
A:Hey! Maria!  小题1:        
B:I’ve been to the River Park.
A:You’ve lived there for three months.  小题2:         
B:It’s great. But I wasn’t used to the air when I first arrived.
A:There are more and more cars. It creates the air pollution.
B:I agree. But   小题3:         
A:We should do something to protect the environment, I have some videos about that?
B:How nice! Would you mind me watching them?
A: 小题4:         You can come and get them at any time this afternoon.
B: 小题5:        
A:It’s my pleasure.

小题1:Where have you been?
小题2:How do you like there?
小题3:What should we do?
小题4:Not at all. / Of course not.
小题5:Thanks very much.

小题1: 考查上下文的理解能力。答语“我去了河边公园”,所以问“你去哪儿了?”。故选Where have you been?
小题2:考查上下文的理解能力。前文问“你在那里呆了三个月 。”后面回答“ 太好了。”所以这里应该问:你觉得那里怎么样?前后问答相符。故选How do you like there?。
小题3:考查上下文的理解能力。答语“我们应该做些什么来保护环境,”所以这里问“我们应该做些什么?”前后问答相符。故选What should we do?。
小题4:考查上下文的理解能力。问“你介意我看看他们吗?”所以这里应说“不介意。”和后面的“你可以今天下午任何时间来拿。”前后问答相符。故选Not at all. / Of course not.
小题5:考查上下文的理解能力。后面说“很高兴。”所以前面说“谢谢你。”前后问答相符。故选Thanks very much.。
Which university would you like to go to in the future? It’s not too early to think about it right now.
Students at Hilltop School had a University Week at the end of last month.小题1:   For instance, they designed a flag for a virtual(虚拟的) “University of Hilltop”.
  小题2:    He said he started the program to help students form their aims. “University may not be for everyone, but we want the program to help students form their aims.” He said.
 小题3:     Eric ,a student in Grade 8,said“University Week made me realize that university is only four years away. I should do research about where I want to go.” Paul, another student in Grade 8 said that he realized there were so many universities for him to choose. 小题4:   
The school also invited people to give career talks. The first talk was given by Captain Brown, a policeman. He talked about how to choose a career way.   小题5:  
“The program opened up the students’ eyes.” said Mr Miller.
A. According to the students, the program worked well.
B. Eric thinks it’s too early to think about which university to go to in the future now .
C. During this week ,they took part in all kind of activities.
D. Mr Miller is the teacher who started the program.
E. After the research, he said he wanted to choose the University of California.
F. He also talked about the importance of math, reading and writing in his career as a policeman.
阅读表达 阅读短文,按要求完成短文后的各项任务。

Christmas is a season to spread joy. Can we spread this joy by caring a little more about nature and going green? Here are some good ideas.
Reduce the use of the decorative (装饰) lights. Make use of the eco-friendly(环保的)lights on the market. In this way you can save electricity.
Reuse the wrapping (包装) paper to wrap the gifts. You don’t need to buy new wrapping paper every year. Also try using the same small decorations for your Christmas tree.
Recycle (循环利用) all those decorations that your can not use any more. You can send out Christmas cards made from recycled paper. It’s a thoughtful way of going green for Christmas. (1)There are many charities selling these cards made from recycled paper.
There are some other ideal ways to go green for Christmas.
(2)You can make Christmas _________ by _________. You needn’t go shopping for your family and friends. Homemade Christmas chocolates, handmade soft toys, homemade candles are wonderful. There is a saying that goes, “It is the thought that counts.”
If you have no time for gifts, you can also invite your family and friends over to have a home cooked meal. They can even help you with the cooking. This can make your relationship stronger.
Let’s use these green Christmas ideas to celebrate an eco-friendly Christmas!
小题3:回答问题:Why do we use the eco-friendly lights for Christmas?
小题4:在文中找出与This can help improve your relationship.意思相近的句子,并将它写在答题卡上。
Thirty years ago, few Chinese knew about American TV series, though during the 1980s and 1990s, Chinese people got the chance to watch some U.S.A. TV series like Growing Pains.
Now, 小题1:________, Chinese people have more chances to enjoy foreign TV series. Some American TV series such as小题2:________ have become very popular among young Chinese English learners. In their opinion, watching American TV series is a good way to learn English and American culture. They have other reasons to support that point of view.
First, it’s easy and convenient for learners to manage their learning time. They don’t have to worry about the place and time to learn. 小题3:________, they can start watching and learning. All they need to do is to turn on their computers and put on their earphones.
The stories in the TV series also play an important role in attracting more learners. Different cultures between China and the Western countries and exciting story lines get young people interested in watching and learning 小题4:_______.
Besides, watching American TV series can help learners improve their listening and speaking skills. English learners may find it hard to find a native speaker to talk with, 小题5:______, they can listen to native speakers and follow their conversations as much as they can.
A. Any time they are free
B. American culture and Chinese culture
C. Friends and Prison Break.
D. They also feel relaxed at the same time
E. with the fast development of DVDs and the Internet
F. but in the TV series
G. No matter who you are

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