going to be home late, I asked him to go into the kitchen and get    something to eat and drink.

Two hours later, my friend telephoned me from the house. At the

moment, he said, he was listening to music. He said he had helped

himself to some cold chicken from the fridge and he was now drinking a glass of orange. I asked him if he had reached the house without any

difficulty. He answered he had not been able to find the key under the

door-mat, but luckily the living-room window by the apple tree had been left open and he had climbed in. I was greatly surprised to hear all this. There is no apple tree in front of my living-room, but there is one in

front of my neighbor’s.

41.Which of the following is true?

A.The writer never knew his friend would come until his friend

called him.

B.The writer knew his friend would come before he arrived home.

C.The writer was at home waiting for his friend.

D.The writer would not like to see his friend.

42. The writer asked his friend to     .

A. put the key under the door-mat

B. come to his office first

C. go into the house by himself and get something to eat and drink

D. wait for him outside the house

43.The writer’s friend     .

A. found the key and opened the door with it

B. climbed into the writer’s house

C. got into the house when the writer was listening to music

D. thought the living-room was the writer’s

44.From the story we know      .

A. the writer’s friend got a wrong room

B. there is an apple tree in front of the writer’s house

C. the writer didn’t close the window of his living-room when he left home

D. the writer forgot where he had put the key

45.Which is the best title of the story?

A. A strange Telephone Call

B. The Key under the Door-mat

C. My old Friend and the Trouble

D. My house and the Apple tree

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