is a southern country.It is in the south of the world.June,July and August are the winter months;September,October and November are spring;the summer is in December,January and February;and March,April and May are the autumn months.The north of the country is hotter than the south.

A very large part of this country has no rain at all.The east coast has rain all the year,and there are no dry months.The southeast winds blow the whole year.They bring rain from the sea.There is not much rain on the west side.The southeastern part of Australia has summer rain from the southeast winds.They only blow here in summer.

The southwestern part of Australia has winter rain.The west winds blow over the southwest in winter only.In summer,the southwest of the country has no rain.In the north of Australia,there is no rain in winter.The rain comes in summer.The northwest winds bring it.

1.It is ________ in Australia in November.

A.spring B.summer

C.autumn D.winter

2.In Australia,it is ________ in the south than in the north.

A.hotter B.warmer

C.colder D.cooler

3.The ________ of Australia has the most rain.

A.eastern part B.southeastern part

C.southern part D.northern part

4.The southwest of the country has no rain in summer because ________. is dry there

B.the west winds never blow

C.the northwest winds blow

D.the west winds blow only in winter

5.There is no rain in winter ________ of Australia. the southeast the north the southwest the south

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