With the holidays coming up, lots of people will be having parties. Want to make sure you’re a perfect host or guest(客人)? Now it’s a good time to brush up on your party manners.
When inviting guests to your party,  send invitations to their homes instead of passing them out at school. This way, you won’t hurt the feeling of classmates you didn’t invite.
<83>Wait for all your guests to arrive before starting any activities. If people at the party don’t know each other, make sure you introduce everyone.
If your guests bring gifts for you, thank each gift----giver as you open his/her present. After the party, be sure to send a hand-written thank-you card to each guest, telling them how much you appreciate their gifts.
When you receive a invitation to a party, be sure to let the host know whether you can come.
Arrive on time. Bring a gift to a birthday party. <84>If it’s a holiday party, ask the host if there’s anything you can bring. Adults often bring a desert or a bottle of wine to a party, even when the host tells them that he/she doesn’t need anything. Young people don’t have to do this, but it’s always polite to ask.
Be friendly to the other guests. Remember to say “Please” and “Thank you”! When you leave, thank the host for the party.
(一)    根据短文内容简要回答问题。
【小题1】 If you invite guests to your party, how should you send your invitation?
【小题2】 If you receive an invitation to a party, what should you do first?
Robby was 11 years old when his mother sent him to have his first piano lesson. I prefer that students begin at an earlier age, but Robby said ____36____ had always been his mother’s dream to hear him play the piano. So I took him on __37__ my student.
Although Robby tried very hard, ___38____ he was not good at music. However, he continued and _____39____ the end of each weekly lesson he’d always say:“My mom is going to hear me play someday.” But it seemed hopeless. He didn’t have a talent for music.
One day, Robby stopped ____40____ to our lessons. He told me that his mom had been sick and unable to take him to piano lessons, but he was still practicing. He asked ____41____ he could take part in my concert and I agreed.
The night of the concert came. The high school gym ___42____ with parents, friends and relatives. The concert was going well. Then Robby came up on the stage, and began to play the piano.
He played _____43___ well that everyone was on their feet, clapping(鼓掌)excitedly. In tears, I ran up on the stage, “Oh, Robby! ____44____ did you do it?”.
“Well, Miss Green…remember I told you my mom was sick? Well, actually she had cancer and died this morning. And well…she was born deaf, so tonight was the ____45___ time she ever heard me play the piano. I wanted to make it special.
A.comeB.to comeC.comingD.came
A.packedB.was packedC.were packedD.packing

When Jack was very young, he played a lot of football and he was very   1   at it. But then he went and worked in a town and there was no team for him, so he stopped    2   .Then he began to get rather    3   . So he thought, “ I’ve stopped playing football, and now I’m getting fat.     4   am I going to do?” He thought about it for    5     . And then he said to himself,” I know , I’ll play tennis.”
He had a few lessons and then played for a few months. He met a nice girl ___6___ the tennis club one day, and they played a game of tennis against ___7___ young man and woman. Jack played very badly and was very   8    with himself.” I’ve never played as badly as this before,” he said to the girl, “Oh, ” she said ,” you    9     how to play tennis?” After that the girl taught him how to play tennis when she was free. And Jack ___10___ in love with her day by day. Now she becomes Jack’s wife. How amazing it is!
A.many yearsB.quite a few years C.about ten yearsD.a few days
A.don’t knowB.knowC.didn’t knowD.knew

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