
  The Spring Festival is China's biggest traditional(传统的) holiday.It usually comes in January or February.It is also called“New Year”because it makes the beginning of a lunar(农历) New Year and the coming of spring.It is celebrated by a big family-reunion dinner.People are very excited and happy.Many people travel hundreds of kilometres to get home for the holiday.And railway stations,bus stations and airports are filled with people hurrying home.Shops and supermarkets are crowded with holiday shoppers.Children are especially happy.They are having their winter vacation;they have many delicious things to eat;they wear new clothes;they fire crackers(爆竹) and fireworks(烟花).Besides they get some pocket money from their parents as gifts.

  The Chinese living in foreign countries also celebrate this big holiday with lion dances,dragon(龙) dances and other colourful performances.Today even many foreigners have come to like our Spring Festival.


Which is China's biggest traditional holiday?

  A.Mid-Autumn Day.  

  B.New Year's Day.

  C.The Spring Festival.


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Why is the Spring Festival also called lunar New Year?

  A.Because it is th beginning of a lunar year.

  B.Because it is a spring day.

  C.Because it is the beginning of a new year.

  D.Because it is the biggest traditional holiday.

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Why are the railway stations,the bus stations and the airports so crowded during the holiday?

  A.Many people are going to other countries for a visit.

  B.Many people are going home for family reunion.

  C.Many students are returning to their schools.

  D.Many people are going to other cities to do shopping.

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What don't the children get during the holiday?

  A.Gift money.  

  B.Candies and crackers.

  C.New textbooks.

  D.New clothes.

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How do the Chinese living in foreign countries celebrate the Spring Festival?

  A.By sending cards to friends.

  B.By returning to China for family reunion.

  C.By holding big parties.

  D.With lion dances,dragon dances and other performances.

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Mr Green had a little boy. Every day had work he came home and played with his son.

One night ,while Mr Green was at work, he __41__ that he had extra work to do for the evening ,and that he wouldn’t be able to play with his son._____42____ he wanted to give the boy something to keep him  __43__. So , looking around his office , he saw a    44   with a large map of the world on the cover(封面). He got an ___45 ____ He removed the map , tore(撕) it up into small pieces and put all the pieces in his coat pocket.

When he got home , the little boy came running to him and was ready to play. Mr Green ___46___that he had extra work to do and couldn’t play at the moment . Then he   ___47__  all the pieces of the map and put them on the table . He said to the  boy,”_48__” was a map of the world, and  ___49___th time you put it back together, my extra work will be finished, and we can ___50___”. Surely, this would keep the child busy for   ___51___  , he thought.

About half an hour later the boy came to Mr Green and said,” Okay, it’s  ___52___ . Can we play now?”

Mr Green said ,“That’s amazing!_____54   did you do that?” The boy said, “It was    55  . On the back of the page was a picture of a man . When I put the man together the whole world fell into place.”

1.A. imagined      B. realized         C. dreamed      D. revealed

2.A. Although      B. Since           C. But          D. Because

3.A. embarrassed   B. smart           C. busy         D. tiring

4.A. bag          B. desk            C. coat         D. magazine

5.A .accident      B. opinion          C. idea         D. explanation  

6.A. considered    B. agreed           C. explained    D. decided   

7.A .showed up    B. took out          C. set up       D. put into

8.A .It           B  He              C. She        D. One

9.A .by          B  at               C. in         D. for

10.A .work        B play              C. eat         D. sleep

11.A .weeks       B days              C. minutes     D. hours

12.A .used        B. enjoyed           C. bought      D. finished

13.A .easy        B. impossible         C. true        D. important

14.A .How        B. Why             C. What       D. When

15.A .simple      B. difficult           C. confusing    D. misleading


I. 听对话选图片 : 5%

(  )1. What did she do yesterday morning?

(  )2. What will the weather be like later on?

II. 听长对话回答问题: 5% (第一段回答6--7小题。第二段回答8--10小题)

(  )6. How does the woman know that the man comes from the USA?

A. From the way he walks               B. From the language he speaks.

C. From the way he speaks.              D. From his parents.

(  )7. Where are the two speakers?

     A. In China.     B. In America.     C. We don’t know.    D. In London.

(  )8. When is Mary’s birthday?

     A. August 15 th.    B. August 16 th.    C. August 12 th.    D. August 13 th.

(  )9. What time will the party begin?

     A. At 2:00 p.m.     B. At 2:20 p.m.     C. At 1:40 p.m.     D. At 1:30 p.m.

(  )10. Will Jean come to the party?

     A. No, she won’t, because she’ll meet her sister at the station.

     B. Yes, she will, but she’ll be late for the party.

     C. Not sure. Perhaps she won’t be able to come.

     D. We can’t know from the dialogue.

III. 短文理解: 10%

                             ( A )

(  )11. When does Jim usually get up in the morning?

A. At 5:30.     B. At 6:00.       C. At 6:30.       D. At 7:00.

(  )12. Where does Jim have lunch on weekdays?

A. At school.   B. At home.       C. At the table.  D. At the desk.

(  )13. Does Jim watch TV on Sunday evening?

A.     Yes, he does. B. No, he doesn’t. C. Yes, he is.  D. No, he isn’t.

(  )14. How many people are there in Jim’s family?

A. One.         B. Two.           C. Three.         D. Four

(  )15. When does Jim go to bed?

A. At 7:00.     B. At 8:00        C. At 9:00.       D. At 10:00.

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