
1-David, can you _______ yourself?

-Of course, I can.

A. dress   B. put on    C. wear 




【解析】动词辨析。  dress sb。给某人穿衣服;put on是穿上……衣服;wear是穿着衣服,表状态。根据句意:戴维,你能自己穿衣服吗?故选A。



Trip1  The Green Mountain
Bring your strong shoes for the hiking in a beautiful area of the Green Mountain. You can also find many kinds of wild animals living in this area.
Time: May 8—May 14                Tel: 64639818
Adult: $110.00                     Child: $55.00
Trip 2  The Heaven Garden
This is a beautiful garden with different kinds of flowers. Take your camera and enjoy the wonderful sight here. It is also a good place for fishing.
Time: May 20—May 22                   Tel: 63986432
Adult: $ 50.00                     Child: $ 25.00
Trip 3  The Dungog Valley
Put on your warm clothes, and come for a night walk along the Dungog Valley. Many of the plants you will see on this trip can only be seen at night.
Time: May 16—May 18                   Tel: 63875629
Adult: $ 30.00                     Not for children
Trip 4  By the sea
Wear your sun hat and enjoy wonderful sunshine all the time from morning to evening. You can also take a boat to different places for swimming.
Time: May 23—May 27                   Tel: 67538293
Adult: $ 80.00                     Child: $ 40.00
【小题1】David has no classes from May 7 to May 15. He can go ________.

A.hiking in the mountain
B.fishing in the garden
C.watching plants at night
D.swimming in the sea
【小题2】Mr. and Mrs. Smith want to stay in the Heaven Garden with their five-year-old son and seven-year-old daughter. They need to pay _______ for the trip.
A.$50 B.$ 100C.$240 D.$150
【小题3】Lucy wants to know something about  plants. ________ suits her well.
A.Trip 1 B.Trip 2 C.Trip 3D.Trip 4
【小题4】You should take ________ for the sightseeing in the Heaven Garden.
A.a sun hat B.a cameraC.warm clothes D.strong shoes
【小题5】You should call ________ if you want to enjoy the sunshine at the seaside.
A.64639818 B.63986432 C.63875629D.67538293


Henry: I find the Internet is very good for shopping. I use more and more for buying books and CDs, and I even bought some clothes over the Internet. The other thing I can do is to book(预订) travels over the Internet. I booked a cheap flight once. It was very easy, and it was really good.

David: I use the Internet for games. I play chess with people all around the world. Last night I had a game with someone from Japan. I also download (下载)games from the Internet, so I can have any game I want.

Peter: I use the Internet for anything I need to help me with my schoolwork. I use the online dictionaries, encyclopedias(百科全书) and magazines. It’s great because I can download pictures or articles and use them to help my homework. It’s very easy to use and it’s free, so I like it.

Tony: Well, the main thing I use the Internet for is to e-mail. I usually write to my customers(顾客) by e-mail, and my customers answer me by e-mail, too. We probably send and receive four or five hundred e-mails a month. But of course, I also use e-mails to keep in touch(保持联系) with friends and family. My daughter is in Australia and we send e-mails to each other every day.

1.________ prefers to use the Internet to buy things.

A. Henry?????? B. David??????? C. Peter?????? D. Tony

2. David’s hobby is to  __________?? on the Internet.

A. read books?? B. book flights??

C. play games?? D. download pictures

3.Peter can use the Internet to ____________easily.

A. play chess? B. do schoolwork

C. do some shopping D. talk with his daughter

4.From the passage we know that  ????   .

A. Peter is a teacher??????????? B. Tony is a businessman

C. David is an engineer???????? D. Henry is a bookseller

5.Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Henry had an experience of using the Internet to book a cheap flight.

B. David had a game with a Japanese over the Internet one night.

C. Tony often e-mails to his customers, friends and family.

D. Peter needs to pay for what he gets from the Internet.


“Would you tell me which way I should go from here?” asked Alice.

“That depends a good deal on where you want to get,” said the Cat.

“I really don’t care where” replied Alice.

“Then it doesn’t much matter which way you go,” said the Cat.

--- from “ Alice in Wonderland ”

My name is David. And I have a brother called Mike.

One day, my brother called me and asked me for some advice. He was trying to decide between two job offers:

Job 1 – The first job was your typical 40 hour a week “office” job.

Job 2 – The second job was more of a career in the insurance industry(保险业), where he would start at the bottom, and after many years and many long hours eventually rise to the top (if he was good).

The second job did not pay as well as the first job (at the beginning), but the pay-off of the second job (in the future) was much greater than the first job. So which job should my brother take? Well the answer is…it depends.

Just like the Cat was trying to tell Alice, which road you take depends a great deal on where you want to end up.

Begin with the End in Mind

I asked my brother what was his life’s purpose. He said his purpose was to “teach,” but he wanted to make a lot of money first. I told my brother to forget about the money, and I advised him to focus on his purpose. I then asked him which job best supported his end result of “teaching.” He said the first job best supported his goal because he would only have to work 40 hours a week, which would give him spare time to teach. He continued on to say, “but if I take job number two, I can work hard and make more money, then I can retire early and “teach” later in life.” I again advised him to “focus” on his purpose, not money. Things don’t end wrong, they begin wrong!

You Can’t Ride Two Horses Well

It would be very difficult to have a successful teaching career while you’re working 70-80 hours a week in the insurance business; no one can ride two horses well. As they say, you can do anything, but not everything. I advised him to get started today by choosing the job that best supported that decision.

Tomorrow Never Comes

My brother was thinking that he could always start teaching later in life, but the reality is, tomorrow never comes. Unless you decide right now to follow your feelings, they will probably never be completed. You only live once, don’t go to the end of your life with one regret.

The Money Will Come

My brother seemed to be overly concerned with making money. I told him not to be anxious about making money. You will always have greater money when you’re doing what you love.

In a word, whenever you’re at a cross-road, be sure to make the decision that best supports the goal of your life. If you do, then you will be well on your way.

1.Mike ___________ David one day.

A.visited            B.met              C.made a telephone call to   D.found

2.Mike was trying to ____________.

A.look for a job                          B.start a career

C.wok in an office                         D.decide between two job offers

3.As for the life’s purpose, Mike ______________.

A.wanted to teach first                     B.wanted to make a lot of money first

C.wanted to work in the insurance industry     D.wanted to work 40 hours a day

4.You Can’t Ride Two Horses Well means _____________.

A.you’d better have two horses

B.you can only ride one horse well

C.you can do everything well.

D.you can’t do two things well at the same time

5.The best title of the passage is ______________.

A.How to choose a better job

B.It is more important to begin than to end

C.How to make a better decision

D.Make more money because tomorrow never comes


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