
    When you speak,write a letter or make a telephone call,your words carry a message.People communicate(交流)with words.

    Do you think you can communicate    1  words? A smile on your face shows you are  2   .Tears in your eyes tell others you are sad.When you  3   your hands in class,the teacher knows you want  4  something or ask questions. You shake(摇动)your head,and people know you are saying    5  

    Other things can also carry messages.For example,a sign at  6  helps you to know which bus it is.A sign on the wall at your school helps you   7   the library. Sign on the door tells you which go in or out.Have you ever notice(注意)that there are lots of signs round you and that you receive messages  8   them all the time? Books, newspapers,TV, radio and  9  all help us to communicate with other people.They all help us  10  what is going on in the world and what other people are thinking about.

1.A.by                         B.with                    C.in                          D.without

2.A.sorry and sad                                            B.worried and frightened

C.happy mad friendly                                      D.tired and angry

3.A.put on            B.putout                         C.put up                    D.putdown

4.A.to speak                B.to talk                  C.to give                   D.to say

5.A.well                      B.no                       C.good                      D.bad

6.A.the post office                                           B.the police station

C.the bus stop                                                D.the bookshop

7.A.read                      B.find                     C.watch                    D.what

8.A.from                     B.for                      C.of                          D.about

9.A.men                      B.teachers               C.fridges                   D.films

10.A.study                   B.know                   C.find                       D.hear

1-5 D C C D B     6-10 C B A D B


What to Bring When Visiting Lijiang of Yunnan
Welcome to Lijiang. Lijiang is a nice place to visit. If you visit Lijiang, you’d better do as the following.

1. Hat and sunglasses
The Lijiang’s sun can be quite shiny even during winter, so remember to bring a hat and sunglasses.
  2. Raincoat or umbrella
It’s hard for us to know Lijiang’s weather, so it is necessary to bring an umbrella or a raincoat to Lijiang, even if it is sunny.
  3. Water
A day in Lijiang you may be very thirsty, so make sure that you bring a bottle of water with you.
  4. Camera
There will be lots of chances to take photos on your visit to Lijiang, so make sure to bring your camera. Don’t forget to bring more batteries so that you won’t miss anything!
  5. Watch
There are many sights and gift shops in Lijiang. Bring a watch, so you can arrange (安排) your time.
【小题1】According to the passage, what things do you not have to bring when you visit Lijiang?
A.A bottle of water.B.A watch.C.Batteries.D.An mp4.
【小题2】What’s the weather like in Lijiang?
A.It’s warm.B.It’s hot.C.It changes a lot.D.It’s rainy.
【小题3】Why do you need to bring a watch when you visit Lijiang?
A.Because you must go back home on time.
B.Because you can use your time better.
C.Because you will look cool with a watch.
D.Because you will feel free.
【小题4】Which statement is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A.You don’t have to bring an umbrella or a raincoat to Lijiang when it is sunny.
B.You should bring more batteries so that you can take more interesting pictures.
C.You often wear sunglasses and a hat in Lijiang because the sun is too bright.
D.You should bring a bottle of water so that you won’t be thirsty.
【小题5】 What kind of passage is it?
A.A story. B.An ad.C.A diary.D.A letter.

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