(1) |
根据句子的意思及地理课上学到的知识,可知地球绕其中心旋转的那条线叫做地轴.这是一条假想的、看不见的东西.故答案是B. |
(2) |
根据“The earth travels twenty-four hours around its axis once.”这个句子可直接选出正确答案.事实上,确切地说,地球自转一周所用的时间是23时48分46秒. |
(3) |
答案就在“…but the sun doesn’t really do so.The turning of the earth makes us feel as if the sun were moving across the sky.”这两句话中.选项D迷惑性较大,但是这利用由地理知识来排除. |
(4) |
这是表层理解题,很明显答案在“…because everything else on the earth is turning with us”一句中. |
(5) |
只要理解了“When our half of the earth is facing the sun, we say it is ‘day’.When our half is away from the sun, we say it is ‘night’.”这句话中face的意思,即它在此处用作动词(意思是“对着;面向”),答案即可迎刃而解. 这是一篇介绍地球的自转、公转以及昼夜的交替等自然现象的成因的短文.借助地理学知识,是不难理解的. |
