
You are 21 years old and live a happy life. ________ one day, your doctor tells you that you have a serious disease and may not live more than one year.
How would you ____ ? What would you do? I think most of us might feel very _____ and give up our dreams and hopes for the future. Here is _____ one of the greatest scientists, Stephen Hawking , did.
Hawking didn’t let the disease stop him from living his dream life. He went on with his study of the universe (宇宙) and _____ around the world to give talks . In 2002, Hawking visited China and _____ to students in Hangzhou and Beijing. Because of the disease,Hawking had to sit in his wheelchair and speak _______ a computer. He told the students about his theories(理论) on some questions, for example, _____ time is , how the universe began, and what black holes are. Hawking became famous in the early 1970s. In 1988, he wrote A Brief History of Time. The _____ explains a difficult theory in an easy way and it sold very well. Stephen Hawking is a man with a _____ will(意志) and people think he is the greatest scientist in physics since Albert Einstein.


小题2:考查动词及语境的理解。根据句意你有什么样的感受?do 做 ; study 学习,研究 ; stay 呆;            feel感受,感觉结合语境故选D。
小题3:考查形容词式及语境的理解。根据文意可知,我想我们大多数人可能感觉非常的悲伤,happy 高兴;tired 累人的;sad 悲伤的;excited激动的;结合语境可知选C。
小题5:考查动词及语境的理解。walked 走;turned 转;travelled 旅游;looked看,句意;他继续他的宇宙研究周游全世界去做报道。结合语境故选C
小题6:考查动词及语境的理解。Told告诉,讲述;said 说;shouted 喊;spoke演讲;发言根据句意可知在2002年霍金在杭州,北京大学来给学生们做演讲,结合语境故选D。
小题9:考查名及语境的理解。句意:在1988年他写了一本叫做A Brief History of Time的书,这本书用一个很容易的方式解释了一个很难得理论,根据前文在说霍金写的书所以后文应该是他的书的内容,故选A
小题10:考查形容词及语境的理解big 大的;dark 黑暗的;strong强壮的;new 新的根据句意:霍金是一个坚强的人,人们认为他是在爱因斯坦之后物理界最伟大的科学家,可知选C
A family moved into a house, next to a vacant lot(闲置的地皮). One day, some workers came to start building a house there.
The family’s 5-year-old daughter took an interest in all the activity going on next door and spent much of each day watching the workers. They talked with her, let her sit with them when they had coffee and lunch breaks. They also gave her little jobs to do here and there to make her feel important.
At the end of the first week, they even gave her an envelope(信封)with ten dollars. The little girl took this home to her mother. Her mother told her to take her“pay”to the bank the next day to start a savings account.
When the girl and her mom got to the bank, the clerk was surprised and asked the little girl what she did.
The little girl said,“I worked last week to build the new house next door to us.”
“Oh,” said the clerk, “and will you be working to build the house again this week, too?”
The little girl said, “Yes, of course.”
小题1:What did the workers want to build on the vacant lot?
A. A bank.        B. A hospital.                C. A house.
小题2:Which of the following activities didn’t the workers do?
A. Talked with the girl.
B. Sang with the girl.
C. Gave the girl little jobs here and there.
小题3:What did the workers think of the girl?
A. They disliked her.
B. They liked her.
C. They hated her.
小题4:What do the underlined words mean in Chinese?
A.一个基金账户     B. 一个储蓄账户         C.一个股票账户   
小题5:Which of the following is TRUE about the girl?
A. She wanted to become a worker.
B. She learnt to make a lot of money.
C. She thought she was important.
Life is not easy, so I’d like to say “When anything happens, believe in yourself.”
When I was a young boy, I was ____ shy to talk to anyone. My classmates often ____me. I was sad but could do nothing. Later,___ happened, and it changed my life. It was an English speech contest. My mother asked me to ____ it. What a terrible idea! It meant I had to speak ____ all the teachers and students of my school!
