From Monday to Friday most people are busy working or studying, but in the evenings and weekends they are free and  31 themselves. Some watch television or go to the cinema, others take part in sports. This is decided by their own   32  .
There are many different ways to spend our free time.
Almost everyone has some kind of   33  : it may be something from collecting stamps to ____34___ model planes. Some hobbies are very   35 , but others don’t cost anything at all. Some collections are worth(值得…的)  36 of money, others are valuable(有价值的) only to their owners.
I know a man who has a coin collection worth several   37  dollars. A short time ago he bought a rare(罕见的)fifty-cent piece which   38  him $250! He was very happy about this collection and thought the price was all right. On the other hand, my youngest brother collects match boxes. He has almost 600 of them, but I wonder(怀疑) if they are worth any money. However,  39  my brother they are quite valuable.
 40  makes him happier than to find a new match box for his collection.

A.interesting B.excitingC.cheapD.expensive
A.a littleB.a fewC.a lotD.a number
A.thousandB.thousandsC.thousands ofD.thousand of

There is a girl of 15, who has set up a company of her own. Her name is Wendy Wong. She 1  the business two years ago. She has already__2___several successful computer games. They are so ___3___that over half a million games are __4__out every year. Now all of her family work in her business, and she is _5_ at school.
She gets up early in the morning, and then has a __6__ with her family about the _7__over breakfast. Every day during weekdays, she goes to school in her own car with a _8_, for she is not old enough.
She enjoys her school, but some of the work is too___9__for her to feel __10_. She usually gets “A” grades in all her__11_, so the other students often asks her for__12_.
She finishes her homework in half an hour_13_ her driver takes her home. After dinner, she goes to her office and__14__ to work on her computer, writing games until 2a.m. She does not usually need so much __15__ as other children.

【小题3】 B.usefulC.surprisingD.popular




Class:Junior 3

Student’s progress report:My exam results are good in all subjects and I am very pleased about this because I did a lot of revision.My best results were in my favourite subjects,physics and chemistry,I know I am good at them and I enjoy dong scientific experiments.

Teacher’s report:Sara is an intelligent,hardworking student with an excellent attitude(态度) to her schoolwork.She is quite shy and should be encouraged to join school clubs and afterschool activities.




Class:Junior 3

Student’s progress report:I am happy because my exam results are a lot better than they were last term.I love computers and computer games and my best grades were in Information Technology.I would love to be a computer programmer but I don’t know if I’m clever enough.But I wouli like to do work with computers.The other thing I’m really interested in is languages.I enjoy learning English and find translation quite easy.

Teacher’s report:Steve is a lively and popular student who has made much progress this term.However,he needs to be mor serious and organised if he wants to become a computer programmer.He should get good results in math.Steve’s Enhlish has improved a lot.Perhaps he should consider becoming an English teacher.

1.Who did a lot of work for the exams?

A.Sara.             B.Steve.             C.Both.

2.Sara enjoys _________.

A.playing computer games.

B.doing scientific experiments

C.learning English

3.The teacher thinks Steve needs to ____________.

A.improve his math     B.learn English better more cmputer games

4.In the teacher’s opinion,Steve should be __________.

A.a scientist  English teacher       C.a comptuer programmer

5.Which of the following activities is the most suitable to improve Sara?

A.Playing computer games.  B.Watching TV.     C.Playing basketball.


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