106. 她把她大部分的精力放在了研究中国历史上。
She ___________________into __________Chinese history
107. 为何不选她扮演这部电视剧的主角呢?
Why not _______________ to ________________________ in the TV play?
108. 我没有勇气和我的朋友分享我的烦恼。
I have _________________ to______________ with my friends
109. 我听说那家银行被抢了五百万元。
I heard ___________________________ 5,000,000 yuan.
110. 昨天这个时候他被看见与他表弟打架。
He was __________________ with his cousin _______________.
106. She put most of her effort into studying Chinese history
107. Why not choose her to play the lead role in the TV play?
108. I have no courage to share my worries with my friends
109. I heard the bank was robbed of 5,000,000 yuan.
110. He was seen fighting with his cousin (at) this time yesterday.