Thanks to an online activity and a stranger with a strong sense of romance and a strong will, an old box full of 70-year-old love letters was returned to its very first owner.

Twenty years ago, a woman named Cherry Vallance got the letters from her neighbor who found them in the top floor of his house and wanted to throw them away. Luckily, they ended up in Cherry’s house where they were once again forgotten until her daughter, Kim Rowe, discovered them again.

The letters were from 1948 and 1949 and were about the first romance between Norma Hall in Kent, England and Bob Beasley, a soldier fighting overseas. That was the only information she had, but Kim heard a lot of moving stories about people and things being found through Facebook years later. She posted the story online.

The Internet found Norma Beasley living in Lincoln, England. She was so surprised to find that her loved love letters still lived in the world, and that they were in the same old box.

The moment makes people smile and also full of tears, though. Norma says she hasn’t looked at the letters yet. Bob passed away late last year, and she is still not ready to face the letters alone.

1.The love letters have a history of ________.

A.70 years B.20 years C.50 years D.only one year

2.________decided to find the owner of the love letters.

A.Cherry Vallance B.Kim Rowe C.Norma Hall D.Bob Beasley

3.From the underlined sentence in Paragraph 4, we know that ________.

A.the letters were dirty B.the old box was very strong

C.the letters were kept well D.the old box wasn’t very pretty

4.What happened to Bob Beasley?

A.He moved to a new house. B.He had left the world.

C.He lost his way home. D.He went to another country.

5.According to the passage, which of the following sentences is NOT TRUE?

A.Norma Hall isn’t Kim Rowe’s grandmother.

B.Norma Beasley is the owner of the love letters.

C.Norma Hall got married to Bob Beasley.

D.Norma Hall has lived in Lincoln since 1948.

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