
     Men have always traveled from one place to another.
     Before they did not travel for fun, but to find new places much better to live in or be away from their
neighbors. It was not an easy thing. They always walked from their old home to another new place. But
later they found an easier way of traveling. They rode on the back of some animals. They also use the
wood to make a little "boat" to travel in the water.
     But now people travel for the joy of seeing and experiencing new things. And traveling has become
much easier. People can travel in their own cars, or by train, ship or plane. And it is also safe and
comfortable. They can even travel to the space, but it's much expensive.
1. People in the past traveled for __________.
A. finding a new place
B. fun
C. joy
D. finding new neighbors
2. People in the past traveled __________.
A. on foot
B. riding on the back of the animals
C. by "boat"
D. all above
3. Today people travel to __________.
A. live longer
B. experience new things
C. be away from their home
D. drive their own cars
4. Today traveling is __________ than before.
A. harder
B. cheaper
C. easier
D. fun
5. You are very rich, and you want to travel to the space. Can your dream come true?
A. No, it can't.
B. Yes, it can.
C. Yes, it is.
D. We don't know.


Men in Space

  Now men have already come into the Space Age.The Russian scientists sent the first man-made satellite into space on October 4,1957.Soon after that scientists sent up several other satellites into space.

  On July 16,1969, the Americans sent up the Apollo Ⅱ into space.It carried three men to the moon.Four days later, Neil Armstrong, one of the three spacemen, became the first man to land on the moon.

  Millions of people on that day sat by TV, watching this exciting moment.They saw the spacemen get off the spaceship, step onto the moon and walk about on it.

  After he was back to the earth.Neil Armstrong said.“That's one small step for a man.but one big leap for mankind.”

Choose the right answer for each blank:


Men began to study space ________.

[  ]


a long time ago


since a long time ago


for a long time


many, many years


Men sent the first satellite into space ________.

[  ]


on October 4,1957


on July 16,1969


several years ago


on July 20,1969


The first man landed on the moon ________.

[  ]


on October 4,1957


on July 16,1969


about thirty years ago


on July 20,1969


It was ________ to watch space man walk on the moon.

[  ]










The successful launching of the Apollo Ⅱ helped men to ________.

[  ]


know more about the sun


make further study on the moon


get a better look at the moon


have better understanding of the stars


  My respecting teacher

  I always thought that a man who was wise (睿智的) and good would become rich, but this year I have learned that this is not always true. I learned this from my teacher. He is both wise and good, but is not rich at all, for being a teacher, he doesn't have a good income. He may be able to get more money if he gives up teaching for business. But he is so proud of being a teacher that he takes pleasure in helping young people. He stays at school from morning till late afternoon and works very hard. He always smiles at us when we go to ask him for help. He is kinder to us than anyone whom I've ever known. I think it must be easier to learn history or maths than to learn how to become such a man. He scolds (责备) us when we do something wrong, but it teaches us to try to do better. We all wish to study with him as long as possible, but that may be impossible. Some of us may become doctors, some be come businessmen, some become engineers, some become writers, but we all want one thing very much to become men like our teacher.

(1) The writer always thought that ________.

[  ]

A. a wise and good person would never become rich

B. a wise and good person would become rich

C. a wise teacher would become rich

D. a good teacher would never become rich at all

(2) The writer's teacher is the following except that ________.

[  ]

A. he is very kind
B. he never scolds his students
C. he works very hard
D. he likes to help his students

(3) What's the meaning of this sentence“He is kinder to us than anyone whom I've ever known.”?

[  ]

A. He is the kindest person I know.

B. He is kinder than many people I know.

C. I know many people who are kinder than he.

D. Only a few people are kinder than he.

(4) From this passage, we know that the writer ________.

[  ]

A. is now working
B. is now still a student
C. is now a doctor
D. is now also a teacher

(5) Which is NOT TRUE according to (根据) this passage?

[  ]

A. The writer is proud of his teacher very much.

B. The writer may become a teacher in the future, too.

C. It's very easy to be a wise and good teacher.

D. The teacher may become rich if he gets down to business.


Men in Space

  Now men have already come into the Space Age. The Russian scientists sent the first man-made satellite into space on October 4, 1957.Soon after that scientists sent up several other satellites into space.

  On July 16, 1969, the Americans sent up the Apollo Ⅱ into space. It carried three men to the moon. Four days later, Neil Armstrong, one of the three spacemen, became the first man to land on the moon.

  Millions of people on that day sat by TV, watching this exciting moment. They saw the spacemen get off the spaceship, step onto the moon and walk about on it.

  After he was back to the earth. Neil Armstrong said. “That's one small step for a man. but one big leap for mankind.”

  Choose the right answer for each blank

1.Men began to study apace ________.

[  ]

A.a long time ago
B.since a long time ago
C.for a long time
D.many, many years

2.Men sent the first satellite into space ________.

[  ]

A.on October 4, 1957
B.on July 16, 1969
C.several years ago
D.on July 20, 1969

3.The first man landed on the moon ________.

[  ]

A.on October 4, 1957
B.on July 16, 1969
C.about thirty years ago
D.on July 20, 1969

4.It was ________ to watch space man walk on the moon.

[  ]


5.The successful launching of the Apollo Ⅱ helped men to________.

[  ]

A.know more about the sun

B.make further study on the moon

C.get a better look at the moon

D.have better understanding of the stars

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