
A dog has a piece of meat and takes it home. Now on his way home he has to walk across a bridge over a river. Then he looks down and sees his own shadow (影子) in the water and takes it for the shadow of another dog, with a very big piece of meat.

He really wants to have that one, too. So he makes a snap (犬吠) at the shadow in the water, but as he opens his mouth, the piece of meat drops into the water and can not see it any more.

1.How many dogs are there in the story?

A.One B.Two C.Three

2.Where is the dog?

A.On the bridge. B.In the river. C.In the village.

3.Where is the meat before the dog sees his own shadow?

A.In the water. B.In his mouth C.In another dog's mouth

4.At last, who gets the meat?

A.Nobody. B.The dog. C.The dog in the water.


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