
  “My dear lady,” says Holmes.“You're shivering.Are you old? Do you want a cup of hot tea?”

  “I'm not cold,” the woman replies, “I fear for my life!”

  “We are here to help you.Don't worry about anything.I don't know you.But I know many things about you.For example, I know how you travel.You came to London by train.You also ride to the train station on a horse-drawn wagon(马车).”

  “Why, yes.You're right.But how do you know these things?”

  “ I see a return ticket in your glove.I see fresh mud on the left arm of your dress.Now tell us your problem.”

  “My name is Helen Stoner,” she states, “ My mother and father are dead.I am living with my stepfather, Dr Grimesby Roylott.He comes from a rich family.But they are no longer rich.They have nothing except a small piece of land and a huge old house.We are living in the house.Dr Roylott is using my mother's money for expenses(开支).Part of it was for my sister and me.It was for our marriages.”

  Holmes is sitting in his chair.His eyes are closed.He is listening carefully to Helen's story.He hears every detail.

  Helen continues.“My stepfather has no friends.He fights with everyone.He is strong and gets angry quickly.Everyone is afraid of him.”

  “He has no friends at all?” asks Holmes.

  “No.He talks to no one except the gypsies.They are poor people who travel from place to place.A band of gypsies is staying on our land right now.”

  “Are you and your sister afraid of the gypsies?”

  “My dear Mr Holmes.You are making me so sad.My sister is dead.That is why I am standing here in this room.”


Paragraph 6 beginning with “My name is …” is mostly about________.

[  ]


Helen's dead sister


Helen's trip to London


the house Helen lives in


Helen's stepfather and the family


What is Holmes doing while Helen is telling her story?

[  ]


Walking slowly


Listening carefully


standing sadly


Writing quickly


Which of the following can best describe the gypsies according to the passage?

[  ]


They are very rich


They are afraid of other people


They live on a horse-drawn wagon


They move from one place to another


The passage is probably from ________.

[  ]


a novel


a guide


a poem


an advertisement

A lady once wrote a long story. She sent it to a famous editor (编辑).   1  the story was returned to her. The lady   2  . She wrote to the editor, “Dear Sir, Yesterday you sent back a story of   3  .   4   do you know that the story is not good? You didn’t read it. Before I sent the story I posted ()together pages 8, 9 and 10. This was a test to see   5  you would read the story. When the story came back yesterday, the pages were   6  posted together. Is this the way you read all the stories  7  you?”

The editor wrote back, “Dear Madam,   8  when I open an egg I   9  eat all the egg

  10  that it is bad.”

1. A. In a few weeks                    B.After a few weeks

C.A few week later                     D.A few weeks before

2. A. was happy                         B.was excited

C.was angry                              D.was surprising

3. A. my                              B.yours

C.mine                              D.someone else

4. A. How           B.What          C.Whether       D.How fast

5. A. when            B.do            C.where          D.whether

6. A. already           B.still            C.not            D.never

7. A. that are sent to                      B.that is sent to

C.that send to                          D.what people send to

8. A. In breakfast                        B.At breakfast

C.When breakfast                     D.Having breakfast

9. A.needn’t to                          B.don’t have to

C.haven’t to                         D.didn’t have to

10.A.to look          B.to look for      C.to invent       D.to discover


Dr Brown was a very busy man. He always worked  1  . He often  2  his family’s birthdays.

Yesterday afternoon he  3   it was his wife’s birthday. He loved his wife very much. He wanted   4  her a present. On his way   5   his hospital he bought some beautiful flowers in a shop.

When Dr Brown got home, he gave his wife the flowers and said, “Happy birthday  6  you, dear! It’s October 3rd, I remember your birthday   7  year.”

Mrs. Brown laughed and said, “My birthday was the day   8  yesterday.   9  thank you all the same,   10  late than never.”

1.A.better           B.difficult           C.hard            D.harder

2.A.remembered    B.forgot             C.remembers           D.forgets

3.A.remembered    B.forgot             C.remembers           D.forgets

4.A.give           B.giving              C.to give           D.gave

5.A.to             B.of               C.on               D.in

6.A.for          B.of               C.with            D.to

7.A.last          B.the              C.on               D.this

8.A.after           B.before              C.of               D.next

9.A.But          B.So               C.And            D.Even

10.A.good        B.better           C.best            D.more


When I was a little girl,my mom liked to make breakfast food for dinner every now and then.And I remember one__1__when my mom placed a plate of eggs,sausage and extremely__2__toast (土司面包) in front of my dad.I remember__3__to see if anyone noticed!__4__all my dad did was reach for his toast,__5___at my mom and ask me how my day was at school.

When I__6__from the table that evening,I remember hearing my mom__7__to my dad for burning the toast.And I’ll__8__forget what he said,“Baby,I love burnt toast.” Later that night,I went to__9__Dad good night and I asked him if he really__10__his toast burnt.He wrapped me up in his__11__and said,“Debbie,your mom had a__12__day at work today and she’s really tired.And besides,a little burnt toast never__13__anyone!” In bed that night,I thought about the scene at dinner and the__14__my dad showed to my mom.

To this day,it’s a cherished (珍贵的)__15__from my childhood that I’ll never forget.And it’s one that came to__16__just recently when Jack and I sat down to eat dinner.

