
“China is always well protected by the bravest of them,” former US secretary of state Henry Kissinger once wrote. Indeed, in the fight against the novel coronavirus, it is medical workers who are risking their lives on the frontlines of the epidemic(传染病).

As of Feb. 17, more than 32,000 medical workers from all over China have been sent to Hubei, the center of the viral (病毒的)outbreak. They are working under unusual conditions, unimaginable stress and a large number of working.

“In Wuhan mobile cabin hospitals, medical workers take turns to treat patients. They usually have to work for six hours in a row, as well as take one hour to put on and take off their protective clothing. To help them recognize each other, they write their names on their clothing. To save time going to the bathroom, they choose to wear _______,” the Paper reported.

Many doctors and nurses were infected(感染)during the earliest period of the outbreak because of a lack of knowledge about the virus, as well as a shortage of medicine. Some of them were treated, got well and went back to work. Some of them, unluckily, lost their lives.

According to China’s National Health Commission, a total of 1,716 medical workers in China were infected with the new coronavirus as of Feb. 11, while six passed away.

With the support of the central government, the working conditions for medical staff in Wuhan have been improved. They are confident that they will beat against the virus.

These medical workers are just common people. To fight the epidemic, parents leave their children and couples get separated. They are mothers and fathers, wives and husbands, sons and daughters, and also warriors(战士).


1.The text mainly tells us something about ______.

A.scientists’ research on the virus B.workers from all walks of life

C.shortages of medical supplies D.medical workers at the frontlines

2.What can we learn from Paragraph 3?

A.Wuhan is now short of medical supplies. B.only doctors can fight against the virus.

C.there are enough medical workers in Wuhan. D.working at the frontlines is very hard.

3.What does the underlined word “recognize” mean?

A.记住 B.认出 C.掌握 D.保护

4.According to the text, ▲ is ______.


5.We might use the word “______” to describe the medical workers at the frontlines.

A.great B.strict C.unlucky D.normal


On January 27, in order to win the new pneumonia Resistance War(抗击新型肺炎战), the Ministry of Education issued (公布)a notice on putting off the start time of school in spring 2020. It was said that school should not start before February 17. The exact start time of school will depend on situations and further notices.

However, many parents are very worried that putting off the start of school may affect children’s studies. If they have such a long winter vacation, children will not learn any knowledge, read books or study at all. They may forget what they have learned before. Staying at home for a long time will make them keep eating, sleeping and playing, which seriously affect their physical and mental health.

In short, the close of school influences learning and develops bad habits, so how should we avoid these problems? Local education departments have also issued a notice, that is, to organize online teaching and create a network platform(平台), where necessary courses will be shown every day, and online teaching will be given by excellent teachers of the subject, and students can learn at home through computer or mobile network.

It should be said that such a method is very good. It can not only keep students indoors and not worry about the infection(感染) of the disease, but also make them study at home, improve their learning ability, and truly achieve “no suspension of classes”. Both the platform itself and the recorded lesson resources are more useful, and are welcomed by parents and teachers.

Of course, except for learning at home, it is also necessary to teach children about health knowledge, especially how to keep away from touching virus and other knowledge popularization; at the same time, it is also necessary for children to do some physical exercises or some games, which is good for physical health at home.

1.Parents worried about putting off the start time of school because ________.

A.children may be infected by virus B.they don’t like the idea of online learning

C.children’s study may be affected D.parents have no time to look after children

2.Except for learning at home, what is also necessary according to the writer?

A.To keep playing online games. B.To keep touching different people.

C.To do some physical exercises outside. D.To teach children about health knowledge.

3.Which is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Students would rather go to school. B.The date of going to school is decided.

C.Online teaching will help students study. D.Parents believe children can teach themselves.

4.What’s the best title for this passage?

A.A Special Way to Learn at Home B.A New War with a New Chance

C.A Way to keep Mentally Healthy D.A Method to Make Parents Worried

What can be both red or green, round or sharp, big or small, and more importantly, loved or hated by someone? Yes, the answer is chilies(辣椒).

Many of us in China enjoy adding chilies to our food, but did you know that this spicy(辣的) vegetable could also be dangerous? A 34-year-old US man recently ended up in hospital after eating a Carolina Reaper, the spiciest chili people have ever known so far. After taking just a single bite of one, the man suffered from serious headaches in the following days, reported BBC News.

In fact, eating spicy food causes stomachaches and headaches. But if chilies are harmful, why do people like to eat this vegetable? So what makes people love chilies so much? The human body is influenced by natural chemicals that produce “a sense of happiness”, noted BBC News.

And chilies are good to people in another way. Scientists found that the death rate of those who eat spicy food once or twice a week is 10 percent lower than those who eat it less than once a week. The death rate is 14 percent lower for those who eat spicy food six to seven times a week. This encourages people to eat more spicy food to improve health and bring less death risk at an early age. So, don’t worry if you love spicy food. It seems that chilies are actually good for us.

1.Carolina Reaper is a ________.

A.healthy vegetable B.special kind of chili

C.little spicy chili D.kind of junk food

2.What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A.Eating chilies can be dangerous. B.The US man died in hospital.

C.The US man often had a headache. D.The Chinese enjoy eating chilies.

3.People like to eat chilies because ________.

A.chilies do no harm to people B.the chili is a kind of vegetable

C.they can get personal enjoyment D.chemicals in chilies make them mad

4.What is true about the last paragraph?

A.The more chilies you eat, the longer you must live.

B.Scientists encourage us to add chilies to our food.

C.We should eat spicy food six times a week.

D.Proper spicy food may improve our health.

5.Which of the following can be the best title?

A.Eating Chilies, a Healthy Lifestyle B.A Loved and Hated Vegetable

C.Chili—a Harmful Vegetable D.Causes of Stomachache

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