
  A few days ago, few people knew his name or his face. But last Thursday, when he came back to the earth after a 21-hour trip to space, Yang Liwei's smile was seen across the world.

  The 38-year-old astronaut (宇航员) was sent into space at 9:00 am, last Wednesday by China's Shenzhou V Spaceship, and it travelled round the earth 14 times. He landed safely at 6:23 am, the next day. That made China the third country to successfully send a person into space, after the former Soviet Union and the USA.

  Yang was pleased with his job. “I have seen many landing scenes ever before on video tapes, and I think ours was one of the most successful,” he said on a special plane to Beijing after landing.

  Anybody who saw the breaking-up of the US space plane named Columbia in February of 2003 knew that Yang was in great danger.

  Yang experienced very high temperature, while the gravitational forces (地心引力) on taking off and landing were strong enough to make tears from his eyes.

  He has spent five years training to become a spaceman after 1350 hours' flying in the air. Although it was hard work, Yang loved it. Yang's success was well worth all the hard work. Yang has become China's first spaceman.

(1) Shenzhou V spaceship spent ________ travelling round the earth at a time.

[  ]

A.1350 hours
B.5 years
C.9 hours
D.about 90 minutes

(2) How many countries have sent spaceships with persons up into space successfully?

[  ]


(3) While the spaceship takes off from the earth, what does the astronaut have to experience?

[  ]

A.Very high temperature.

(4) By which spaceship was Yang Liwei sent into space?

[  ]

A.Shenzhou Ⅴ.
B.Shenzhou Ⅳ.
C.Shenzhou Ⅲ.
D.Changzheng Ⅲ.

(5) How long has it taken Yang Liwei to train flying in the air to become a spaceman?

[  ]

A.1350 hours.
B.Five years.
C.21 hours.
D.14 hours.


(1) 通读全文可知杨利伟花了21小时绕地球14圈,at a time意为“一次”,题意是说神州五号飞船绕地球一圈需多长时间,故应用21小时×60分钟÷14圈=90 (分钟),因此选D

(2) 从文章第二段可知,中国、前苏联和美国都成功地向太空发射过载人飞船,故可知有三个国家,因此选C

(3) 从文章第五段可知,宇宙飞船脱离地球和着陆时,宇航员不得不经历高温,故选A

(4) 从文章第二段第一句话可知,是神州五号飞船把杨利伟送上了太空,故选A

(5) 从文章最后一段第一句话He has spent five years training to become a spaceman after 1350 hours' flying in the air. 可知杨利伟花了5年的时间训练,故选B


  Leonardo da Vinci was born on April 15, 1452 in Italy. He is best known as an artist today. One of his famous paintings is called Mona Lisa. However, Leonardo had many other natural abilities. He was also a great inventor(发明家). Many of his inventions have become important in modern day life.

Although Leonardo hated war, he invented many different machines used for war. His most special invention was the machine gun(枪), which was produced and used in war many years later.

By watching the way birds fly, Leonardo tried to find out the secret of flying. Among his sketches(素描)we can see several objects. We consider them as modern flying machines.

Leonardo spent many hours thinking about how to make good use of time. He developed ideas for labor-saving machines like cutting machines.

Leonardo was a strange man. He didn’t eat any meat, which was very unusual in those times. He never published(发表)his ideas and scientific discoveries. He usually used mirror writing, which looks like writing a mirror, starting from the right side of the page and moving to the left.

We have very little of his work today. Leonardo finished only a few of his paintings. He left many unfinished because he thought they were not perfect. No one in his life time knew how great Leonardo was. We now believe, however, that he was one of the cleverest men the world has ever known.

( )52. According to the passage, Leonardo is not only an artist but also      .

A. an inventor    B. an engineer    C. a writer    D. a musician

( )53.       was Leonardo’s most special invention.

A. The mirror writing      B. The cutting machine

C. The machine gun       D. The flying machine

( )54. Leonardo was strange, for example,         .

A. he didn’t eat any vegetables        B. he usually used mirror writing      

C. he liked to publish his discoveries      D. he enjoyed drawing flying machines

( )55. Leonardo invented some machines to      .

A. stop the war            B. help paint pictures 

C. watch the birds           D. make good use of time

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