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My work allows me to live in different countries. Reading books helps me to connect with my friends, family and my home country, the UK. Here are some books that I read a lot.

Daddy Long Legs

This book is about the story of a young girl, Judy, who goes to university and gets lots of new experiences. This book always makes me think of my mother because she used to read it to me when I was ill in bed.

Harry Potter

I'm sure many of you know Harry Potter books! I have read them many times since primary school. I really get lost in the stories. These days I'm reading them again in Germany.

The Railway Children

这是我最喜爱的书之一It was a gift for my 13th birthday from my best fricnd, so it still strongly makes me think of my childhood. It is about three children and their adventures(冒险经历)next to a railway.


I can live in different countries because of my work.



When did the writer's mother read the book to him?







What does the underlined word “It” in the last sentence refer to(指的是)?



I was so careful. I was nervous too. I had taken driving lessons and passed my driving test. I had to pick up my father from work and drive him to the train station. But as I got close to my father’s workplace, I felt more and more confident.

There he was standing in front of his office building. After I stopped the car, he got in. But then, I was nervous again. I had to get the car into the street. With so many cars around, it wasn't easy. After about two minutes of waiting, the way was finally clear.

Soon we got onto the highway(公路). My father was giving me some advice on how to change lanes((车道). Suddenly, I saw a police car behind me. They were pulling me over(令我停靠路边).“Oh no! 'I said. A police officer came to my window. "The speed limit(极限 )on these roads is 100 kilometers an hour, he said. " Do you know how fast you were going?” “120?"I guessed. Of course it was a rediculous guess. There were so many cars passing me. How could that be?

No. You were going 65 kilometers an hour. You can't drive that slow. You'll cause an accident. When he found out this was my first day as a driver,he smiled and walked away. And that was my first day as a driver.

1.The writer planned to drive his father to .

A.the train station B.the police station C.their home D.his workplace

2.The writer got nervous again when he .

A.left his father B.saw a road sign C.arrived at the highway D.had to drive the car into the street

3.What word does underlined the "ridiculous"in Paragraph 4 probably mean in Chinese?

A.粗略的 B.荒谬的 C.保险的 D.困难的

4.The police officer stopped the writer because he .

A.was driving too slow B.made a wrong turn

C.Parked his car in the wrong place D.changed lanes without signaling

5.What was the police officer like?

A.Smart B.Friendly C.Unfair D.Careless

Santa Can Come before Christmas

It was last June. I was shopping in a supermarket. A young man walked up and asked, “Can you tell me where the ________ counter is?”

“In the lower right corner.” I replied.

Some minutes later, I met the same man ________ almost 10 bottles of milk.

I asked, “Do you need a trolley (手推车)?”

“Sure, thanks.” he answered.

Then I was ________ that his trolley had 24 bottles of milk and was still ________ more ones.

I couldn’t help asking, “Why do you have so many bottles?”

“These are for my street ________ . I want to be a Santa ________ them.”

“It’s too _______ to be a Santa. It is still June.”

He turned at me but saying _______ .

________, we met again at the bread counter.

“So these bread and cakes are also for the street dogs, Mr. Santa?”

“Yes. I love to be Mr. Santa in the month of June. Santa is a ________ of surprise and love. He comes in December as we ________ him around Christmas. But in real life there is a Santa that shines at some time, ________ which month it is. Maybe when you offered a trolley to me, there was a ________Santa in you. When we offer food to a poor man or a(n)________to someone who is caught in the rain, we are being Santa there. So just think that Santa has come all the way for you.”

He is right. We just need to realize that Santa is around us by ________ happiness and unconditional (无条件的) love. He can come before Christmas.

1.A.vegetable B.milk C.bread D.fish

2.A.putting B.choosing C.holding D.bringing

3.A.scared B.excited C.angry D.surprised

4.A.picking up B.taking up C.getting up D.coming up

5.A.boys B.dogs C.toys D.plants

6.A.for B.on C.of D.by

7.A.late B.early C.lucky D.easy

8.A.something B.anything C.nothing D.everything

9.A.Luckily B.Suddenly C.Hopefully D.Naturally

10.A.bridge B.style C.brand D.symbol

11.A.ask B.show C.expect D.invite

12.A.no matter B.even if C.as well D.not only

13.A.lost B.frozen C.missed D.hidden

14.A.camera B.umbrella C.apple D.box

15.A.storing B.facing C.spreading D.increasing

Robert W. Coleman Elementary, a primary school in the US. has an unusual method of educating difficult students. Instead of making hose who have broken school rules stay after school or go to the head teacher's office, teachers at Robert W. Coleman Elementary send them to the Mindful Moment Room. This room may sound terrible, but in fact it's comfortable and inviting.

