
  Life was pretty terrible for most people in London 100 years ago.They had to suffer from noise, smoke and dirt.The noise came from the railway, and the smoke and dirt came from the train and thousands of factories all around them.The smoke got together with fog and hung in the air for days.Diseases killed thousands of children.Families were large but often five out of seven children would die before they were five years old.

  Is life really better than it was 100 years ago? It is certainly true that people live longer than they used to, travel faster than they could and own more things than they did.But they still have to suffer from noise, overcrowding and bad air which are still a basic part of modern life.

  100 years ago there was a clear difference between town and country.But the motor car has changed all that.One motorway can take up a huge amount of land.Cars are also a basic part of modern life.

  But industry and modern life do not have to be enemies of beauty.We can have both beauty and progress.In fact, we need clean rivers and open countryside just as much as people did 100 years ago.But nowadays the problem is that it’s becoming more and more difficult to have open land, clean water and fresh air.


Many children died because of ________ 100 years ago.

[  ]










According to the passage, we now have more ________.

[  ]


modern cars


clean rivers


fresh air


open land


From the passage, we can infer that ________.

[  ]


beauty in nature can be considered as the enemy of modern life


there’s a big difference between town and country nowadays


life today is certainly better than it was 100 years ago


the environment is as important as development

On August 15, 2011,the Ministry Publish Security (公安部) started a campaign (活动) to educate drivers about the dangers of driving after drinking.

As a part of the campaign, police officers watched bars, restaurants and KTVs in Beijing, Shanghai, Liaoning, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hubei and Guangdong. It ended up on December 30. But it told the drivers the meaning of the new traffic laws and the dangers of drinking.

In Beijing, some restaurants put up notices and told drivers about their responsibility. “Usually if a group of guests come by car, the driver won’t drink. If he does, we will remind him,” said a waitress from Dongfang Restaurant in Beijing. Fewer drivers are drinking alcohol nowadays, since many know about the campaign.

Wang Lankun, a traffic policeman in Beijing said, “Some drivers think a glass of beer is not a problem. But a blood test will show that their blood-alcohol level is more than 20mg for each 100ml of blood, that is enough to affect their driving.”

During the campaign, drivers who have a blood-alcohol level of over 20mg for each 100ml of blood will get a fine of 500 yuan. Also, they will not be allowed to drive for three months.

In fact, there are strict laws to punish drunk driving in many other countries. For example, in the USA, if someone has a blood-alcohol level of over 80mg for each 100ml of blood, he will be sent to prison for one year. But in Britain, he will be fined 5,000 pounds and banned (禁止)from driving for 12 months, also he will be sent to prison for 6 months. In Germany, if a driver has a blood-alcohol level of over 60mg for each 100ml of blood, he won’t be allowed to drive until he passes a new driving test.

1.How long did the campaign last?

A.For about half a year.                    B.For about four and a half months.

C.For about 12 months.                    D.For about three months.

2.The police officers watched many places except ___________.

A.restaurants        B.KTVs              C.schools           D.bars

3.If a driver drinks a glass of beer before driving in China,_________

A.it won’t affect his driving.

B.he will take a new driving test and get a driver’s license.

C.he won’t be allowed to drive for three months.

D.his blood-alcohol level will be over 60mg for each 100ml of blood.

4.If a driver has a blood-alcohol level of over 80mg for each 100ml of blood in Germany,

which punishment will he accept?

A.One year in prison.                      B.Banned until he passes a new driving test.

C.A 12-month ban from the roads.            D.A fine of 5000 pounds.

5.From the text, we know_________.

A.The waitress in the restaurant can remind the driver not to drink

B.More and more drivers are drinking alcohol nowadays

C.The Ministry Publish Security began this campaign to punish the drivers

D.All drivers must pass a new driving test if they drive after drinking


Dear editor,
      During last year's winter holiday, I went shopping with my grandmother. We saw several beggars, some of
whom were disabled, which made me feel sad. Among them were old people, young people and even children!
When I wanted to help them, my grandmother stopped me. She told me they were not worth showing mercy
(慈悲) to because some beggars cheat (欺骗) people out of their money. Should I help them? 
                                                                                                                          Huang Wei From Yichang
Dear Huang Wei,
      While I understand your grandmother's point of view, I think that just because some beggars have cheated
people, but this doesn't mean you should never help any beggars.
      Showing mercy and compassion (同情) to people who are not as fortunate as us is one of the kindest things
we can do.
      While some beggars may use dishonest means probably because they desperate for (极想得到) food and
feel they had no choice but to cheat people.
      It is important to be careful for your own safety. But if you want to help, you don't necessarily have to give
to beggars in the street.
     Another way you can help is by donating (捐赠) money to China charity federation. Visit its website at
1.The two letters are most probably taken from _______.
[     ]
A.a story book
B.an English book
C.a science book
D.a newspaper
2.From the grandmother's words, we can learn that ________.
[     ]
A.she never helped the beggars
B.she doesn't believe there are real beggars nowadays
C.she had probably been cheated by some beggars
D.she shows no pity for the poor
3.The word "fortunate" in the passage means _______.
[     ]
4.The editor suggested that Huang Wei should ________.
[     ]
A.have his own mind
B.follow his grandmother
C.do something for those unfortunate
D.be careful about his own safety

On August 15, 2011,the Ministry Publish Security (公安部) started a campaign (活动) to educate drivers about the dangers of driving after drinking.