“Come on,boy! Believe in yourself. You are sure to ___.”Then mother and I talked about many different topics. At last I _____ the topic “Believe in yourself!” I tried my best to remember all the speech and practiced it over 100 _____. With my mother’s great love, I did ___ in the contest. I could hardly believe my _____ when the news came that I had won the first place.
小题1:A. too                B. so                   C. quite
小题2:A. made faces at       B. looked after            C. laughed at
小题3:A. something         B. everything             C. anything
小题4:A. take part in         B. join                  C. get
小题5:A. to                 B. among                 C. before
小题6:A. win              B. pass                   C. beat
小题7:A. brought            B. thought                C. chose
小题8:A. words            B. times                  C. sentences
小题9:A. well             B. good                   C. bad
小题10:A. result            B. eyes                   C. ears
Have you ever done something foolish and it made you feel so embarrassed(尴尬的)?
Well, that’s exactly how I felt. On a Saturday morning last autumn.I went to town to do some shopping and as I was on my way home from the shop,it suddenly began to rain. I at once ran into a nearby phone box because I didn’t have an umbrella.It was raining so heavily that I had to stay in the phone box until it stopped.
A few moments later,I saw a young man walk up to the phone box,wearing a yellow raincoat and holding a box. I didn’t want to go out into the rain,so I picked up the phone and pretended(假装) I was talking to someone. I thought the man would go away,but he didn’t. He just waited in the pouring rain,and I acted as if I was deep in conversation.
Luckily,the rain stopped after about ten minutes.“Okay,Mum,” I said loudly into the phone,“I’ll see you later. Bye!” I put the phone down, picked up my shopping bag and walked out of the phone box. “I’m sorry I took so long.” I said to the man.
“Oh, I don’t want to use the phone,” he answered, smiling.“I’ve just come to repair it. There is something wrong with it, you see .” I felt myself go red in the face and I hurried away with my head down,feeling a complete fool. That was certainly one of the most embarrassing moments of my life! 
小题1:Why did the writer go to the phone box and stay there?
A.Because she wanted to keep warm.
B.Because she wanted to wait for her friend there.
C.Because she wanted to phone her mother.
D.Because it rained heavily and she had no umbrella with her.
小题2:The writer thought that the young man wanted          .
A.to repair the phone.B.to use the phone.
C.to stay in the phone box.D.to clean the phone box.
小题3:How long did the man wait for?
A.About five minutes.B.About fifteen minutes.
C.About ten minutes.D.About thirty minutes.
小题4:Which of the following is TRUE?
A.The story happened on a cold Saturday morning last summer.
B.The writer telephoned her mother.
C.The writer was on her way home after doing some shopping,suddenly it began to rain.
D.The writer knew why the man came here.
小题5:Why was the writer embarrassed?
A. Because she did something foolish.
B. Because she got all wet.
C. Because she made the young man wait so long. 
D Because she couldn't get out of the phone box.
That day was like any other day in his life. After school Michael walked past the shop in the street corner. He stopped to          some shoes, and he felt sorry for himself. He        wanted to have a pair of shoes for his birthday. He walked away sadly and thought of what to tell his mother. He knew she would give him        if she could. But he also knew very well she had          money. He decided not to go home         , as he looked worried and his mother would notice it. So he went to the park and sat down on the grass. Then he saw a boy in a wheel chair. He noticed that the boy moved the wheels with his hands. Michael looked at him carefully and was            to see that the boy had no feet. He looked         at his own feet. “It is        better to be without shoes than        feet.” he thought. There was no reason for him to         so sorry and sad. He went away and smiled, thinking he was more lucky in his life.
A.seeB.look atC.hear D.notice
A.gladly B.nearly C.reallyD.quickly
A.something B.what C.nothing D.anything
A.little B.a little C.much D.lots of
A.at onceB.thenC.just nowD.at all
A.pleased B.excitedC.surprised D.interested
A.upB.through C.outD.down
A.much B.still C.even D.less
A.out of B.withC.without D.having no
“But I feel good doing this!” the little boy’s voice rang in my ears when I entered the mall. He stood raising        for cancer research. In the cold wind, he pulled his hat down over his ears. He warmed one hand in his pocket and held a list with the other hand. I noticed him greeting the people passing by          gloves on his hands.
