
John Flynn was born in Australia in 1880. His father was a schoolteacher. John studied hard and in 1911 he left the city of Melbourne and went to work in South Australia for the Presbyterian Church. The church wanted to help the sheep farmers who lived in the outback many kilometers from towns and cities. They built a number of small hospitals and found nurses to work there, but at that time there were only two doctors in all of South Australia.

One story Flynn often told was about Jimmy Darcy. One day, Jimmy had an accident on his farm so friends took him to see F.W. Tuckett, who worked at the post office at Halls Creek. It was a journey of 22 km. Tuckett was the only person in the area who knew anything about medicine. He tried to help but Jimmy was too ill. Tuckett finally talked by radio to a doctor in Perth, a city 1, 500 km away. The doctor took ten days to arrive. He travelled by car, by horse and on foot and when he arrived, Jimmy was dead. Flynn saw the planes could really help people in the outback. He wrote about his idea for a “Flying Doctor” in 1917, but it wasn’t until 1928 that a flying doctor actually took off. By the 1930s there was a Flying Doctor plane in every part of Australia.

1.The underlined word “outback” means" a_________ place.

A.popular B.lonely C.beautiful D.wonderful

2.What was the problem in South Australia?

A.The nurses weren’t very good. B.There were no hospitals.

C.There weren’t enough doctors. D.There were too many people.

3.What does Flynn tell us about Jimmy?

A.He know something about medicine.

B.He was a doctor.

C.He had an accident.

D.He wrote the book Flying Doctor.

4.What do we know about the doctor from Perth?

A.He travelled too slowly to save Jimmy.

B.He had problems with his car.

C.He didn’t know the way to Halls Creek.

D.He saved Jimmy’s life.


2月1日,一位来自江苏扬州的10岁小女孩谢兰一,将一个小黄鸭储蓄罐(money box)送到派出所,并附“武汉加油!”的纸条,里面是她攒下的零花钱,共计495元,便蹦蹦跳跳地离开了。由于新冠肺炎疫情爆发,全国涌现出了许多值得敬佩的人,如:84岁再次临危受命,出任国家卫健委高级别专家组组长的钟南山,无偿献血的志愿者襄阳,外卖骑手(delivery man)吴辉。他们用自己的行动,温暖了整个社会。这次疫情中?谁是你最敬佩的人?请根据以下要点和要求写一篇英语短文。

要点:1. 介绍你心目中最崇拜的人;

2. 你崇拜的理由是什么?(可以是一件事情或其它);

3. 作为一名中学生,从思想和行为等方面给你什么启示?


1. 包含以上要点;

2. 词数:80—120词,可适当发挥;

3. 文中不能出现自己的姓名和所在学校的名称。


When autumn comes, it’s harvest time in China. China’s grain output(粮食生产)was about 664 million tons in 2019. Rice made up much of the output. How important is rice? What other uses are there for it? Let’s learn more together.

Rice on your dinner table is common. But it is very important for the human body. It build up people’s energy. About two-thirds of the world’s people eat rice.

Rice is easy to grow with enough water. People can grow it on wet and dry land, in rain forests (热带雨林) or deserts(沙漠). It grows well between 18℃ to 35℃. A good rainfall also helps its harvest rice.

In China, people began to grow rice about 3, 000 to 4,000 years ago. Now, Chinese people eat almost every day. They cook fried rice and porridge. There are also some rice-based foods for festivals. Every Spring Festival, people make New Year’s cake with sticky rice(糯米), With it, they wish for a better future. The Dragon Boat Festival is a time to eat zongzi. People remember the great poet Qu Yuan on that day.

1.Was China’s grain output about 664 million tons in 2019?


2.What do about two-thirds of the world’s people eat?


3.When did people begin to grow rice in China?


4.Because of COVID-19, is China’s grain output(粮食生产) enough for Chinese this year? why or why not?


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