


John was a rich 1.America man. One day he went into a shop when he was spending his holiday in London. He wanted very much to buy a nice-looking watch, but the owner of the shop asked five hundred dollars for it. Suddenly a young man came into the shop, took the watch out of the 2. owner hands and ran out with it. It all happened in a few seconds. When the owner ran out into the street, the young man was already 3. losing among the people. John went on. At the next corner, he saw the young man with the robbed watch in his hand.“Do you want to buy a fine watch, sir?” he asked in a low voice. “It’s only a hundred dollars.” “The young man doesn’t know I saw him 4.robbed the watch,” he thought. John paid for the watch at once and went back to his hotel with the watch. He told his friend Bill about the fine watch. Bill took a look at the watch and started laughing. He said, “You are a fool. This watch isn’t worth even ten dollars. I’m sure the shop owner and the young man 5.planed this together.”



 改为 American






 American 意为“美国人,美国人的”在句中作定语。


 be lost 表示“走失,走丢”,在本句中指“消失在人群里”。

 本句考查句式“see sb.doing sth.”含义是 “看见某人正在做某事”。




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