


Simon thinks white shirts ____1____of silk will ___2___ __3__ __4___ any other colour.

2. ---- 你有自己的书房吗?----- 没有。我和父亲合用一个。

----- __5___ you have your __6__ study? ----- No. I __7__ the study __8__ my father.

3. 在我停留在北京期间,我表妹至少带我参观了三个公园。

When I stay in Beijing, My cousin __9__ me __10__ __11__ __12__ three parks.

4. 这些明信片花了你多少钱?

How much do you ___13___ ___14___ these post cards?

5. 别着急,等雨停了你再回家。

Don’t ___ 15___. You can’t go back home until the rain ___16___.

6. 他们正期待着见到周杰伦。

They are ___17___ ___18___ ___19___ ___20___ Jay chou.

    1. made, 2. go, 3. well, 4. with, 5. Do, 6. own, 7. share, 8. with 9. shows, 10. around, 11. at, 12. least 13. pay, 14. for 15. worry, 16. stops 17. looking , 18. forward, 19. to, 20. seeing


It is hard to know when an earthquake(地震) is going to come. There is no easy way to __1__ what place will be in danger next. Some places __2__ earthquakes very often, such as Alaska in the USA. __3__ have a large earthquake every year. Taiwan also has many earthquakes , __4__ usually they aren’t very __5__. The biggest earthquake in the world has a Magnitude (震级) of 9.5. It was in Chile(智利), South America, in 1960.

 Most earthquakes are below a magnitude of 6.0. People can feel the earthquakes a little, but they seldom bring any damages (损失).__6__ an earthquake is above a magnitude of 8.0 , it is called a great earthquake. It will bring ___7___ of damage, and many people may be hurt or die(死亡). __8__ December 2004, the fourth __9__ earthquake since (从。。。以来) 1990 in the world hit(击、打) Indonesia. It brought a big tsunami (海啸). The tsunami is a large wave of water. Hundreds of thousands of people died in the disaster. In May 2008, the earthquake in Sichuan brought much damage.

When an earthquake __10__, the first thing we should do is to drop to the ground . Then take cover under a strong desk or table . Finally, hold on to something until the shaking stops.

( ) 1. A. look                            B. grow                        C. know                      D. sure

( ) 2. A. have                    B. happen                    C. find                  D. go

( ) 3. A. We                             B. They                        C. You                   D I

( ) 4. A. or                        B. so                           C. and                  D but

( ) 5. A. small                   B. big                           C. long                  D. short

( ) 6. A. If                        B. What                        C. Which              D. Where

( ) 7. A. a little                  B. little                         C. lots                   D. many.

( ) 8. A. On                             B. At                            C. By                    D. In

( ) 9. A. biggest                 B. smallest                    C. most                 D. least

( ) 10. A. comes                B. goes                         C. takes                 D. feels

Mrs Hunt comes back from work. She tells Mr Hunt about a nice dress. ‘I see it in the shop every day’, she says , ‘and …’ ‘And you want to buy it ?’ says Mr hunt .’How much is it ?’ ‘Two hundred and sixty yuan .’’Two hundred and sixty yuan for a dress ?That’s too much !’ But every evening when she comes back , Mrs Hunt speaks only about the dress, so at last he says , ‘Oh ,buy the dress ! here’s the money !’ She is every happy . But the next evening, when Mr Hunt wants to have a look at the nice dress, Mr Hunt says ,’I don’t want to buy it .’ ‘Why not ?’ he asks. ‘Well, it is still in the window of the shop after a week. So I think no one wants this dress . And I don’t want it ,either.’

(  )1. Mr Hunt sees a nice dress ___.

A.at a bus stop    B. in her factory

   C. in a shop window  D. at her friend’s home

(  )2. Mrs Hunt tells Mr Hunt about the dress and she wants him to ___

A .have a look      B. buy it for her

C. make one like that    D. borrow it from the shop

(  )3. Mr Hunt thinks the dress in the shop is ___

   A. very small      B. too long

   C. very cheap      D. too dear

(  )4. Which of the following is right ?

   A. Many other people see the dress in the shop.

   B. Mr Hunt doesn’t let his wife buy the dress.

   C. Mrs Hunt doesn’t see one dress in the shop, but two .

   D. Mr and Mrs Hunt come back work together(一起) every day

(  )5. Mr hunt doesn’t want to buy the dress at last because ___

   A.it is much too dear   B. it is not very new

   C. it is old        D. She doesn’t think it is good


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