
— The movie is so wonderful. Do you feel like _______ it tonight?

— Yes. But I am afraid I won’t be allowed _______ out too late.

A.to watch; staying B.watching; to stay C.to watch; to stay D.watching; staying


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Paper or plastic?

After paper, plastic seems to be the most popular material for making banknotes. Compared with paper money, plastic banknotes are stronger and last for a longer time, so people can keep using them. But they are much more expensive to make.

The fifth edition of the Renminbi (RMB) came out on Aug. 30, 2019. These bills will have brighter colors and new security features, which will make printing fake(假的)money even harder. We've been using banknotes for around 1, 000 years. Back in the Northern Song Dynasty, Chinese people made the world's earliest paper money to replace metal coins(金属硬币). These banknotes were called jiaozi.

Obviously, paper money is cheaper to make and easier to carry. These advantages made it more popular than other forms of money. But now, in the digital(数码的)age, paper money seems to be disappearing for the same reason-what's more convenient than not having to carry any money at all?

My life in Beijing is quite different from that in India. 在中国, 我出去的时候很少带钱。I can pay for almost everything by Alipay. It's amazing. However, if you don't take wallet with you, you'll get into trouble.

-Sam from India

China seems to be heading toward becoming a cashless society. From supermarkets to street stalls(小摊), people pay by using the WeChat Wallet and Alipay apps on their mobile phones. Sweden is even closer to a future without paper money. Many Swedish banks no longer even have cash on hand.

But there are worries about creating cashless societies. Some say, "It's unfair to the poor and people without too much education.”It's not easy for them to open bank accounts(账户)or deal with mobile phones. And if all of your money is digital, you may lose your money if your accounts are hacked(黑客攻击).

Although paper money is in a losing war with electronic payment in some countries, it's still a big thing in most parts of the world. It may take a little longer than you think to see it go away.

1.When did Chinese people make the world's earliest paper money?

2.Why is plastic the most popular material for making banknotes? (one reason is OK)

3.What's the advantage of paper money?

4.Please translate the underlined sentence into English.

5.Please translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.

6.Do you think paper money is going away? Why or Why not?

Thang-ga(唐卡)is a special kind of painting .It was found only in Tibet,China. It started from the Tang Dynasty(唐朝). Thang-ga paintings show Tibetan people’s lives. In recent years, Tang-ga paintings have caught the public’s attention .At the same time,the Chinese government has also tried hard to protect the art.

The color of Tang-ga paintings looks wonderful and special. Because of the special environment of Tibet and the excellent skills of artists, the paints(颜料) used in Thang-ga are different from other paints. They were made from minerals like gold and silver, as well as some plants. The paints were made by hand and the beautiful colors could last(持续)for hundreds of years.

However, with the development of technology, people now use cheaper and more easily-made chemicals to make Thang-ga paints. The traditional paints used in Thang-ga paintings took a lot of work and they were made in many secret ways. Later people stopped making the paints and forgot about them. So the skills needed to make them were almost lost. The traditional Thang-ga paintings are difficult to find now.


1.Tang-ga is a special and unusual kind of art.

2.Tang-ga was found only in Tibet in the Tang dynasty.

3.The special environment of Tibet and the excellent skills of artists make Tang-ga paints different from other paints.

4.The color of Tang-ga paintings can last for hundreds of years with modern technology.

5.The skills of artists have been already lost, so it is difficult to find the traditional Tang-ga paintings.

In Canada you can find dogs, cats, horses etc. in almost every family. These are their pets. 1. Before they keep them at their houses, they take them to animal hospitals to give them needles(针)so that they won't carry disease(疾病). They have special animal food stores, though they can get animal food in almost every store. 2. When you visit people's homes, they would be very glad to show you their pets and they are very proud of them. You will also find almost every family has a bird feeder in their garden. All kinds of birds are welcomed to come and have a good meal. 3. Nobody is allowed to kill any animals in Canada.4.If you killed an animal, you would be punished(处罚). If an animal happened to get run over by a car, people would be very sad about it.

5. One of them might be: When children grow up, they leave their parents and start their own career(生涯). Then the seniors(老人)will feel lonely. But pets can solve this problem. They can be good friends and never leave them alone.


A. They are free to come and go.

B. Why don't people kill animals?

C. People in Canada have many reasons to like animals.

D. They have a law(法律)against killing wild animals.

E. People usually use cages(笼子)to keep them at home.

F. People love these pets and regard(把……看作)them as their good friends.

G. Some people spend around two hundred Canadian dollars a month on animal food.

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