
【题目】There was an island where all the feelings lived. One day, the island would sink, so they the island quickly. But Love decided to stay. When the island was sinking, Love asked help.

Love asked Richness, “Can you bring me with you?” Richness answered, “No. There is a lot of gold in my boat. There is no for you.”

Love asked Vanity(虚荣), “Vanity, please help me!” “I can’t help you, Love. You are all wet and might make my boat .” Vanity answered.

Love asked , “Please let me go with you.” “Oh, I am sad that I need to be alone!”

Happiness passed by, but she was too to hear Love’s voice!

Suddenly, there was a voice, “Love, I will take you.” It was an elder. Love felt so excited that he to ask his name.

When they arrived at a safe place, the elder . Love asked Knowledge, “Who helped me?”

“It was Time,” Knowledge answered. “But did Time help me?” Knowledge smiled and answered, “Because only Time can understand how great you are.”

【1】A. left B. left for C.set D. set out

【2】A. with B. for C. of D. without

【3】A. house B. rooms C. place D. building

【4】A. clean B. dirty C. heavy D. light

【5】A. Richness B. Knowledge C. Sadness D. Time

【6】A. very B. much C. such D. so

【7】A. impolite B. happy C. silent D. careful

【8】A. forgot B. rememberedC. encouragedD. chose

【9】A. went awayB. ran away C. put away D. away

【10】A. when B. how C. why D. where













试题分析:本文叙述了当热爱在沉没的小岛上寻求帮助的故事。富有”,“虚荣”, “幸福” “悲伤”因为各种原因没有帮助“热爱”。最后是“时间”救了“热爱”。“知识”告诉“热爱”,因为只有“时间”知道“热爱”的伟大。

【1】A考查动词及语境的理解。A. left离开;B. left for动身去某地;C.set 设置;D. set out出发。句意:一天,这个小岛要沉没了,所以他们要快速地离开这个小岛。根据the island would sink可知小岛要沉了,因此岛上的人要离开,故选A。

【2】B考查介词及语境的理解。A. with 用;B.for为了;C.of……的;D.without没有。句意:当这个小岛正沉没时,寻求帮助。ask for help寻求帮助;故选B。

【3】C考查名词及语境的理解。A. house房子;B.rooms房间;C. place地方,空间;D. building建筑物。句意:没有你的空间。根据there is a lot of gold in my boat可知富有的船上有很多黄金,因此没有地方和空间给故选C。

【4】B 考查形容词及语境的理解。A.clean干净的;B.dirty脏的;C.heavy沉的;D.light轻的。句意:你全身都湿了,可能弄脏我的船。根据You are all wet可知身上湿了,会把虚荣的船弄湿,弄脏。故选B。

【5】C 考查名词及语境的理解。A. Richness 富有;B. Knowledge知识; C.Sadness悲伤;D.Time时间。句意:热爱悲伤:“请让我跟你一起走。”根据“Oh, I am 51 sad that I need to be alone!”可知“我很悲伤”此处指的是悲伤,选C。

【6】D 考查副词及语境的理解。A. very非常;B. much很多;C.such如此;D.so那么。句意:“哦,我如此悲伤以至于我需要独处”,根据句型so+形容词+that 从句“如此……以至于……”,故选D。

【7】B 考查形容词及语境的理解。A.impolite不礼貌的;B.happy幸福的;C.silent沉默的;D.careful认真的。句意:幸福经过了,但是太幸福了而没有听见热爱的声音。根据Happiness passed by,可知介绍幸福的感觉,故选B。

【8】A考查动词及语境的理解。A. forgot忘记;B.remembered 记住;C. encouraged鼓励;D.chose选择。句意:热爱如此的激动以至于它忘记问他的名字。根据so excited可知热爱他激动,因此会忘记问对方的名字。故选A。

【9】A 考查动词短语及语境的理解。A. went away离开;B.ran away逃跑;C.put away 收拾起来;D.took away拿走;句意:当他们到达一个安全的地方,那位长者离开了。根据When they arrives at a safe place可知到达安全的地方,送热爱的长者就离开了。故选A。

【10】C考查代词及语境的理解。 A. when何时;B. how如何;C. why为什么;D.where哪里。句意:“但是时间为什么帮助我?”根据后文的“Because only Time can understand how great you are.” “因为只有时间能明白你是多么伟大”可知此处是询问原因的,故用疑问词why。故选C。


【题目】Look at the notice from the Students’ Union. It’s a description of students’ activities for the coming winter vacation.

Winners of Super Boys will come to our school on March 30th, 2015. They are going to give a concert in the school hall at 200 pm. Please come to the Students’ Union to get a half-price ticket to the concert before this Friday.

Wouldn’t it be great if you could join us and go hiking around the West Hill for two days? We’ll start at 700 am on April 6th. Please come to the Students’ Union to sign your name and pay fifty yuan, 20 percent off for members of the Hiking Club.

Are you interested in being a volunteer? We’ll go to a mountain village to give away books to the children there. We’ll work and study with them for a whole day. Please come to the school gate at 600 am on April 13th, 2015. Free of charge(免费).

We’ll hold a party for the students who come from poor families and have to stay at school during the winter vacation. Would you like to join us? Please come to the reading room at 500 pm on March 28th.

【1】The notice is about __________.

A. free tickets B. students’ activities

C. the West Hill D. poor children

【2】Betty likes music and wants to go to the concert, so she must arrive at the school hall before_______ on March 30th, 2015.

A. 200 pm B. 700 am

C. 600 am D. 500 pm

【3】If you are a volunteer, you will go to a mountain village to do the following things EXCEPT____________.

A. give away books to the children

B. go hiking with the children

C. work with the children

D. study with the children

【题目】For most people, the word “fashion” means “clothes”. But people may ask the question, “What clothes are in fashion?” And they use the adjective “fashionable” in the same way, “She was wearing a fashionable coat.” “His shirt was really a fashionable colour.”

But of course there are fashions in many things, not only in clothes. There are fashions in holidays, in restaurants, in films and books. There are even fashions in school subjects, jobs…and in languages.

Fashions change as time goes. If you look at pictures of people or things from the past, you will see that fashions have always changed. An English house of 1750 was different from one of 1650. A fashionable man in 1780 looked very different from his grandson in 1860. Now iphone 6 is a fashion, but perhaps it will be out of fashion later on.

Today fashions change very quickly. Some of this is natural. We hear about things much more quickly than in the past. Newspapers, radios, telephones and televisions send information from one country to another in a few hours.

New fashions mean that people will buy new things, so you see there is money in fashion.

【1】From this passage we know that “fashion” means ______.

A. clothes B. many things

C. most of the popular things D. everything

【2】“Fashions change as time goes” means________________.

A. fashions change more quickly than time

B. fashions change more slowly than time

C. fashions have changed, but time hasn’t

D. when time changes, fashions change, too

【3】Which of the following things is fashionable today?

A. Surfing on the Internet.

B. Having a family dinner on New Year's Day.

C. Learning to sing songs on the radio.

D. Doing morning exercises at school.

【4】Today fashions change very quickly because _______.

A. people read newspapers every day

B. radios send information from one country to another quickly

C. new things that people like are often shown on TV

D. people quickly learn what is happening in the world

【5】“There is money in fashion” means ______.

A. clothes are expensive

B. money comes from fashion

C. people like new things

D. there are no fashions without money

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