
Put 2 February in your diary! It is World Wetlands Day! It marks the date that the
Convention(公约) on Wetlands was signed(签署)in1971.This special day was first celebrated in 1997 and it is celebrated every year.
The celebration is a call for action. It is a way to show people how important and
useful the wetlands are for people. On World Wetlands Day, people around the world take
part in many wetlands activities. People take trips to the local wetlands. There are talks
about how important the wetlands are. People get together to clean up their local wetlands
Children draw pictures to advertise the day. People also compete(比赛)in boat races.
The World Wetlands Day is important! If there are no wetlands, there will be no water for anyone in the future. Wetlands help protect nature and resources(资源)like fresh water. Already,  more than 10000 million people in the world do not have fresh water.
Many people do not know how important the wetlands are. They can understand why an
elephant or a tiger is important because they are big, beautiful animals. It is much harder for
them to understand how important the animals in the wetlands are. These small animals,
such as frogs and snails, play a very important part in keeping the balance of nature.
All plants and animals are part of the food chain(链).If the small wetlands animals
die, some animals in the food chain will have nothing to eat. They will also die. People
need the wetlands to keep the balance of nature in the world. If we do not protect nature
today,it will be gone tomorrow.
小题1:What should you put in your diary?
A.Some frogs.
B.The date of World Wetlands Day.
D.Any special day.
小题2:Where do people celebrate World Wetlands Day?
A.All over the world.B.In ships
C.At home.D.In their own way.
小题3:Which of the following sentences is NOT true?
A.People celebrate World Wetlands Day by taking part in competitions.
B.People celebrate World Wetlands Day by taking hips to local wetlands.
C.People celebrate World Wetlands Day by listening to talks about the wetlands.
D.People celebrate World Wetlands Day by talking about the weather.
小题4:Why are small animals important?
A.They are part of the balance of nature and the food chain.
B.They are beautiful.
C.Bigger animals are eaten by them
D.Without them, there may be no water.
小题5:Which of the following might be the best title of the article?
A.Wetlands Are Important
B.Small Animals Are Also Important
C.World Wetlands Day
D.Food Chain

小题1:根据第一段中的“Put 2 February in your diary! It is World Wetlands Day!”可知。故选B。
小题2:根据第二段中的“On World Wetlands Day, people around the world takepart in many wetlands activities.”可知全世界的人们都在庆祝这个节日,故选A。
小题3:根据第二段中的“On World Wetlands Day, people around the world take part in many wetlands activities. People take trips to the local wetlands. There are talks about how important the wetlands are. ”可知A、B、C三个选项是正确的,故选D。
小题4:根据第四段中的最后一句话“These small animals,such as frogs and snails, play a very important part in keeping the balance of nature.”可知,小动物在维持自然界平衡中起着重要的作用,故选A。
More than 6000 children were expelled(开除)from US schools last year for bringng guns and bombs to school,the US Department of Education said on May 8.
The department gave a report on the expulsions(开除)as saying handguns accounted for 58 per cent of the 6093 expulsions in 1996—97,against 7 per cent for rifles or shotguns and 35 per cent for other types of firearms.
“The report is a clear sign that our nation’s public schools are cracking down(严惩)” on students who bring guns to school,“Education Secretary Richard Riey said in a statement.“We need to be tough-minded(坚强的)about keeping guns out of our schools and do everything to keep our children safe.”
In March 1997,an 11-year-old boy and a 13-year-old using hand-guns and rifles shot dead four children and a teacher at a school in Jonesboro,Arkansas.In October,two were killed and seven wounded in a shooting at a Mississippi school.Two months later,a 14-year-old boy killed three high school students and wounded five in Daducab,Kentucky.
“Most of the expulsions,56 per cent,were from high schools,which have students from about age 13,34 per cent were from junior high schools and 9 per cent were from elementary schools.” The report said.
小题1:From the first paragraph we can see that in the US schools ____________.
