Tom and Tim are brothers. They are Australians. They live in a mountain village(山村). Tom is 104 years old and Tim is 102 years old now. They (16) their story in a book called Enjoy Our Life.

Here is some of their advice for living a long, healthy life.

★Get up (17) . They get up at 6:30 or 7:00 in the morning.

★Have a (18) breakfast. The brothers eat oatmeal (燕麦粥), half a banana, bread and eggs with a little cheese (奶酪).

★(19) every day. The brothers like to climb mountains. They also walk on the hills (小山) every day.

★Eat a lot of (20) , especially (尤其) garlic (大蒜). Garlic is good (21) your health.

★Don’t eat a lot of salt (盐) and fat. These things are (22) for your body (身体).

★(23) listen to the doctors always. Most of the doctors don’t know what to do with us. When something is (24) with us, they don’t know how to treat (治疗) us. They are always surprised (吃惊) to see us to live so (25) .

1.A. speak        B. tell         C. talk           D. say

2. A. early         B. late        C. very late       D. at 10 o’clock

3. A. good         B. no         C. bad           D. little

4. A. Take exercise                B. Take no exercise  

C. Talk about exercise             D. Stay in bed

5..A. vegetables    B. fat           C. meat             D. fruit

6.A. at            B. for          C. in                D. of

7.A. good         B. bad          C. nice              D. fine

8. A. Not          B. Don’t        C. No               D. \ 

9.A. wrong      B. good         C. right              D. OK

10.A. long        B. poor         C. short             D. bad


Tanzania (坦桑尼亚)has a lot of animals, like lions, elephants, giraffes, hippos(河马)and so on. Every year, many people in the world travel to this country in Africa to watch the animals. But do you know how they travel?

By boat-We can often see many people in a boat, enjoying the beautiful things along a river or a lake, and they can also enjoy the hippos and other animals.

By hot-air balloon(热气球)–In the early morning, when the sun (太阳)is starting to rise, a large hot-air balloon is also starting its tour. Taking a hot-air balloon is very exciting to most of the tourists. You can watch all the animals there. Elephants are drinking water, giraffes are eating leaves and so on. After some time, the balloon can land(着陆)in a place where the waiters would give people a delicious breakfast. But you need to know that taking a hot-air balloon is very expensive. A person should pay 400 dollars for an hour’s trip.


1.In Tanzania.           People travel by          to watch the animals.

A. most; boat           B. most; bus             C. some; boat    D. some; boat

2.People can          from          windows.

A. watch dangerous animals; big       B. play with the animals; big

C. watch dangerous animals; small         D. play with the animals; small

3. people usually start to tour          by hot-air balloon.

A. in the morning       B. in the afternoon    

C. in summer          D. in winter

4. How much should a person pay for two hour’s trip?

A. 200 dollars           B.400 dollars          C.600 dollars      D.800 dollars

5. From this article, we can know.

A. Tanzania is in North America

B. there are four ways for us to breakfast if you travel by bus.

C. you can enjoy a delicious breakfast if you travel by bus.

D. traveling by hot-air balloon is very expensive.


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