

In Switzerland, it’s very important 1. (be) on time. We’re the capital of clocks and 2. (watch), after all! If someone 3. (invite) you to meet him or her at noon, then you’re expected to be there at noon. If you’re even 15 minutes late, your friend may 4. (get) mad. So I make 5. (a) effort to be on time in order that I 6. (let) my friend down. I always leave the house early to avoid heavy traffic because I think it’s impolite to keep others 7.(wait).

8. (also), we never visit a 9. (friend) house without calling 10. (one). We almost always make plans to see friends. We usually plan to do something interesting, or go somewhere together.


When an earthquake hit a small town, many houses fell down.

After the earthquake, all the newspapers reported many stories about some of the __________ who were in trouble.

One Sunday, when I __________ a newspaper, a special picture touched me. It gave the clothing size of each family member. I thought that this would be a good chance to teach my children to help those who were less lucky than __________. I said to my seven-year-old twins, Brad and Brett, and three-year-old Meghan, “We have so much, and these poor people now have __________. We’ll share what we have with them.” I filled a box ___________ foods and clothes. While I was doing this, I encouraged the boys ___________ their toys and donate some of their less favorite things. Meghan watched__________as the boys ___________ their old toys and games and put them together. Then she walked away. A few minutes later she came back with Lucy, her much-loved doll. She put the doll on the top of the other toys. “Oh, dear,” I said. “You don’t have to give Lucy. You love her so much.” Meghan said, “Lucy makes me happy, Mommy. Maybe she’ll make __________ little girl happy, too.”

I looked at Meghan for a moment. She taught me a lesson.

It’s easy to give something that we don’t want any more, but __________ to give what we cherish, isn’t it?

1.A.houses B.neighbors C.families

2.A.read B.was reading C.reading

3.A.himself B.herself C.themselves

4.A.nothing B.anything C.everything

5.A.of B.with C.for

6.A.choose B.chooses C.to choose

7.A.terribly B.quietly C.sadly

8.A.took out B.took up C.took care of

9.A.other B.another C.the other

10.A.hardest B.hardly C.harder

Many pets got separated from their families almost two years ago, when Superstorm Sandy hit the East Coast. A New Jersey family was one of them. They lost their dog. He got away from their backyard during the storm.

Chuck James said that his family searched for the brown-and-white dog named Reckless for months after the October 2012 storm. Reckless was a cute dog which brought much pleasure to the whole family, and the youngest daughter Tiffany loved him most. They played together, watched TV together, ate popcorn together and Reckless even saw Tiffany off when she headed for the kindergarten every morning. Chuck James kept on searching for the lovely dog in e very possible way, but no luck.

"We reported him missing and called the shelters from time to time, just hoping they had him," James said. "We always kept our hopes up, but finally it was time to move on."

James said the family had planned to get a new dog. The dog was to be a tenth birthday surprise for their eldest daughter, Ally. The family of five went to the Monmouth County SPCA (Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals) to adopt a new animal. When James and his wife walked close to the first cage, they saw a familiar face inside.

"He was a little bigger than I remembered because they had fed him well," James joked. "But then he was lying on my wife's feet and I knew it was him. It was unbelievable. I know this dog is meant to be with our family."

When SPCA officials asked if they could prove the animal was their dog, a friend sent a selfie showing the family with their dog before Sandy hit the East Coast.

"We're all so happy to have him back," James said. The family is living in a hotel while their home is being repaired. This weekend, the Jameses went on a camping trip with Reckless to celebrate the dog's return.

1.What happened to Jameses when Superstorm Sandy hit the East Coast?

A.Their house lay in ruins after the storm.

B.Their pet dog Reckless went missing.

C.Their pet dog Reckless was adopted by another family.

D.They found their pet dog Reckless badly injured.

2.Having searched for Reckless for months, the Jameses found him in ________.

A.an animal hospital B.one of their friends' houses

C.the Monmouth County SPCA D.the backyard which was under repair

3.The meaning of the underlined word "selfie" is closest to "________".

A.document B.credit card C.text message D.picture

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