A.students enjoy shooting
B.students are eager to be soldiers
C.safety is a problem
D.students can make guns
小题2:The report from the US Department of Education shows that _____________.
A.the number of the expulsions is now large
B.the number of the expulsions is wrong
C.there are soldiers hiding among the students
D.guns are out of control in US schools
小题3:The main idea of paragraph four shows us _____________.
A.some examples of shootings in US schools
B.the Americans’ feeling
C.some famous schools
D.that some teachers were killed by students
小题4:How many students were shot dead in 1997 in US schools?
小题5:From this passage we know that ____________.
A.every American cannot have guns
B.only soldiers and police can have guns
C.American citizens can own guns
D.teachers have no money to buy guns
In England, some food companies across the whole country have been told to carry out urgent (紧急的) tests on all beef products. Do you know why? That’s because some food companies used horsemeat to make beef products.
There are some examples about the horsemeat matter. In January, 2013, in a number of UK supermarkets, frozen hamburgers were found to have traces of horsemeat in them. Some frozen beef products made by food company FINDUS were found to contain horsemeat. All of the beef products made by this company have been removed from sale.
The government said that there’s nothing to suggest any health risk from the products. Food minister David Heath said people should not throw away frozen meat products and carry on eating meat. The government will tell people not to eat meat if the meat is not safe.
Food safety has been an important matter all over the world. More and more countries plan to take some useful measures to ensure the safety of food.
小题1:In England, some food companies have been told to ________urgently.
A.stop making beef productsB.test all their beef products
C.test all their productsD.remove all their products from sale
小题2:What else did some food companies use to make beef products in England according to the passage?
小题3:What does “traces” mean in the second paragraph?
小题4:What should people do with meat products according to David Heath’s suggestions?
A.Send them back to the food companies
B.Throw them away.
C.Never eat them
D.Go on eating them.
小题5:More and more countries plan to take some useful measures to ensure _______________.
A.horsemeat out of productsB.the food safety
C.the test foodD.the food sale
My friend Alice visited my city last week . She arrived in Hong Kong on Wednesday morning .She is from Australia. I showed her around the city.
  We visited the Clock Tower first. The Clock Tower was very tall. We took some photos there. Then we went to the City Museum. After that, we saw a good movie.
  The next day, we visited the Ladies’ Street(女人街). There were a lot of clothes shops. The clothes were cheap and beautiful. Alice bought some clothes for her parents and friends. Then we went to the Seafood(海鲜) Street. We bought some seafood. We also had seafood in a restaurant. Both of us enjoyed the meal. Then we went to a concert(音乐会) in the evening. The music was fantastic!
  On the third day, the weather was very hot, so we decided to visit Hong Kong Wetland Park . We saw many kinds of plants and animals in it.they were very interesting. 
  Alice went back to Australia on Friday evening. She enjoyed the trip. She invited(邀请) me to visit Australia next summer.
小题1:Where did Alice come from ?
小题2:How long did Alice stay in Hong Kong ?
小题3:What did Alice buy on the Ladies’ Street ?
小题4:How was the weather on the third day ?
小题5:What did they see in Hong Kong Wetland Park ?
Dear Liz,
My stay in Thailand has certainly been the experience of my life. 
Life is busy and exciting.Bangkok is just like any other big city with a population of 10  million and heavy traffic.I'm very lucky because my host family is in a nice quiet area outside  the city.There are Mr. and Mrs. Phairat, their son Sanan, who is 18, the daughter Chinda, who  is 16, and Grandpa and Grandma.  
I go to an international school with Sanan and Chinda.The school teaches about 70 percent  in English,and 30 percent in Thai. I've learned some spoken language,but Thai writing is very difficult.The cooking lesson is my favourite.I'm learning all about Thai food and culture People don’t use chopsticks here,but spoons and forks.When I come back,I'm going to cook you a real Thai meal.   
