
    Peter and Paul passed by a small house on their way home late at night. They saw thick   1   coming out of its
windows. "It's on fire!" said Peter. "We must get help."
    The two brothers ran   2   the road shouting "Fire! Fire!" They   3   on the door of the next house. They
asked them to   4   the police and the firemen.
    They ran back to the house. They saw   5   the window an old lady sitting in an arm-chair. It was   6   that
she could not move. Peter and Paul tried hard to carry her out of the   7   and so they did! Some neighbours
(邻居) came and helped take some things out.
    In no time the firemen   8   as well as the policemen. The fire was put out. The old lady cried sadly   9   she
was not hurt. She thanked Peter and Paul and her neighbours  10  .
(     ) 1. A. snow       
(     ) 2. A. over       
(     ) 3. A. knocked    
(     ) 4. A. tell       
(     ) 5. A. at         
(     ) 6. A. old        
(     ) 7. A. arm-chair         
(     ) 8. A. arrived    
(     ) 9. A. so         
(     ) 10. A. up and down
B. clouds           
B. along           
B. beat            
B. report          
B. through          
B. difficult              
B. window               
B. fought         
B. for              
B. again and again
C. fire           
C. at            
C. locked        
C. telephone    
C. above         
C. free          
C. house                  
C. left          
C. and           
C. hour after hour
D. smoke               
D. with                
D. opened              
D. find                
D. on                  
D. clear               
D. road                
D. returned            
D. but                 
D. from side to side 
1. D   2. B   3. A   4. C   5. B   6. D   7. C   8. A   9. D   10. B


  Nearly everyone knows McDonald's. There is probably one near your home, right?

  But McDonald's is a fast-food __1__. When I think of fast-food I think of words likejunk food,poor nutrition(营养)”andoverweight(超重)”. Almost everyone will say fast food is __2__, but they still eat a lot of it anyway. Yesterday I learned how __3__ this was.

  At school we saw a video, calledSupersize Me. A man decided to study what would happen to a person who ate McDonald's food all the time. So, he ate it, three __4__ a day, for a month. By the end of the month he had put on(增加)more than twenty pounds. He had fat in his liver(肝)and blood, he lest some muscle(肌肉), felt __5__ all the time and couldn't help wanting hamburgers. The video said that it took the man about half a year to lose the weight he had put on.

  The video also said that America is one of the __6__ countries on earth. About one in every four grown-ups is overweight. Will it slowly get to the schools? Maybe it will. Most high schools already have vending machines(自动贩卖机)with soda and other junk food. Their cafeterias sell __7__, pizza and hot dogs. Some schools don't even have PE classes.

  The __8__ is right! Even though there are healthy lunch choices in our cafeteria, lots of students just buy hamburgers. I wonder __9__ they do every day. But luckily, we have PE class.

  Will the same things happen in China? When I visited my relatives in Nanjing last year, KFC and McDonald's were really __10__. Sooner or later, China could end up being fat too. Watch out!

(1) Afactory



(2) Adelicious



(3) Atrue



(4) Ameals



(5) Asad



(6) Arichest



(7) Avegetables



(8) Ateacher



(9) Aif



(10) Apopular



Dear Ann,
        1     are you?
Do you    2      your school? I like my school a lot. My teachers are very    3    . Some of my classes
are    4    , but some of them are boring. I like English and art,    5    I don't like math.
     My brother likes    6    school, too. He likes math, but he    7    like science. His favorite    8    is PE.
He likes    9    a lot. Does your sister like her   10   ?
     What subjects do you like?
(     )1. A. Where      
(     )2. A. like        
(     )3. A. scary      
(     )4. A. difficult  
(     )5. A. because    
(     )6. A. his        
(     )7. A. can't      
(     )8. A. book        
(     )9. A. me          
(     )10. A. school    
B. What      
B. know      
B. kind      
B. boring    
B. so        
B. her      
B. doesn't  
B. sport    
B. them      
B. home      
C. Who      
C. need    
C. long    
C. fun      
C. and      
C. your    
C. isn't    
C. subject  
C. her      
C. store    
D. How    
D. want    
D. tall    
D. strict  
D. but    
D. our    
D. needn't
D. food    
D. it      
D. room    
     Everyone in our school loves sports. Evrey morning _1_ we get up,  we do morning exercises.After the second class we do exercises again.We only have__2_ classes twice a week,but we do physical training at five every afternoon.The most popular sport is basketball. The __3__ enjoy playing it and many of the girls like it,too. _4_ popular sport is football and in every class there._5_ a lot of football fans.Volleyball is often played when the weather is _6_. We have school
     Teams in basketball,football and volleyball. Our teams often __7__ friendship matches with teams from other schools.When there is a match, _8__ of us go to watch it and cheer our side on. Besides ball games,
some of us like track and field events,_9__ we often practise running,jumping and throwing.Every term we
have tests in these events and once a year we hold a sports meeting.Sports help us to keep _10_.
(     ) 1. A.  while              
(     ) 2. A.  English            
(     ) 3. A.  teacher            
(     ) 4. A.  Some other        
(     ) 5. A.  are                
(     ) 6. A.  shining            
(     ) 7. A   see                
(     ) 8. A.  Several            
(     ) 9. A.  becausa            
(     ) 10.A.  thirsty and hungry
B.  when            
B.  Chinese          
B.  boys            
B.  Other            
B.  is              
B.  rainy            
B.  have            
B.  few              
B.   but            
B. healthy and happy
C.  before        
C.  PE.          
C.  students      
C.  Another      
C.  were          
C.  fine          
C . look at      
C. a few          
C.  or            
C. fat and tired  
D .  after        
D.  music        
D.  people        
D.  The other    
D.  was          
D.  wet          
D.  Watch        
D.  many          
D.  and          
D. thin and weak  

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