
     Rubbish is a major kind of environmental pollution. Each person produces about two kilograms of
rubbish in our homes a day. And this is only a small part of all the rubbish we produce. We also create
waste in industry.
     Have you wondered what happens to the rubbish? Most of it is buried (填埋) in landfills or burned.
Less than 25% of our waste is recycled (回收利用).
     A landfill (垃圾填埋厂) is carefully designed and it is built into or on top of the ground. Rubbish buried
in landfills is cut off from the surrounding environment (groundwater, air, rain, etc).
     One problem with landfills is that they cover a lot of land space. If they are not well-built, there is a
high risk of polluting the land and water. Some people also say that landfills remove materials for ever. As
a result, the materials that can be reused are wasted.
     Burning rubbish in factories is another way to cut out waste. Burning reduces 95% of the waste. And
if poisonous materials are removed, and burning is completed at controlled temperatures, it's possible to do
so without causing too much pollution. Some factories could even produce electricity from the burning
     Not all of the rubbish can be burned, so we have to separate (分类) it before we burn it. However,
separation costs a lot of money. Another problem with burning rubbish is that what is left after burning is
poisonous.How to safely deal with it is a continuing problem.
     Before the mid-20th century, landfills were the main way to deal with waste.In the late 20th century,
other ways like recycling have been introduced to help reduce global pollution.
1. What is the advantage of burying rubbish in landfills?
A. Producing electricity.
B. Reusing the materials buried in landfills.
C. Reducing 95% of the waste.
D. Cutting off rubbish from the surrounding environment.
2. Paragraph 6 is mainly about ________.
A. the separation of rubbish
B. the problems with burning rubbish
C. the safety of burning rubbish
D. the cost of burning rubbish
3. The best title of the passage is ________.
A. Cutting out waste
B. Recycling waste
C. Burning waste
D. Burying waste
4. After Paragraph 7, what is the writer likely to talk about next?
A. Pollution.
B. Landfills.
C. Recycling.
D. Environment.
1-4      DBAC


  Guangzhou-The 16th Asian Games will be held in Guangzhou, China, from November 12, 2010 to November 27, 2010.It has been twenty years since Beijing held the 11th Asian Games.They are the world’s second largest sport events after the Olympic Games.The first Asian Games were held at New Delhi, India in 1951, which again hosted it in 1982.There are five cute and sporty goats(山羊)named “Le Yangyang”, which will serve as the official mascots(吉祥物)of the 2010 Asian Games.Their names are A Xiang, A He, A Ru, A Yi and Le Yangyang for the leader goat.Put together, their names make the Chinese phrase, Xiang He Ru Yi Le Yangyang, which means Peace, Harmony(和谐)and Great Happiness.This fully expresses Chinese people’s hope that the 16th Asian Games bring peace, prosperity(繁荣), success and happiness to the people of Asia.

  Japan-A Japanese company has announced the development of a mirror(镜子)that can detect flu-like symptoms(探测似流感症状), such as a fever.People don’t need to make any physical contact(身体接触)when taking their temperature.It’s a useful instrument, which can be used again and again.While a person enjoys their beauty in front of the mirror, the mirror shows their temperature and an alarm sounds if they have a fever.The mirror will be used in public places, such as schools and hospitals.It is cheep and has two types.



The 16th Asian Games will be held in Beijing.

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The Olympic Games are the world’s largest sport events.

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There are four goats as official mascots of the 2010 Asian Games.

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Fever can cause an alarm sounding according to the news.

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The mirror will only be used in public places, such as schools and hospitals.

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