As I__17__the plate in front of Jack,I waited for a(n)__18__about the burnt toast.But all I got was,“Thank you,dear!This is__19__.I know you had a hard day!” Just then,I thought about my parents,and was quietly thankful for having a__20__where burnt toast wasn’t a deal?breaker either!

1.A.noon                        B.afternoon

C.morning                       D.night

2.A.expected                     B.burnt

C.sweet                        D.delicious

3.A.being encouraged               B.being allowed

C.waiting                        D.refusing

4.A.Yet                         B.Although

C.So                           D.Until

5.A.laugh                        B.smile

C.shout                         D.stare

6.A.got up                       B.got back

C.broke away                    D.put forward

7.A.report                      B.shout

C.apologize                      D.complain

8.A.almost                      B.never

C.often                         D.hardly

9.A.ask                         B.greet

C.tell                           D.kiss

10.A.liked                       B.got

C.cooked                       D.made

11.A.head                       B.heart

C.arms                        D.hands

12.A.boring                      B.hard

C.disappointing                   D.sad

13.A.hurts                       B.comforts

C.invites                        D.hates

14.A.interest                     B.surprise

C.kindness                       D.satisfaction

15.A.feeling                      B.story

C.choice                        D.memory

16.A.life                        B.mind

C.an end                        D.a conclusion

17.A.set down                    B.took away

C.finished up                     D.washed up

18.A.answer                     B.question

C.comment                     D.suggestion

19.A.possible                     B.true

C.terrible                        D.great

20.A.condition                    B.future

C.situation                       D.marriage

My 14-year-old brother John dreamed of having a black woolen coat, for at that time this kind of coat was 31  with teenagers, but it could cost several hundred dollars. One day my brother and I went into a shop and saw a black woolen coat at the same time. The coat felt very soft, and it cost only $28. It was  32  but so nice. We looked at each other, saying nothing, but John’s eyes shone.

    John tried on the coat and  33  it at once. John wore the coat to school the next day happily and came home with a big  34 . “How do the kids like your coat?” I asked. “They love it,” he said. I started to call him “Lord (老爷) John”.

    Over the next few weeks, there seemed to be a  35  in John. He became more polite, more confident and more pleasing. He would 36  his classmates his pens; he would bring his father a cup of tea when he got home; he would  37  a blind man cross the road.

    When my mother talked about her son’s change with one of his teachers and wondered what caused it, he said, “It must be his 38 !” One day, in the library, my brother and I happened to meet a friend of my father’s, who had not seen us for a long time. John came up and shook hands with him like a 39 ! The friend said in surprise, “Are you John? You have changed so much!”

    What really changed John was his own attitude(态度).  40  you think you are a gentleman or a lady, you can become a perfect one.

31.  A. busy            B. careful             C. popular          D. good

32.  A. dear          B. cheap              C. hard          D. light

33.  A. sold              B. kept           C. held              D. bought

34.  A. present          B. smile          C. problem             D. cry

35.  A. message        B. pain          C. change          D. fashion

36.  A. lend            B. rent           C. leave           D. borrow

37.  A. make           B. watch       C. let            D. help

38.  A. coat            B. classmate        C. friend           D. brother

39.  A. businessman       B. woman         C. gentleman        D. boy

40.  A. Until            B. If               C. Before         D. Unless

One day I was watching a movie at home . Tears  31 from my eyes as I saw a touching scene. My three-year-old son came to me and asked me  32 I was crying for. I kept silent as I couldn’t explain  33 him it was just an emotional thing. To my 34 , he touched my face with his little hand and said, “Dear Mom, stop crying! You see, everything will be fine. You are my good  35  .So just get up and let’s get ready for school.” On hearing him say this to me, I couldn’t help laughing. It was so  36 for a child to say so. Later I realized that he had repeated(重复) almost all 37 I had told him while he was crying one morning.

   The first time a child begins to speak, he tries to  38 what his parents have been telling

him for a long time. Usually parents start with the words “Mama” , “Papa” and so on. But as the child  39 learning and possibly starts speaking on his own without being taught, we as parents always forget he’s still being tutored (教导)by us. The only difference is that we’re now doing it in a more active way than before. We  40 use words which we don’t want our child to say, and when he says those words , we  41 where he has learned them. Even then, some of us don’t realize the child has learned the words from us only. Instead we start to put the blame(指责)on his friends , or  42 who has talked to him when we’re not present.

   So if you want your child to have perfect behavior, you’ll have to 43 a good example to him. And if you can’t do that, you have no  44 to expect your child to have such a thing. After all, the parents’ words and behavior have a great  45 over their child.

31. A. dropped      B. flew      C. came     D. ran

32. A. why        B. what      C. how      D. who

33. A. for        B. to       C. with     D. on

34. A. joy        B. anger      C. surprise    D. disappointment

35. A. girl        B. mother     C. friend     D. student

36. A. strange       B. surprised    C. funny     D. common

37. A. what        B. that      C. which     D. who

38. A .remember      B. copy      C. pronounce   D. speak

39. A. considers      B. finishes     C. practices   D. continues

40. A. never       B. sometimes    C. always    D. seldom

41. A. guess       B. think      C. wonder    D. imagine

42. A. somebody     B. anybody     C. everybody   D. nobody

43. A. build       B. make       C. set      D. give

44. A. way        B. need      C. chance     D. right

45. A. influence      B. idea       C. interest    D. imagination

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