
—I have a stomachache. What should I do?

—You _______ drink sweet water and _______ eat sweet food.

A.had better not; shouldn’t

B.should; had better

C.had better; had better

D.shouldn’t; should


It was a lovely winter morning. When my classmates and I were playing happily on the playground, something got into my shoe and I _____, “Ow! Ow! Something in my shoe is biting(咬) me.”

Everyone heard the shout. They quickly took me into a(n) _____ and were going to take off my shoe. “Which foot is it?” one asked. “Let us have a look.”

Suddenly, I remembered the _____ in my socks. My family was very poor during those years. I wore _____ socks. They didn't last long and soon had holes in the front. I _____ to take off my shoe. And I tried hard to keep my right shoe on _____ I couldn't stand others seeing the holes in my sock.

My teacher, Miss Diane, _____ the classroom. “What's wrong?” she asked.

“Something is biting her foot, _____ she doesn't let us take off her shoe,” one of my classmates answered.

Miss Diane lived next door to me. She _____ everything about my family. She put both hands on my shaking body and said, “Oh, yes, it must be a sock?eating ant(蚂蚁).” It seemed that she knew the thing ______ the shoe. “I once had bites from these ants. When I got my shoe off, ______ ate almost the half front of my sock.” My classmates listened to the teacher ______, although they all looked a little puzzled(困惑的).

Miss Diane took off my ______ shoe and sock. One big red ant fell onto the ground, then the other. “You see, the ants ate the front part of her sock,” she added. “You are such a brave girl to stand these ______ red ants taking so many bites.”

Till now I still remember that ______ morning. Miss Diane and her “sock?eating ant” story become my warmest memory(回忆) which makes my life a big difference.

1.A.asked B.shouted C.listened D.smiled

2.A.office B.playground C.classroom D.market

3.A.salt B.stones C.paper D.holes

4.A.short B.wet C.dirty D.cheap

5.A.refused B.agreed C.wanted D.forgot

6.A.although B.before C.because D.if

7.A.went out of B.looked for C.pointed at D.ran into

8.A.and B.but C.or D.so

9.A.knew B.forgot C.taught D.thanked

10.A.under B.on C.inside D.outside

11.A.it B.he C.she D.they

12.A.angrily B.sadly C.carefully D.happily

13.A.right B.left C.back D.front

14.A.one B.two C.three D.four

15.A.spring B.summer C.autumn D.winter

Van Gogh was a famous painter. His work is sometimes described as Post Impressionism (后印象主义),” which means that his style of painting is similar to the Impressionism paintings. The “Impressionism paintings” were made only a few years before he started. But Van Gogh added his own ideas that were different from them. His style was very personal. Though he was influenced by many kinds of artists, he made few lasting friendships with any of them and was almost always alone.

Van Gogh lived a hard life. Only one of his paintings was sold in his lifetime and he was never to financially(经济上地)support himself. His brother, Then, often helped him, and the friends of his brother’s would help him as well. People who knew him would often describe him as a difficult person and hardly happy. His paintings, however, use very lively colors and sometimes seem pleasant.

It was in his paintings that Van Gogh was able to express himself clearly. Most of his relationships in life fell apart quickly. There are many sad stories of Van Gogh attempting to get married. Every woman refused him. The famous painter, Gaugin, went to visit him after Van Gogh had written to him, asking for a visit. When Gaugin arrived, Van Gogh was very excited. Gaugin respected Van Gogh’s talent, but the friendship only lasted a few months. The friendship ended when Van Gogh fought him with a knife.

No one had ever painted the way Van Gogh did. The colors of his paintings were lively and the shapes were strange and dream- like. His life was just as strange as his art, and it ended very early. However, since his death, his paintings have become some of the most famous artworks in the world.

1.How many paintings did Van Gogh sell during his lifetime?


2.Did Van Gogh get along well with other artists?


3.What are the characteristics(特点) of Van Gogh’s paintings?


4.When did his paintings become the best-known in the world?


5.Please use at least two description words to describe Van Gogh’s life.


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