
A man and his wife had a dog to keep their house.When they went out,they always left the dog inside the house.

One evening they wanted ___1___ to the cinema,___2___ they left the dog in the house and locked the door and their ___3___.They ___4___ their car.When the film finished,they came back home.They opened the gate and put the car ___5___.But when they came to the front door,they found that part of the glass ___6___ the door was broken.The door was unlocked and ___7___.A robber! They went in and quickly looked in all the rooms to see ___8___ things the robber had taken.But everything was in the ___9___ place and nothing at all ___10___.

The dog ___11___ in the sitting room on the floor.The lady was ___12___  the dog.“Why didn't you keep the house?” she said.The dog was ___13___ to see its owners.It began to wag its tail(摇尾巴)and then it went to a corner of the room and picked up something in its mouth.It went to the lady and ___14___ the thing at her feet.When the lady went to pick it up,she gave a scream(尖叫).Can you guess what the dog's present was?

It was…a…man's ___15___!

1.A.go                    B.to go                 C.going               D.gone

2.A.so                   B.but                  C.then               D.because

3.A.garden's gate            B.gardens' gate          C.gardens gate         D.garden gate

4.A.got off                B.got on                C.got into             D.went on

5.A.up                   B.down                C.away              D.into

6.A.at                    B.with                 C.on                  D.to

7.A.half-open                B.half-opens              C.half-opened           D.half-opening

8.A.the                   B.all                   C.that                 D.what

9.A.right                  B.left                  C.wrong              D.just

10.A.to miss              B.to be missing           C.was missed         D.was missing

11.A.was slept             B.felt asleep             C.was sleeping         D.fell sleeping

12.A.afraid of             B.angry with             C.worried about        D.surprised at

13.A.sad                B.pleased               C.quick             D.clever

14.A.pulled                B.threw                C.dropped             D.took

15.A.finger               B.fingers               C.heart               D.teeth

1~5 BADCC               6~10 CCDAD             11~15 CBBCA


Once a man and his wife worked for an old man. There was a big box in the old man’s living room. The old man pointed to the  1 and said, “ There’s only one thing you mustn’t do.  2     open the box.” After saying this, he left his home.
The woman said to her husband, “ There  3  be something expensive in the box. Let’s open it, shall we?” Her husband said no  4  her. But the woman didn’t give up the idea. One day, she decided to find out  5  was in it. Her husband didn’t stop her. She  6  the box and looked inside. To her surprise, she found nothing in the box. She tried hard to close it,  7  she failed.
That evening the old man came home and found the box open. He was  8  and asked the woman and her husband to leave his home.
“ But there was nothing in the box,” the woman said “ We haven’t taken  9  at all.” The old man shouted at them. “ The box is not important, but I can’t  10  you. That’s important!’’

A.may notB.can notC.mustD.should
A.understand B.ask C.believeD.answer

Tokyo, March 11, 2011

People left their houses near Sendai, northern Japan on March 11th.
A man and child look out over destroyed homes after a tsunami(海啸) and earthquake.
Nuclear crises(核危机) in Japan’s power plants(核电站).

