
A: Jim, do you have __1__ this afternoon?
B: Yes, I do. Do you have any ideas?
A: What __2__ going to the zoo?
B: That's a good __3__.
A: There are some __4__ animals in the zoo.
B: What are they?
A: Some wolves, giraffes __5__ kangaroos.
B: Really? Where are they __6__?
A: Well, the wolves are from Europe and the giraffes are from __7__.
B: __8__ about the kangaroos?
A: They are from Australia.
B: Well, I really __9__ to see them. I think they are beautiful.
A: Yes, let's go there at half __10__ two in the afternoon. OK?
B: Great!
1. time 2. about 3. idea 4. new 5. and 6. from 7. Africa 8. How 9. want 10. past

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