

The Silk Road is a historically important international trade route (路线)between China and the Mediterranean(地中海). It began during the Western Han Dynasty and has been 1. bridge between East and West for over 2,000 years. Some people may think it is2.[?m'p?s?b(?)l] to exist(存在).Now let me tell you the history.

The ancient road started from Chang’an(now Xi’an) and ended in East Europe, near 3.(today)Turkey and the Mediterranean Sea. It was about 6,5004.(kilometer) long and covered one 5. (four)of the planet. The Silk Road got its name because Chinese silk used to be carried along this road. Silk, jade(翡翠), ceramics(制陶术)and iron6. (go)west to Rome. And from the west came glass, gems and food 7.carrots and sesame(芝麻).The Silk Road was very important to both China and the rest of the world. It was more than an ancient international trade route. Besides trade, knowledge about 8. [‘s????l] arts, science , literature, crafts(工艺)and technologies was shared across the Silk Road. In this way, the languages and cultures developed 9.(quick)and influenced each other. Today, along the Silk Road there are 10. [‘sevr?l] places of interest, such as the Terracotta Warriors in Xi’an and Mogao Grottoes in Dunhuang. Now a new train line runs from Beijing across the Silk Road.


Every year, there are many people going home by long-distance buses during the Spring Festival and the Tomb-sweeping Day . There are more walkers on their way home or to work on the roads. So there are more and more traffic accidents on the roads. Thanks to the efforts of the traffic police, it is said that this year the number of traffic accidents across China was 25.2 percent fewer than the year of 2018 during the three-day Tomb-sweeping Day.

Tomb-sweeping Day, also known as Qingming Festival. It is an important occasion for Chinese to honor their ancestors(祖先). Most people go home in memory of(纪念)their ancestors on that day. About 9.78 million Chinese visited cemeteries to honor their ancestors or relatives during the holiday. A few people also spent the three-day holiday on leisure trains. So transportation safety is a big problem. On the other hand, it is said that Chinese have made 112 million trips during the holiday, up 10.9 percent from last year’s holiday. For the traffic accidents, some people lost their lives. This year, traffic accidents caused 10 deaths during the three-day Tomb-sweeping Day. The fewer traffic accidents are all from the efforts of the police and our government. With the development of society and the government’s efforts, I believe everything will change better.

1.Why are there more traffic accidents during the holidays?

A.Because people have to go home for the holidays.

B.Because people want to honor their ancestors.

C.Because people hurry to work after the holidays.

D.Because there are more people on the roads.

2.During the three-day Tomb-sweeping Day, the number of traffic accidents was about _______ fewer than 2018.

A.a half B.a quarter C.two thirds D.three fifths

3.What’s the meaning of the underlined word “cemeteries” ?

A.教堂 B.墓地 C.景点 D.溶洞

4.Which one is correct according to the passage?

A.Tomb-sweeping Day is different from Qingming Festival.

B.About half of Chinese honor their ancestors on Qingming Festival.

C.More and more people like traveling during their holidays.

D.Most traffic accidents happened on the Tomb-sweeping Day.

5.Where can you read the passage?

A.In a guide book. B.On a story website.

C.In a newspaper D.On a science website.

Sometimes You Just Have to Cry

There are a lot of things about parenthood that could make one cry: sleepless nights, or diaper(尿布) messes and so on. _________, for me the worst had to be — immunization shots(防疫针).

At about two months into _______, I learned the true meaning of the word "heartbreak". There could not have been anything worse than _______ helplessly as he receives his first round of immunization shots. I would rather have been run over by a truck than have to watch him _______ through that. I kept thinking that surely medical science could have come up with a better way of doing this by now while listening to his _______. As for comfort from the doctor, all he could say was, "Ah, look at those healthy tears." As we left the office, I whispered into my son’s ear, "It’s okay, Sam. Sometimes you just_______to cry."

In a way I guess it was only a matter of time before Sam was introduced to _______ in his life. I remembered losing my _________ to a sudden car accident a number of years ago. I tried to remain _______ through it all. One day, when a song came on the radio that ________ me of my father. It was the first time since the funeral that I just let go and cried. It felt ________ to not hold back any more.

The earliest ________ I have of my father is one of me as a young boy holding his hand by his two last ________ as we walked together. His hands seemed so ________ that his fingers were all I could actually grip. He always took me with him to basketball games even at my young age. I will never ________ that.

1.A. Anyway B. Instead C. Moreover D. However

2.A. parenthood B. childhood C. neighborhood D. adulthood

3.A. standing B. watching C. sitting D. complaining

4.A. look B. pull C. go D. walk

5.A. screams B. words C. songs D. whispers

6.A. have B. prefer C. refuse D. remember

7.A. pleasure B. pain C. society D. hospital

8.A. mother B. grandpa C. grandma D. father

9.A. active B. clever C. strong D. patient

10.A. cured B. reminded C. warned D. recalled

11.A. unusual B. terrible C. frightening D. good

12.A. idea B. effect C. picture D. memory

13.A. arms B. legs C. fingers D. hands

14.A. large B. small C. dirty D. clean

15.A. mind B. forget C. do D. accept

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