In the Mindful Moment Room, a student is paired with a teacher. For five minutes, the student is allowed to speak with the teacher about what happened. For another fifteen minutes, the student is led through meditation(冥想). The room can be used during school time as well as before and after school.

You may not think a difficult primary school kid would sit there quietly for 15 minutes of meditation but that's true. Most of the children do behave very well in the room. Surprisingly, the results don't stop there. Many children even ask to go to the Mindful Moment Room themselves.

The Mindful Moment Program was created by the Holistic Life Foundation (HLF). Its purpose is to help students and teachers reduce stress and create a better learning environment for students. If you need more proof(证据) that the program is having a good influence on the kids, HLF cofounder Andres Gonzalez remembers a story.

A mother once told him," I came home the other day, feeling stressed out, and my daughter said, "Mom, you need to sit down. I will teach you how to meditate’”

1.Why are the students sent to the Mindful Moment Room?

A.To make teaching more meaningful B.To develop their interest in meditation

C.To be probably punished by the teacher D.To help them learn to behave themselves

2.From the third paragraph, we can infer that the writer ________the results the method has achieved.

A.feels angry about B.is surprised at C.feels worried about D.is disappointed at

3.What does Andes Gonzalez want to show by telling the story?

A.The Mindful Moment Program is wonderful

B.Students love Robert W. Coleman Elementary

C.It’s good for kids to communicate with parents.

D.Students of Robert W. Coleman Elementary are relaxed.

4.Which of the following is TRUE?

A.Students must stay in the room alone. B.Most students refuse to enter the room.

C.Students cannot enter the room after school. D.Students are asked to stay at the room for 20 minutes.

Harry keeps a diary. He writes every day. Here are his diaries for a week in June.

Monday, June 11th

It rained all day, so we did not do any sports. We stayed in our classroom and read books.

Tuesday, June 12th

I missed the bus and was late for school. It wasn’t my fault. The bus was 10 minutes early.

Wednesday, June 13th

I had an English test today. I got an A. It's my best grade ever! I made only spelling mistakes.

Thursday, June 14th

I went swimming with Adam and Steve. Steve is a good swimmer and he taught us a lot. I hope he will win the school swimming competition next Monday.

Friday, June 15th

I didn’t go to school. I caught a cold because of swimming in the swimming pool. I stayed in bed and slept all day. I felt better in the evening. Mom didn’t go to work. She looked after me at home.

Saturday, June 16th

I felt much better today, but Mom made me stay at home, I watched TV all day. It was boring. I didn’t do anything interesting today.

1.What did Harry do on Monday?

A.He slept all day. B.He did some reading.

C.He went to the library. D.He watched a lot of TV.

2.What does the underlined word “fault” mean in Chinese?

A.职责 B.理由 C.权利 D.过错

3.How did Harry feel on Wednesday?

A.Happy B.Sorry C.Bored D.Tired

4.There was a swimming competition in Harry’s school on .

A.June 15th B.June 18th C.June 22nd D.June 25th

5.Why didn’t Harry’s mother go to work on Friday?

A.Because the weather was bad.

B.Because she had to go to see a doctor.

C.Because she had to look after Harry at home.

D.Because the bus was 10 minutes early and she missed it.

In the sea there are many islands( 岛 ). In its warm waters there are some little ones. We call them “coral islands(珊瑚岛)”. A coral island is very nice to look at. It looks like a ring of land with trees, grass, and flowers on it. One part of the ring is open to the water.

There is a little round lake inside the island. If you look into the lake, you will see beautiful corals. You may think they are flowers.

If you look at a piece of coral, you will see many little holes(洞)in it. In each of these holes a very small animal has lived. These sea animals make the coral.

They begin to build coral under the water year after year, the coral grows higher and higher. At last it grows out of water.

Then the sea brings it to small trees or something else. After some years, these things change into earth. Sometimes the wind brings seeds( 种 子 )to the earth. Sometimes birds fly over it and bring seeds to the island.

The little seeds grow. In a few years there are plants all over the island. In a few more years there are trees growing there.

So you see, the islands are built little by little(渐渐地). The workers are very small. Don’t they teach us a lesson?

1.________looks like a ring of land.

A.The sea B.The coral island C.The water D.The tree

2.Inside the island there is a________.

A.lake B.river C.hill D.land

3.________look like flowers in the lake.

A.The fish B.The islands C.The corals D.The birds

4.The sea animals begin to build________under the water.

A.flowers B.coral C.trees D.grass

5.________doesn’t bring small trees or seeds to the island.

A.The sea B.The wind C.The snow D.The bird

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