
Zijin Mountain Observation(紫金山天文台)
Price: Adults ¥50
Children ¥20
 Xuanwu Lake
Price: Adults¥ 60
Children (10 years old and over) ¥30
Children (under 10 years old) free
Open: 6.00 a.m.—7:00 p.m. every day
  Nanjing Zoo
Price: Adults ¥40
Children (12years old and over ) ¥15
Children (under 12 years old) free
Open : 7:00 a.m.—6:00p.m. from Monday to Friday
6.30 a.m. to 6.30p.m. on Saturday and Sunday
小题1:Jim are 12. If he goes to Zijin Mountain Observation with his parents, they should spend____________. 
A.60 yuanB.90 yuanC.120 yuanD.150 yuan
小题2:You are eight years old. If you don’t take any money, you _______________.
A.can’t go to any placeB.can go to only one place
C.can go to two placesD.can go to three places
小题3:It is 6.35 a.m. on Sunday, you can visit ____________.
A.Zijin Mountain ObservationB.Xuanwu Lake
C.Nanjing ZooD.both B and C
小题4:How do we say “free” in Chinese in the information?
小题5:From the information, we can know _____________.
A.Nanjing Zoo is open for 12 hours a day on Tuesday.
B.the price for adults is 60 yuan in Xuanwu Lake
C.you can only go to Nanjing Zoo from Monday to Friday
D.children under 8 can’t go to Nanjing Zoo


小题1:计算理解题,根据文中语句“Adults ¥50 Children ¥20”可知。
小题3:细节理解题,根据文中语句“Open: 6.00 a.m.—7:00 p.m. every day”可知。
On the first day of class, Roni’s foreign students fill out form and give information about themselves.
Name: Claude Ansari                           Country: France
Native Language: Arabic                       Time in U.S.: 10 months
Please tell me a little about yourself.
Family: I live with my wife and 2-year-old daughter.
Work: I was an art school student in France. But now, I’m working as a cook.
Interests: I love to cook (and eat). I also like to go mountain climbing.
Name: Su Chen Wang                           Country: Taiwan, China
Native Language: Chinese                        Time in U.S.: 4 years
Please tell me a little about yourself.
Family: I have 3 boys and 2 girls. They’re all attending school here.
My husband is a businessman and lives in Taiwan.
Work: I was a maths teacher but now I’m a housewife.
Interests: I like indoor activities: reading, drawing, listening to music.
Name: Rorma Ruiz                          Country: Guatemala
Native Language: Spanish                     Time in U.S.: 2 years
Please tell me a little about yourself.
Family: My family—my mother and 4 brothers—lives in Guatemala. I’m here by myself.
Work: I worked as a nurse in my country. Here I’m a tailor.
Interests: I like to go to movies and buy videos. I love to study.
小题1:Who has lived in America for the shortest time?
A. Claude Ansari  B. Norma’s mother.   C. Su Chen Wang
小题2:__________worked in a hospital a few years ago.
A. Claude Ansari   B. Su Chen Wang      C. Norma Ruiz
小题3:Su Chen Wang’s children are attending school in ___________.
A. France         B. the U.S.          C. Taiwan
小题4:These three people will ___________ together.
A. go mountain climbing   B.listen to music    C. study in the same class
小题5:Which of the following is Not True?
A. They all had jobs before they came to America?
B. They all have children.
C. They are foreign students of a school in America now.
The world’s population has reached 7 billion(十亿)according to the United Nations(联合国)by 2011. It comes just 12 years since the total reached 6 billion - with official estimates saying the population will top 8 billion in 2025 and 10 billion before the end of the century.
And it is most likely that the 10-billionth baby will be born in the Asia-Pacific region - where the population growth rate is higher than anywhere else in the world.
Of the 2.3 billion people, the United Nations believes will be added by 2050, more than 1 billion will live in sub-Saharan Africa. The Indian subcontinent(次大陆)will add some 630 million people.

With more people to feed, more houses & medical care to provide, experts say the world’s resources(资源)will face more strain than before.
小题1:According to the picture, the population of the world reached 6 billion in ________.
A. 1987                     B. 1999                     C. 2011
小题2:We know that more than 1 billion will live in  _______ by 2050.
A. sub-Saharan Africa
B. Indian subcontinent
C. the United States
小题3:According to the picture, _______ will have the largest population in 2050.
A. China                        B. India                        C. Nigeria
小题4:The underlined word “strain” in the last paragraph(段落)means “_________”.
A. 破坏                     B. 关闭                     C. 压力
小题5:The population of the world grows ________ according to the picture.
A. slower and slower
B. faster and faster
C. smaller and smaller

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