
He was ill, _______he still went to school on time.




One day three Frenchmen who did not know English very well were talking about the English language.
The first Frenchman said, ‘I heard someone shout ‘look out’ ,I put my head out of a window and a basin of water fell on me. It seems that ‘look out’ may mean ‘don’t look out!’
The second one followed, ‘ I was once on a ship and heard the captain(船长) shout, ‘All hands on the deck(甲板)’ I put my hands on the deck and someone trod(踩)on them.’
The third one told his friends his experience too, ‘One early morning I called on my English friend and the maid(女佣) said, ‘He is not up yet, come back in half an hour.’ When I went again for him, she said, ‘He’s not down yet.’I said, ‘If he’s not up and he is not down, where is he then?    What a strange language it is!’
【小题1】What is the possible meaning of “look out” in this passage?
A.Put your head out and look outsideB.Be careful
C.Come out and have a lookD.Both A and B
【小题2】When the captain shouted. “All hands on deck”, he really meant to tell____________.
A.Everyone on the ship to put his hands on the deck
B.All the sailors(水手)to put their hands on the deck
C.All the sailors to come up to deal with (处理)some trouble
D.Everyone on ship to gather (集合)on the deck
【小题3】What did the maid mean when she said, “He’s not up yet”?
A.He has not risen to his feet yet.
B.He’s not back yet.
C.He has not got up yet.
D.He was ill in bed.
【小题4】Where was the third Frenchman’s English friend then?
A.He was at a party.
B.He was at work.
C.He was in his bedroom.
D.He was in the bathroom.
【小题5】What do you think was the three Frenchmen’s real trouble?
A.English is too difficult to understand.
B.They didn’t use the language so often.
C.They knew nothing about the English idioms.(成语\习惯用语)
D.They were not sure about the English grammar.

There was once a bad king, all his people hated him very much. One day in a summer he was swimming by himself in a river.The king was a good swimmer, but while he was in the middle of the river, he was ill. He cried out “Help! Help!” At that time two farmers were working in the field near the river. They ran over, jumped into the water and saved the king. They didn’t know that he was the king until they pulled him out of the water.
The king was very happy, so he said to the farmers, “You have saved my life. Now you may ask for anything, and I’ll give it to you.”
One of the farmers said, “My son broke his leg last week, and he can’t walk. Please send him a good doctor.” The king agreed. Then he said to the other farmer. “And what can I do for you, old man?” The old man was very clever. He thought for a few minutes and then he answered, “You can do a very important thing for me.”“What’s that?” asked the king. He thought that the old man would ask for some money or something else.
“Don’t tell anybody that we have saved you,” the old farmer answered.
【小题1】 Where was the king swimming one day in a summer?
A. In a river.
B. In a lake
C. In the sea
【小题2】Who came to save him?
A. His son.
B. Two farmers.
C. A farmer.
【小题3】When did the farmers know that he was the king?
A. Before they jumped into the water.
B. When they were in the water.
C. After they pulled him out of the water.
【小题4】What did the king do after he was saved?
A. He promised to be a good king
B. He promised to give the farmers anything they wanted
C. He promised not to swim again.
【小题5】Why did the king need help in the water?
A. Because he wasn’t good at swimming
B. Because somebody pulled him into the water.
C. Because he was ill.

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