Last weekend we visited some temples.We also drove to Pattaya beach near Bangkok.I  thought it was great,but Sanan and Chinda say that next month they’re taking me to Phuket  Island,where the beaches are even more beautiful.The month after next,we’re going to travel  to Mr.Phairat,s hometown in the north of Thailand.The Phairats own land there,and they  have two elephants.I’m going to ride those elephants — and even wash them.Sanan and  Chinda say it’s really fun.   
I'm amazed by everything in this country,especially by the elephants.Elephants are an  important pan of Thai culture and way of life.They have been a traditional symbol(象征)of  Thailand for many years in times of war and peace.In the seventh century,a Thai king trained 20,000 elephants for battle.
I’ll tell you all about my Thai boxing(拳击)lessons next time I write.
小题1:How many family members are there in Mandy’s host family?
小题2:Mandy writes in her e.mail that the__________ lesson is her favourite.
A.Thai speakingB.boxing C.Thai writingD.cooking
小题3:Next month,Mandy is going to visit__________.
A.Pattaya beachB.Phuket Island
C.Phairat’s hometownD.Bangkok
小题4:According to the e-mail,__________has been a symbol of Thailand for many years.
小题5:From the e-mail we know that Mandy is__________ when she stays In Thailand.
小题6:What is the possible subject of the e-mail?
A.Study trip in Thai landB.Food culture in Thailand
C.Elephant riding in ThailandD.International schools in Thailand
No one is born knowing how to study. You need to learn a few study skills and then practice them. Here are six ways of studying smartly.
Listen carefully in class. When you listen carefully in class and take good notes, you are starting learning carefully. Are you sitting next to a loud person? Is it hard to see the blackboard clearly? Tell your teacher or parents about this kind of problems.
Take food notes. Not sure how to take notes? Start by writing down what your teacher says or writes on the blackboard during class. Try your best to write clearly so you can read your notes later.
Plan ahead (提前作计划). It is bad to wait until Thursday night to study for Friday’s exam. You should plan ahead. Write down the date of your exam. You can plan what to do after school each day, and how much time to spend on each subject.
Break it up(拆开)。 When there’s a lot to study, it can help you to break things into units. If you have an exam on spelling words, break them up into five-word units and work on one or two different units each night.
Ask for help. Ask your teacher for help if you don’t understand something. If you’re at home, your mom or dad might be able to help.
Have a good sleep. A good sleep is good for your next day’s study.
小题1:How many ways to study smartly are there in the passage?
小题2:What is the first step(步骤) of starting learning and studying?
小题3:What could you do if you have a lot to study?
小题4:Who can you ask for help when you don’t understand something at school?
小题5:Do you think a good sleep is good for your next day’s study
If you want to become a better reader, here are four important points to remember about rate or speed(速度)of reading:
First, knowing why you are reading and what you are reading to find out will often help you to know whether to read rapidly or slowly.
Second, some things should be read slowly. Examples are directions for making or doing something; arithmetic(算术)problems, science and history books. They are full of important information. You must read such things slowly to remember each important step and understand each idea.
Third, some things should be read rapidly. Examples are simple stories for enjoyment, news, letters from friends, items or bits of news from local or hometown paper, telling what is happening to friends and neighbors.
Fourth, in some of your readings, you must change your speed from fast to slow, and slow to fast, as you read. You’ll need to read certain pages rapidly and then slow down and do more careful reading when you come to important ideas which should be remembered.
小题1:A tale about fairies(神话) should be read_________.
A.slowlyB.carefullyC.rapidlyD.to change one’s speed fast to slow
小题2:A book about knowledge of the nature should be read _____________.
A.either rapidly or slowlyB.rapidlyC.neither rapidly nor slowlyD.slowly
小题3:__________should be read slowly.
C.Some things full of important informationD.Newspapers and magazines
小题4:In this passage the author advises us to ____________.
A.read more booksB.be better readers
C.fit our speed to our needs D.change our speed of reading now and then(不时地)
小题5:According to this passage, one must pay attention to _______in your reading.
A.why you are readingB.what you are reading
C.the speed of readingD.careful reading

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