Honey to treat a wound. Eat cherries(樱桃)if someone has a pain in his knee. Your grandmother is probably satisfied with her old-time treatments and now science is catching up with them. Researchers have produced hundreds of studies in the past five years about these grandmothers’ old-time home treatments. They are often natural, different from the medicine from the hospitals. Here are some old-time treatments which have been prove(证明)to be useful by the scientists.

Burns Try Aloe

“Aloe is a useful treatment for burns,” says a doctor. One study showed it was very useful or second-degree burns, If you have an aloe plant, simply cut pen a leaf and use the liquid (汁液) directly to the burnt area. For serious burns , you should still see a doctor.

Eye Pains Try Cucumber

If you use your eyes for a long time, lie on your back place one piece of cucumber over each closes eye. Cucumber helps reduce the pain. Replace the pieces with a cooler pair every two or three minutes, for up to 15 minutes total.

Wounds Try Honey

Since ancient Egyptian times, people have used honey to treat the wounds. For best results, scientists advised manuka honey, from New Zealand, Brush some honey directly to a wound every 12 to 24 hours an cover it with a piece of clean cloth.

1.If Lingling burnt her finger when cooking, she would need ________ according to the passage.

A.an aloe leaf B.fresh cherries C.cucumber pieces D.manuka hones

2.The writer wrote this passage to ________.

A.show her pride in those grandmothers' treatments

B.introduce some methods of old-time home treatments

C.show old-time home treatments are better than medicine

D.advise scientists to make research into ancient treatment

3.The passage is probably in the part of ________ in a newspaper.

A.new B.life C.sports D.education

Teacher Appreciation Week(谢师周)in the USA is celebrated in May. People across the country use this special week to show and tell teachers how important they are to their lives.

Some students are talking about the teachers that have inspired(鼓舞)them most.

Ms. Lindsay is a wonderful teacher because she gives us chance after chance, and forgives(原谅)us when we do wrong .She has really helped me bring my math grades up.


A teacher who inspires me is my art teacher, Mrs. White, is the best person I know. She is always smiling and saying "I love it! I love it! "She believes in me and in every child she teaches.

--Olivia, 10

Ms.Black is an active participant(参与者)in her community and has a huge influence in and out of school. Her teaching has a very special and professional style. I have never had a teacher who cares about much.


My favorite teacher is my first-grade teacher, Mrs. Denise. She changed my life by making school fun. She gave me a reason to want to come to school every day. She loved teaching, helping her students succeed, and most of all, making people happy.


Mr.Williams is an English teacher.When the class doesn’t understand something,he makes it clear in a funny way. He even plays with us during the break. We like to talk to him when we have trouble.

--Owen 9


1.Jessica thinks Ms Lindsay has helped her do better in math.

2.Mrs. White is a teacher who teaches history.

3.To Nick, Ms. Black teaches in a very special way and she is kind to him.

4.Because of Mrs.Denise,Mary enjoyed going to school.

5.Mr. Williams isn’t very patient to his students and he isn’t easy to get on with.

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