
---I took lots of photos in Hainan.
---Really? Could you show ______ to me?

  1. A.
  2. B.
  3. C.
  4. D.

I was tired and hungry after a long day of work. When I walked into the living-room, my 12-year-old son looked up at me and said, “I  31  you.” I did not know  32  to say, and I just stood there, looking  33 at him. My first thought was that he must need help with his homework. Then I asked, “What was that all about ?” “Nothing,” he said, “My teacher said we should tell our parents we love them and see what they say.”
The next day I called his teacher to  34  more about what my son said and how the other parents had reacted﹡. “Most of the fathers had the  35  response﹡ as you did,” the teacher said, ”When I first suggested ﹡that we try this, I asked the children what they thought their parents would say. Some of them thought their parents would be surprised.”
Then the teacher explained , “ I want my students to know that feeling love is an important part of  36  . I’m trying to tell them it’s too bad that we don’t express﹡ our feelings. A boy  37 tell his parents he loves them.” The teacher understands that sometimes it is  38  for some of us to say something .
That evening when my son came to me, I took him in my arms and held on for a while, saying, “Hey, I love you,  39  .” I don’t know if saying that made either of us healthier,   40   I did feel pretty good.

A. dislikeB. loveC. likeD. enjoy
A.howB. whyC.whatD. which
A.talk toB.talk withC.find outD.do with
A. andB.butC.soD.when

It was a dark and cold night.The taxi driver didn’t have even one passenger all day.When he went by the railway station,①he saw a young man coming out with two bags in his hands.So he quickly opened the door of the car and asked,“Where do you want to go,sir?”
“To Star Hotel,”the young man answered.When the taxi driver heard this,he didn’t feel happy any more.He knew the young man could give him only three dollars because the hotel was not far from the railway station.But suddenly,he had   ②  idea.He took the passenger through many streets of the big city.
After a long time,the car arrived at the hotel at last.“You should pay me fifteen dollars,”the driver said to the young man.“What? Fifteen dollars! Do you think I’m a fool? Only last week, I took a taxi from the railway station to this same hotel and I only gave the driver thirteen dollars.I know how much I have to pay for the trip.I won’t pay you one dollar more than I paid to the other taxi driver last week.”
1. 请将句中①处句子译为汉语。                                                
2. The young man wante to go to the               .
3. 请在②处填入一个正确的冠词。                                           
4. 请在文章中找出和下面的句子意思相同的句子。
The hotel is near the station.
5. How much will the young man pay the taxi driver ?

补全对话  阅读对话,从每题A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出一个最佳答案完成对话。(5分)

A: How was your day off, Tina?

B: Oh, it was awful.

A: Really?    1  

B: Well, we wanted to go camping, but the weather was terrible.    2  

A: Oh, that’s too bad. Then what did you do? Did you watch TV at home?

B: No.   3  . It was boring.

A: Sounds terrible, Tina.

B:   4 

A: I think I had great fun. I went to the museum and met a famous actor.   5  And I got his autograph.

B: That sounds wonderful.

1.                                  A.What happened? B.Are you OK?

C.Can you help me?                   D.How is the weather?


2.                                  A.It is raining now.  B.It rained all the time.

C.It is sunny.                        D.It was fantastic.


3.                                  A.We often go there by ship. B.We will go out for a walk.

C.We helped mom with the chores.      D.We like delicious food.


4.                                  A.Would you like to go with me?   B.When did you get to the museum?

C.Why did you meet a famous actor?      D.How about your day off, Tony?


5.                                  A.I’m going to be a nurse.   B.I don’t like action movies.

C.I can’t stand soap operas.           D.I took a photo with him.



 It snowed again. My seventh Christmas was round the corner. I dreamed of getting the present from Father Christmas until my elder sister dropped the bomb, “There is no Father Christmas.”

  I ran to my grandmother’s house, for she always told the truth. Grandma was at home. I told __11___ everything. “No Father Christmas?” she was a little ___12____. “Don’t believe it. Put on your coat, and let’s go.”

  “Go? Where, Grandma?” I asked.

  “Kerby’s Store.”

  As we walked through its doors, Grandma handed me ten dollars and said, “Take the __13___ and buy something for someone who needs it. I’ll wait for in the car.” Then she turned and walked out of the Kerby’s.

  For a few seconds I just stood there, holding the money, wondering ___14___ to buy, and who to buy it for.

  I thought of ___15___ I knew: my family, my friends, my neighbors … I suddenly thought of Bobbie Decker, a __16___ with bad and messy hair. He sat right behind me ___17____ Mrs. Pollack’s class.

  Bobbie ___18___ went to any party during the winter. His mother always wrote a note, telling the teacher that he had a cough, ___19____ we all knew that he didn’t have a cough, and he didn’t have a coat. I decided to buy Bobbie a red warm coat ___20____ he would like.

  That evening, Grandma helped me wrap the coat in Christmas paper and ribbons, and ___21___ “To Bobbie, From Father Christmas” on it. Grandma told me Father Christmas never let people know that he ___22___ them. Then she drove me over to Bobbie’s house, telling that I was helping Father Christmas ____23___ the presents.

Grandma parked the car along the street, and we hid behind the trees near Bobbie’s house. Then Grandma said to me, “All right, Father Christmas, get going.”

  I took a deep breath, rushed to his front door, put the present down. ____24___ the door, rang the doorbell and flew back to the safety of the ____25_____ and Grandma. We waited breathlessly in the dark for the front door to open. Finally it did, and there stood Bobbie.

  That night, I realized that Father Christmas was alive and well, and we were on his team.

1.A. him  B. her   C. them   D. you

2.A. angry   B. happy   C. tired   D. afraid 

3.A. book   B. coat   C. present   D. money

4.A. what   B. when   C. where   D. how

5.A. everybody   B. nobody   C. somebody   D. anybody

6.A. girl   B. boy   C. man   D. woman

7.A. for   B. on   C. in    D. with

8.A. always   B. often   C. sometime   D never

9.A. so   B. if   C. but   D. and

10.A. where   B. that   C. who   D. why

11.A. read   B. say   C. write   D. spell

12.A. helped   B. believe   C. taught   D. made

13.A. give up   B. give away   C. put up   D. put off

14.A. on   B. behind   C. outside   D. over

15.A. shop   B. cars   C. door   D. trees


It was Mary’s birthday.Her uncle wrote a letter and told her he would like to send her some chickens.She was very happy because she liked eggs and chicken.”I can keep the chickens for their eggs or eat them,”she thought.

When the chickens arrived the next day, they were all in a box.Mary took the box off the truck and began to carry it into her garden,but the box of chickens was so heavy that she dropped(落下)it.The chickens all ran out.They ran here and there.Mary spent hours in trying to find them.

A few hours later her uncle came.He asked.”Did the chickens arrive safely?” ”Yes,but I dropped the box.The chickens ran everywhere.It took me the whole morning to look for them,”Mary said.

“Did you find them all?” asked her uncle.”I hope so,”Mary answered,”But l only caught(抓住)eleven of them” “That’s very interesting.I only sent you six.”her uncle laughed.

1.Mary got a letter from her _____.





2.When she got the letter, Mary was ______.





3.Why did Mary drop the box?

A.Because she didn’t like the present.

B.Because the box was too heavy.

C.Because she wanted to 1et the chickens go out.

D.Because she couldn’t wait to look at her present.

4.I took Mary _____ to find the chickens.

A.an hour

B.two hours

C.three hours

D.the whole morning

5.Did Mary know how many chickens her uncle sent her?

A.Yes.she did.

B.Her uncle knew.

C.Maybe she knew.

D.No,she didn’t.


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