

A:Daddy, __1__ This is my new friend, Bob.

B:Welcome to our house, Bob. Come and make yourself at home.

A:Thanks. Wow, what a nice room!

B:Thank you. Sit down, please. Bob, are you and Mike in the same class?

A:No, __2__

B:By the way, _3___

A:He’s a doctor.

B:Oh, I’m a doctor, too. __4__

A:He works at the Red Star Hospital.

B:Really? Me, too. __5__

A:Sure. His name is Jack Green.

B:Oh! It’s a small world. Your father and I are friends as you and Mike.

A. May I have his name?     B. I’m coming home. C. what does your father do?

D. but we’re in the same grade E. May I know his age?   F. Where does he work?












 根据答语He’s a doctor问的是他爸爸是干什么工作的?

 根据答语He works at the Red Star Hospital.说明问他工作地点。

 根据回答 Sure. His name is Jack Green.问他的姓名。