As a part of the campaign, police officers watched bars, restaurants and KTVs in Beijing, Shanghai, Liaoning, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hubei and Guangdong. It ended up on December 30. But it told the drivers the meaning of the new traffic laws and the dangers of drinking.

In Beijing, some restaurants put up notices and told drivers about their responsibility. “Usually if a group of guests come by car, the driver won’t drink. If he does, we will remind him,” said a waitress from Dongfang Restaurant in Beijing. Fewer drivers are drinking alcohol nowadays, since many know about the campaign.

Wang Lankun, a traffic policeman in Beijing said, “Some drivers think a glass of beer is not a problem. But a blood test will show that their blood-alcohol level is more than 20mg for each 100ml of blood, that is enough to affect their driving.”

During the campaign, drivers who have a blood-alcohol level of over 20mg for each 100ml of blood will get a fine of 500 yuan. Also, they will not be allowed to drive for three months.

In fact, there are strict laws to punish drunk driving in many other countries. For example, in the USA, if someone has a blood-alcohol level of over 80mg for each 100ml of blood, he will be sent to prison for one year. But in Britain, he will be fined 5,000 pounds and banned (禁止)from driving for 12 months, also he will be sent to prison for 6 months. In Germany, if a driver has a blood-alcohol level of over 60mg for each 100ml of blood, he won’t be allowed to drive until he passes a new driving test.

71.How long did the campaign last?

A.For about half a year.                 B.For about four and a half months.

C.For about 12 months.                 D.For about three months.

72.The police officers watched many places except ___________.

A.restaurants         B.KTVs        C.schools         D.bars

73.If a driver drinks a glass of beer before driving in China,_________

A.it won’t affect his driving.

B.he will take a new driving test and get a driver’s license.

C.he won’t be allowed to drive for three months.

D.his blood-alcohol level will be over 60mg for each 100ml of blood.

74.If a driver has a blood-alcohol level of over 80mg for each 100ml of blood in Germany,

which punishment will he accept?

A.One year in prison.             B.Banned until he passes a new driving test.

C.A 12-month ban from the roads.   D.A fine of 5000 pounds.

75.From the text, we know_________.

A.The waitress in the restaurant can remind the driver not to drink

B.More and more drivers are drinking alcohol nowadays

C.The Ministry Publish Security began this campaign to punish the drivers

D.All drivers must pass a new driving test if they drive after drinking

On August 15, 2011, the Ministry Publish Security(公安部)started a campaign(活动) to educate drivers about the dangers of driving after drinking.

As a part of the campaign, police officers watched bars, restaurants and KTVs in Beijing, Shanghai, Liaoning, Jiangsu, Zhejiang, Hubei and Guangdong. It ended up on December 30. But it told the drivers the meaning of the new traffic laws and the dangers of driving after drinking.

In Beijing, some restaurants put up notices and told drivers about their responsibility. "Usually if a group of guests come by car, the driver won’t drink. If he does, we will remind him," said a waitress from Dongfang Restaurant in Beijing. Fewer drivers are drinking alcohol nowadays, since many know about the campaign.

Wang Lankun, a traffic policeman in Beijing said, "Some drivers think a glass of beer is not a problem. But a blood test will show that their blood-alcohol level is more than 20mg for each 100ml of blood. That is enough to affect their driving."

During the campaign, drivers who have a blood-alcohol level of over 20mg for each 100ml of blood will get a fine of 500 yuan. Also, they will not be allowed to drive for three months.

In fact, there are strict laws to punish drunk driving in many other countries. For example, in the USA, if someone has a blood-alcohol level of over 80mg for each 100ml of blood, he will be sent to prison for one year. In Britain, he will be fined 5,000 pounds and banned (禁止)from driving for 12 months, also he will be sent to prison for 6

months. In Germany, if a driver has a blood-alcohol level of over 60mg for each 100ml of blood, he won’t be allowed to drive until he passes a new driving test.

61. How long did the campaign last?

A. About 95 days.                                        B. About 135 days.

C. About 155 days.                                      D. About 185 days.

62. The police officers watched all the following places except        .

A. restaurants          B. KTVs                       C. hotels                     D. bars

63. If a driver drinks a glass of beer before driving during the campaign,       .

A. he will be sent to prison for half a year

B. he will have to take a new driving test

C. he won’t be allowed to drive for three months

D. he will be able to drive as well as usual

64. In Germany, if a driver has a blood-alcohol level of over 60mg for each 100ml of blood,       .

A. he will be fined 5,000 pounds and sent to prison for one year

B. he will be banned from driving until he passes a new driving test

C. he won’t be allowed to drive for 6 months and sent to prison for 6 months

D. he will get a fine of 500 yuan and not be allowed to drive for three months

65. From the text, we know that        .

A. different countries have different standards to punish drunk driving

B. fewer drivers know the meaning of the new traffic laws nowadays

C. the Ministry Publish Security began this campaign to punish the drivers

D. all drivers must pass a new driving test if they drive after drinking

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