

Hello,my friends!I'm back from my vacation.I went to a _____ with my parents.We _____ two weeks there.We _____ a hotel.Our room faced(面向)the sea,so we could see the sea at _____ time of day!There was a shopping street and many restaurants around.We bought many things and enjoyed lots of seafood(海鲜).I bought _____ for all of you.

The _____ in the hotel were nice.They always answered our questions _____ a smile(微笑).They were very _____.We had _____ kinds of foods and drinks for ______.They were ______,so I ate a lot every morning.The happy hour was waiting for us after we ______ from the beach!Everything ______ perfect(完美的).______ I go to the beach next time,I will stay at that hotel ______!

1.A.beach B.mountain C.museum D.cinema

2.A.took B.shopped C.spent D.went

3.A.lived in B.lived on C.lived with D.lived out of

4.A.any B.some C.every D.no

5.A.special something B.special anything C.anything special D.something special

6.A.students B.friends C.visitors D.workers

7.A.at B.with C.on D.to

8.A.friendly B.cheap C.expensive D.interesting

9.A.many B.much C.a lot D.a little

10.A.supper B.lunch C.breakfast D.dinner

11.A.expensive B.delicious C.terrible D.bad

12.A.arrived at B.got up C.worried about D.came back

13.A.was B.were C.is D.are

14.A.If B.Where C.Because D.And

15.A.forever B.either C.never D.again


Love is more powerful

Many years ago, my dad decided to volunteer at the local children hospital. My dad loved kids. It was the perfect job for him. He would talk to them and play with them and do arts and crafts with them.

There was a girl, Karen, who had been admitted with a rare disease that paralyzed(使麻痹,使瘫痪) her from the neck down. I don’t know the name of the disease, but I do know that it was very sad for a girl around eight or nine years old. She couldn’t do anything, and she was very depressed(沮丧的). My dad decided to try to help her. He started visiting her in her room, bringing paints, brushes and paper. He stood the paper up against a backing, put the paintbrush in his mouth and began to paint. He didn’t use his hands at all. Only his head would move. He would visit her whenever he could and paint for her. All the while he would tell her, “See, you can do anything you set your mind to.”

At the end of the day, she began to paint using her mouth, and she and my dad became friends. Soon after, the little girl was discharged(允许出院) because the doctors felt there was nothing else they could do for her. My dad also left the children hospital for a little while because he became ill. Some time later after my dad had recovered and returned to work, he was at the volunteer counter in the lobby(门厅) of the hospital. He noticed the front doors open. In came Karen, only this time she was walking. She ran straight over to my dad and hugged him really tight. She gave my dad a picture she had done using her hands. At the bottom it read: “Thank you for helping me walk”.

My dad would cry every time he told us this story. He would say sometimes love is more powerful than doctors, and my dad who died just a few months after the little girl gave him the picture --loved every single child in that hospital.

1.The writer’s father decided to volunteer________.

A.at the children bookstore B.in the shopping mall

C.in the community D.at the local children hospital

2.How did the writer’s father help the paralyzed little girl?

A.He helped her practice walking. B.He painted special pictures for her.

C.He visited her and made a toy for her. D.He showed her she could still do things.

3.Why did the little girl give the writer’s father a picture?

A.Because he was badly ill. B.Because he liked pictures very much.

C.Because she wanted to thank him for his help. D.Because her mother wanted her to do that.

Our family went to the Yellow Stone National Park last summer vacation.Our son,Tom,wanted to see bears there.And what an interesting experience it was!

When we got there,we put up our tent and went to explore(探险).As we returned,we heard our daughter Susie cry out.And then we saw a bear go into our tent.

Tom wanted his father to chase(追赶)him away.His father said,“No.It's dangerous to chase a bear.And don't let him chase you.” Susie said,“What shall we do?Maybe we should climb a tree.” Tom said,“No.We have to get him out there.He might go to sleep in our tent.” “Maybe we could make him leave if we put some honey outside for him to eat,” Susie said.Then I said,“How are you going to get the honey?It's in the tent.” We watched the bear go into the tent and heard him upset(弄翻)everything inside.“It's foolish for us to try to chase him away,” said my husband.“Leave him alone and wait for him to come out.” We waited,but the bear stayed inside.We had to sleep in the car that night.

1.Last summer vacation Tom wanted to see________.

A.tigers B.wolves C.bears D.birds

2.Where did the family go on vacation last summer?

A.They went to Central Park. B.They went to the Yellow Stone National Park.

C.They went to a zoo. D.They just stayed at home.

3.What did they do when they saw a bear go into their tent?

A.They chased the bear away. B.They stayed outside the tent and did nothing.

C.They climbed up a tree. D.They put some honey outside for the bear to eat.

4.What did the bear do in the tent?

A.He ate the honey. B.He chased the family away.

C.He drank the beer. D.He turned things upside down.

Jerry went to a barber’s shop and had his hair cut, but when he came out, he was not happy with the result. When his friend Jack saw him, he said in surprise, “What has happened to your hair, Jerry?”

Jerry said, “I tried a new barber’s shop today, because I wasn’t quite pleased with my old one, but this one seems even worse.”

Jack agreed, “Yes, I think you are right, Jerry. Now I’ll tell you what to do when you go into a barber’s shop next time: look at all the barbers’ hair, find out whose hair looks the worst, and then go straight to him.”

“Why shall I go to him? But that would be foolish!”

“Oh, no, it wouldn’t,” answered Jack. “Who cut that man’s hair? Just think it over. He couldn’t cut it himself, could he? Another of the barbers cut it. So you know he can’t be the worst barber.”

1.When Jerry went out of the barber’s shop, he was not happy because .

A.nobody had cut his hair B.the barber hadn’t cut his hair well

C.he was satisfied with his old barber D.the barber had cut his hair carefully

2.Jerry said that he had tried a new barber’s shop that day. He meant .

A.the barber’s shop was a new one B.that was the only barber’s shop in his town

C.Jerry often went to this barber’s shop D.Jerry had not been to that barber’s shop before

3.After Jerry had his hair cut, he thought .

A.the new barber’s shop was the best one

B.the old barber’s shop wasn’t so good as the new one

C.the new barber’s shop was worse than the old one

D.the old barber’s shop was the worst one

4.Jack told Jerry to find out which barber’s hair looked the worst and then go straight to him because .

A.he was certainly the best barber B.he was free all the time

C.he was the worst barber D.he wasn’t the worst barber

5.From the story we know that .

A.it’s foolish to have one’s hair cut at a barber’s shop B.barbers cut each other’s hair

C.barbers never have their hair cut D.a barber always cuts his hair by himself

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