
【题目】 Kroc’s family is very poor(穷),so he works in a restaurant(餐馆) to make some money after school. The boss(老板) asks to clean the tables every day. Kroc is very .

One day Kroc home late. After dinner, Kroc says to his father, “I don’t want to go to the restaurant tomorrow. I want a boss. I don’t want to clean the tables every day.” His father anything. He asks Kroc to clean the table. Kroc cleans the table quickly. Then his father wipes(擦) the table with a white cloth(布)and the cloth becomes(变得) very dirty. His father says to his son, Ray Kroc, “It is easy for you to clean a table, you can’t clean it very well. can you be the boss?” Ray Kroc’s face gets red.

He forgets his father’s words(话). that, he uses five cloths each time to clean the tables. He hard all the time. The boss likes him a lot and makes him new boss of the restaurant. Ten years later, Ray Kroc opens his first restaurant company(公司)——McDonald’s.

【1】A. he B. him C. his D. he’s

【2】A. happy B. interesting C. unhappy D. fun

【3】A. arrives at B. arrives C. gets to D. arrives in

【4】A. to be B. am C. be D. make

【5】A. says B. speaks C. doesn’t talk D. doesn’t say

【6】A. and B. then C. but D. because

【7】A. How B. Where C. Who D. What

【8】A. doesn’t B. never C. not D. no

【9】A. Before B. At C. In D. After

【10】A. work B. eat C. works D. eats















【2】C考查形容词辨析与语境理解。结合后文I don’t want to go to the restaurant tomorrow.我明天不想去饭店了,此句为:Kroc非常不高兴。A. 开心;B. 有趣的;C. 不开心;D .有趣的,结合语境故选C。


【4】A考查动词辨析与语境理解。结合前后文及选项词意,此句为:我想成为一名老板。Want to do 想做某事,后接动词不定式做宾语,故此题选A。

【5】D考查词辨析与语境理解。结合前后文及选项词意,此句为:他父亲什么也没说。Talk交谈,常用于talk to sb.; say说,后接说话的内容,结合语境故选D。

【6】C考查词辨析与语境理解。前后两个句子是转折关系,此句为:擦桌子对你来说容易,但是你不能做好。A. 而且;B. 然后;C. 但是;D. 因为,结合语境故选C。

【7】A考查词辨析与语境理解。结合前后文及选项词意,此句为:你如何成为一个老板?A. 如何;B. 哪里;C. 谁;D. 什么,结合语境故选A。


【9】D考查词辨析与语境理解。结合前后文及选项词意,此句为:从那以后,他每次用五块布去擦桌子。A. 之前;B. 在…时候;C .在里面;D. 之后,结合语境故选D。



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