I checked my purse but I didn’t find any change. I was         ready to give money because I wished cancer could be cured (治愈) one day.
“I’ll bring you some money when I returned” I         the little boy.
“Thank you!” he smiled and he seemed almost        in the cold air. I suggested he come inside the mall, but he said, “The guard there said          is allowed to raise money for charities (慈善) in the mall. But I feel good doing this here. It’s OK.”
I did my shopping and         about buying something for him. Finally, I bought a pair of gloves, brown ones. The cashier (收银员) felt curious when I        the boy’s words “But I feel good doing this!”
The boy still stood where he had been. I offered some money to him and          in the list that he handed to me. Then he told me that his best friend George had leukemia (白血病). He did this in order to help him out of       .
With tears full of my eyes, I put the gloves that I bought for him into his hands.
“Will the cancer research give you something to thank you for doing this?”
“Oh yes!” the boy said and his eyes          up with joy, “They sure do! Now I can stand here much          than I expected!”
“What do you receive then?” I asked. He answered with a smile, “I get another new, empty list.”
A.everyoneB.anyoneC.someoneD.no one
People often said Thomas Edison was the greatest genius(天才) of his age. There are only a few men in all of history, who have changed the lives of other men as much as the inventor of the first useful electric light. But Edison could never be pleased only because someone said he was a genius. “There is no such a thing as genius,” Edison said. He thought what people called genius was mostly hard work.
But Edison was a thinker as well as a worker. From his earliest days as a child he wondered about the secrets of nature. He tried to understand them, and then he tried to learn what he could usefully do with them.
Edison enjoyed thinking. He knew that most people would do almost anything instead of the difficult work of thinking, especially if they do not think very often. But he knew, too, that thinking could give men enjoyment and pleasure.
Edison could not understand why anyone could not be interested in life. As he loved to think, he also loved to work. On the day he became 75 years old, someone asked him what idea he had about life. “Work,” he answered, “Discovering the secrets of nature and using them to make men happier.” He said he had enough inventions in his mind to give him another 100 years of work.
小题1:What is genius according to Thomas Edison?
A.Hard thinking. B.Hard work.C.Useful ideas.D.Useful inventions.
小题2:How did Edison always deal with the secrets of nature after exploring them?
A.To write down what he had learned.
B.To carry out a new experiment.
C.To make them useful in life.
D.To share them with others.
小题3:What does the last sentence in the passage mean?
A.Edison was born to be a great inventor.
B.Edison was able to live another 100 years.
C.Edison was ready to make his 100th invention.
D.Life was too short for Edison to work for human beings.
判断  阅读下面的材料,判断下列句子是否符合短文内容。符合内容的写(T)不符合的写(F)。(T="True," F= False)
Last Friday after I got my pay, I went shopping on my way home. In the crowded supermarket, I lost my purse and my money was gone with it. I felt very angry and sad. We were not rich and the money was important for us. How could I tell my wife about it?
I felt really sorry for losing the money. When I got home, I cleaned the house and prepared a nice meal. I hoped what I did could comfort(安慰) my wife. When she came back, she was surprised to see the clean house and the nice meal. Then I began to tell my story when we were at table, but my wife didn't respond (反映) as if she had not heard my words. Maybe she was trying hard to hide her anger, I thought.
“I've lost my pay." I said to her again.
“I see.” She didn't seem to be angry with me. For a moment, she said nothing but enjoyed the meal with me.
“I've lost my money," I could not help asking, “why don't you blame (责备) me?"
“Oh, my dear," she raised her eyes, looked at me and said, "I'm thinking about how to comfort you. It's the thief who is to be blamed!"
小题1:I got my pay last Monday.
小题2:In the supermarket I lost my purse and money.
小题3:I cleaned the house because I liked doing it.
小题4:My wife was surprised to see what I did.
小题5:When my wife heard my story, she became very angry.

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