Could it have been worse?
More than a minute before the earth under their feet began to shake, many millions of Japanese people got cell phone alerts; TV networks interrupted (打断,中断) their broadcasts and turned to the latest announcement of Japanese government; loud speakers started suddenly to warn people of the coming tsunami; bullet trains came to a stop. The earthquake on March 11 was the first test of the nation’s earthquake early-warning technology (地震预警技术). However, in the fight of Man vs Nature, Nature won again. Hundreds, if not thousands of people, lost their lives in Japan. Scientists believe it is the fifth-strongest quake in the world since 1900 and the most powerful on record ever to hit Japan.
Lin tells of calm survivors
When the office began to shake, his friends were calm and still working. But the shaking became stronger. People shouted at him: “Run out of the building, now!” This was Lin Jia’s first experience of an earthquake. Lin, 26, has been in Japan for three months, working as a software engineer in Shinagawa, Tokyo. Lin stayed with others in a bus station all afternoon. Buildings were shaken by a series(系列) of aftershocks. He was nervous, but the people around him were so calm and organized that he gradually (逐渐) calmed down.
【小题1】What does the underlined word “alert” mean?
【小题2】 How many ways of earthquake early-warning are mentioned in the passage?
【小题3】 Which of the following is NOT true?
A.Lin Jia has never met with an earthquake in Japan.
B.There have been five earthquakes in Japan since 1900.
C.The earthquake is the most powerful on record ever to hit Japan.
D.The local government warned people of the coming earthquake in some ways.
【小题4】 What is the most important after an earthquake according to the article?
A.Keep away from the nuclear power plants.
B.Running out of the building.
C.Keep calm and organized.
D.Get the cell phone alerts
【小题5】 Where does this article probably come from?
A.a newspaperB.an advertisementC.a diaryD.a novel

A man and his friend were walking through the deser(沙漠). During the trip they had a ___and the man hit his friend in the face. His friend was hurt, but without saying ____, he wrote in the sand, “Today my best friend hit me in the face.”

They ____ on walking until they found a lake, where they decided to take a bath. The man’s friend fell into the lake and was in danger, but the man saved him. After he came back to life, he wrtoe on a ______ : “Today my best friend saved my life.”

 The man who had hit and ___his best friend asked, “______ I hurt you, you wrote in the sand and now , you wrote on a stone. Why?” His friend _____, “When someone hurts us, we should write it down in sand where wind can ____ it away. ___, when someone does something good for us, we must write it down in stone where it can ______ for ever.”

1.A. talk             B. joke             C. fight              D. picnic

2.A. something       B. nothing             C. anything           D. everything

3.A. kept            B. continued           C. turned             D. tried

4.A. sand            B. stone               C. tree               D. wall

5.A. killed           B. hurt                C. saved             D. made

6.A. Before          B. While              C. Until              D. After

7.A. replied         B. asked               C. questioned         D. required

8.A. blow            B. send               C. fly                D. put

9.A. Although        B. But                C. However           D. If

10.A. last             B. keep               C. be stayed           D. be laid


There was a little boy who got angry easily. His father gave him a bag of nails(钉子) and told him that every  16  he got angry, to drive a nail into the back wall. The first day the boy had 17  37 nails into the wall. Then he put fewer and fewer nails. He found it was 18   to be not angry than to drive those  19  into the wall.  Finally the day came when the boy didn't get  20  at all. He told his father about it and the father suggested that the boy now pull out one nail for each day that he was able to be not angry. The days  21  and the young boy was finally able to tell his father that  22  nails were gone. The father took his son by the hand and led him to the  23 . He said, "You have done  24 , my son, but look at the holes in the wall. The wall will  25  be the same. When you say things  26 , they leave a scar(伤疤) just like this one. You  27  put a knife in a man and draw it out. It won't matter  28  you say I'm sorry, the wound(伤口) is still there. A mental hurt is as bad as a physical one. Friends are a very rare jewel, indeed. They make you  29  and encourage you to succeed. They lend an ear, they share a word of praise, and they always 30  to open their hearts to us.

1.A. time        B. day         C. week             D. year

2.A. turned      B. driven     C. pulled          D. threw

3.A. harder      B. tougher    C. easier           D. worse

4.A. sticks     B. knives       C. nails            D. forks

5.A. happy          B. sad          C. excited         D. angry

6.A passed          B. came         C. returned         D. happened

7.A. some           B. many         C. all              D. most

8.A. house          B. nails       C. room             D. wall

9.A. badly       B. well       C. sadly            D. kindly

10.A. never       B. sometimes      C. often         D. always

11.A. politely     B. carefully   C. happily        D. angrily

12.A. must          B. need        C. can           D. should

13.A. how much    B. how long     C. how many times   D. how far

14.A. cry           B. jump         C. lose         D. smile

15.A. refuse      B. want           C. fail          D. learn


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